module Wukong # # A hashlike has to # # * # * The arguments to your initializer should be the same as the keys, in order # If not, you must override #from_hash # # module HashLike # List of possible keys -- # delegates to the class def keys self.class.keys end # # Return a Hash containing only values for the given keys. # # Since this is intended to mirror Hash#slice it will harmlessly ignore keys # not present in the struct. They will be unset (hsh.include? is not true) # as opposed to nil. # def slice *keys keys.inject({}) do |hsh, key| hsh[key] = send(key) if respond_to?(key) hsh end end # # values_at like a hash # # Since this is intended to mirror Hash#values_at it will harmlessly ignore # keys not present in the struct # def values_of *keys{|key| self.send(key) if respond_to?(key) } end # # Convert to a hash # def to_hash slice(*self.class.members) end # # Analagous to Hash#each_pair # def pairs{|attr| [attr, self[attr]] } end # # Analagous to Hash#each_pair # def each_pair *args, &block pairs.each(*args, &block) end # # Analagous to Hash#merge # def merge *args self.dup.merge! *args end def merge! hsh, &block raise "can't handle block arg yet" if block hsh.each_pair{|key, val| self.send("#{key}=", val) if self.respond_to?("#{key}=") } self end alias_method :update, :merge! # # Merge hashes recursively. # Nothing special happens to array values # # x = { :subhash => { 1 => :val_from_x, 222 => :only_in_x, 333 => :only_in_x }, :scalar => :scalar_from_x} # y = { :subhash => { 1 => :val_from_y, 999 => :only_in_y }, :scalar => :scalar_from_y } # x.deep_merge y # => {:subhash=>{1=>:val_from_y, 222=>:only_in_x, 333=>:only_in_x, 999=>:only_in_y}, :scalar=>:scalar_from_y} # y.deep_merge x # => {:subhash=>{1=>:val_from_x, 222=>:only_in_x, 333=>:only_in_x, 999=>:only_in_y}, :scalar=>:scalar_from_x} # def deep_merge hsh2 merge hsh2, &Hash::DEEP_MERGER end # # remove all key-value pairs where the value is blank # def compact_blank to_hash.compact_blank! end module ClassMethods # # Instantiate an instance of the struct from a hash # # Specify has_symbol_keys if the supplied hash's keys are symbolic; # otherwise they must be uniformly strings # def from_hash(hsh, has_symbol_keys=false) keys = self.keys keys = if has_symbol_keys *hsh.values_of(*keys) end # # The last portion of the class in underscored form # note memoization # def self.resource_name @resource_name ||= self.to_s.gsub(%r{.*::}, '').underscore.to_sym end end def self.included base base.class_eval do extend ClassMethods end end def coerce_attr attr, coerce_blank_to_nil=false, &block orig_val = self.send(attr) new_val = (coerce_blank_to_nil && orig_val.blank?) ? nil : self.send("#{attr}=", new_val) end def coerce_to_int! attr, *args coerce_attr(attr, *args) do |val| val.to_i end end def coerce_to_date! attr, *args coerce_attr(attr, *args){|val| val.is_a?(DateTime) ? val : DateTime.parse(val) rescue nil } end end end