require 'rails/generators/named_base' module Thecore class ThecorizePluginGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) # Something like: # class_option :git_server, aliases: "-g" def init_constants say "Setting the variables", :green @plugin_path = @destination_stack.first.match("^.*#{@name}"))[0] @parent_path = File.expand_path("..", @plugin_path) @plugin_parent_name = @parent_path.split(File::SEPARATOR).last @plugin_initializers_dir = File.join(@plugin_path, "config", "initializers") @plugin_models_dir = File.join(@plugin_path, "app", "models") @plugin_lib_file = File.join(@plugin_path, "lib", @name, "engine.rb") Dir.chdir @plugin_models_dir do # Getting all the models that are activerecords: @model_files = Dir.glob("*.rb").map do |model| file = File.join(@plugin_models_dir,model) model if is_applicationrecord?(file) end.compact end end desc "Make migrations usable into main app" def migrations_to_main_app say "Checking if it's an engine" if is_engine?(@plugin_lib_file) && !has_add_to_migrations_declaration?(@plugin_lib_file) say "Adding migration reflection into engine.rb of", :green inject_into_file @plugin_lib_file, after: "class Engine < ::Rails::Engine\n" do " initializer '#{@name}.add_to_migrations' do |app| unless app.root.to_s == root.to_s # APPEND TO MAIN APP MIGRATIONS FROM THIS GEM config.paths['db/migrate'].expanded.each do |expanded_path| app.config.paths['db/migrate'] << expanded_path end end end " end end end desc "require thecore" def add_require_thecore inject_into_file "lib/#{@name}.rb", before: "require \"#{@name}/engine\"" do " require 'thecore' " end end desc "Add Ability File" def add_ability_file # do this just the first time say "Adding abilities file", :green abilities_file_name = "abilities_#{@name}_concern.rb" abilities_file_fullpath = File.join(@plugin_initializers_dir, abilities_file_name) initializer abilities_file_name do " require 'active_support/concern' module #{@name.classify}AbilitiesConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do def #{@name}_abilities user if user # if the user is logged in, it can do certain tasks regardless his role if user.admin? # if the user is an admin, it can do a lot of things, usually end if user.has_role? :role # a specific role, brings specific powers end end end end end # include the extension TheCoreAbilities.send(:include, #{@name.classify}AbilitiesConcern) " end unless File.exists?(abilities_file_fullpath) end desc "Add after_initialize File" def add_after_initialize_file # do this just the first time say "Adding after_initialize file", :green after_initialize_file_name = "#{@name}_after_initialize.rb" after_initialize_file_fullpath = File.join(@plugin_initializers_dir, after_initialize_file_name) initializer after_initialize_file_name do " Rails.application.configure do config.after_initialize do end end " end unless File.exists?(after_initialize_file_fullpath) end def manage_git say "Manage Git", :green rails_command "g thecore:add_git #{@name}" end def thecoreize_the_models rails_command "g thecore:thecorize_models #{@name}" end private def ask_question_multiple_choice models, question = "Choose among one of these, please." return [] if models.empty? # raccolgo tutte le risposte che non siano cancel # e ritorno l'array return_array = [] while (answer ||= "") != "cancel" remaining_models = (models-return_array) break if remaining_models.empty? answer = ask question, :red, limited_to: remaining_models.push("cancel").uniq break if answer == "cancel" return_array.push answer end return return_array end def is_has_many_through? file, assoc, through (File.readlines(file).grep(/^[ \t]*has_many[ \t]+:#{assoc},[ \t]+through:[ \t]+:#{through}.*/).size > 0) rescue false end def has_polymorphic_has_many? file, polymorphic_name (File.readlines(file).grep(/^[ \t]*has_many.+as: :#{polymorphic_name}.*/).size > 0) rescue false end def is_activerecord? file (File.readlines(file).grep(/^class [A-Za-z0-9]+ < ActiveRecord::Base/).size > 0) rescue false end def is_applicationrecord? file (File.readlines(file).grep(/^class [A-Za-z0-9]+ < ApplicationRecord/).size > 0) rescue false end def has_rails_admin_declaration? file (File.readlines(file).grep(/^[ \t]*rails_admin do/).size > 0) rescue false end def is_engine? file (File.readlines(file).grep(/^[ \t]*class Engine < ::Rails::Engine/).size > 0) rescue false end def has_add_to_migrations_declaration? file (File.readlines(file).grep(/^[ \t]*initializer '[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.add_to_migrations' do \|app\|/).size > 0) rescue false end def has_has_many_association? file, assoc reg_def = "^[ \\t]+has_many[ \\t]+:#{assoc}" (File.readlines(file).grep( > 0) rescue false end end end