# # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2012 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require 'chef/client' describe Chef::RunLock do # This behavior works on windows, but the tests use fork :( describe "when locking the chef-client run", :unix_only => true do ## # Lockfile location and helpers let(:random_temp_root) do Kernel.srand(Time.now.to_i + Process.pid) "/tmp/#{Kernel.rand(Time.now.to_i + Process.pid)}" end let(:lockfile){ "#{random_temp_root}/this/long/path/does/not/exist/chef-client-running.pid" } # make sure to start with a clean slate. before(:each){ FileUtils.rm_r(random_temp_root) if File.exist?(random_temp_root) } after(:each){ FileUtils.rm_r(random_temp_root) } def wait_on_lock tries = 0 until File.exist?(lockfile) raise "Lockfile never created, abandoning test" if tries > 10 tries += 1 sleep 0.1 end end ## # Side channel via a pipe allows child processes to send errors to the parent # Don't lazy create the pipe or else we might not share it with subprocesses let!(:error_pipe) do r,w = IO.pipe w.sync = true [r,w] end let(:error_read) { error_pipe[0] } let(:error_write) { error_pipe[1] } after do error_read.close unless error_read.closed? error_write.close unless error_write.closed? end # Send a RuntimeError from the child process to the parent process. Also # prints error to $stdout, just in case something goes wrong with the error # marshaling stuff. def send_side_channel_error(message) $stderr.puts(message) $stderr.puts(caller) e = RuntimeError.new(message) error_write.print(Marshal.dump(e)) end # Read the error (if any) from the error channel. If a marhaled error is # present, it is unmarshaled and raised (which will fail the test) def raise_side_channel_error! error_write.close err = error_read.read error_read.close begin # ArgumentError from Marshal.load indicates no data, which we assume # means no error in child process. raise Marshal.load(err) rescue ArgumentError nil end end ## # Interprocess synchronization via a pipe. This allows us to control the # state of the processes competing over the lock without relying on sleep. let!(:sync_pipe) do r,w = IO.pipe w.sync = true [r,w] end let(:sync_read) { sync_pipe[0] } let(:sync_write) { sync_pipe[1] } after do sync_read.close unless sync_read.closed? sync_write.close unless sync_write.closed? end # Wait on synchronization signal. If not received within the timeout, an # error is sent via the error channel, and the process exits. def sync_wait if IO.select([sync_read], nil, nil, 20).nil? # timeout reading from the sync pipe. send_side_channel_error("Error syncing processes in run lock test (timeout)") exit!(1) else sync_read.getc end end # Sends a character in the sync pipe, which wakes ("unlocks") another # process that is waiting on the sync signal def sync_send sync_write.putc("!") sync_write.flush end ## # IPC to record test results in a pipe. Tests can read pipe contents to # check that operations occur in the expected order. let!(:results_pipe) do r,w = IO.pipe w.sync = true [r,w] end let(:results_read) { results_pipe[0] } let(:results_write) { results_pipe[1] } after do results_read.close unless results_read.closed? results_write.close unless results_write.closed? end # writes the message to the results pipe for later checking. # note that nothing accounts for the pipe filling and waiting forever on a # read or write call, so don't put too much data in. def record(message) results_write.puts(message) results_write.flush end def results results_write.flush results_write.close message = results_read.read results_read.close message end ## # Run lock is the system under test let!(:run_lock) { Chef::RunLock.new(lockfile) } it "creates the full path to the lockfile" do lambda { run_lock.acquire }.should_not raise_error File.should exist(lockfile) end it "sets FD_CLOEXEC on the lockfile", :supports_cloexec => true do run_lock.acquire (run_lock.runlock.fcntl(Fcntl::F_GETFD, 0) & Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC).should == Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC end it "allows only one chef client run per lockfile" do # First process, gets the lock and keeps it. p1 = fork do run_lock.acquire record "p1 has lock" # Wait until the other process is trying to get the lock: sync_wait # sleep a little bit to make process p2 wait on the lock sleep 2 record "p1 releasing lock" run_lock.release exit!(0) end # Wait until p1 creates the lockfile wait_on_lock p2 = fork do # inform process p1 that we're trying to get the lock sync_send run_lock.acquire record "p2 has lock" run_lock.release exit!(0) end Process.waitpid2(p1) Process.waitpid2(p2) raise_side_channel_error! expected=<<-E p1 has lock p1 releasing lock p2 has lock E results.should == expected end it "clears the lock if the process dies unexpectedly" do p1 = fork do run_lock.acquire record "p1 has lock" sleep 60 record "p1 still has lock" exit! 1 end wait_on_lock Process.kill(:KILL, p1) Process.waitpid2(p1) p2 = fork do run_lock.acquire record "p2 has lock" run_lock.release exit! 0 end Process.waitpid2(p2) results.should =~ /p2 has lock\Z/ end it "test returns true and acquires the lock" do p1 = fork do run_lock.test.should == true sleep 2 exit! 1 end wait_on_lock p2 = fork do run_lock.test.should == false exit! 0 end Process.waitpid2(p2) Process.waitpid2(p1) end it "test returns without waiting when the lock is acquired" do p1 = fork do run_lock.acquire sleep 2 exit! 1 end wait_on_lock run_lock.test.should == false Process.waitpid2(p1) end it "doesn't truncate the lock file so that contents can be read" do p1 = fork do run_lock.acquire run_lock.save_pid sleep 2 exit! 1 end wait_on_lock File.read(lockfile).should == p1.to_s Process.waitpid2(p1) end end end