describe HybridPlatformsConductor::ServicesHandler do context 'when checking actions to deploy services on a node' do # Expect actions for a deployment to match a given list # # Parameters:: # * *node* (String): Node on which we deploy # * *services* (Array): Services being deployed # * *check* (Boolean): Are we asking for a deployment in check mode? # * expected_deploys* (Array< Hash >): Expected deployment actions: # * *node* (String): Node on which deployment should occur # * *service* (String): Service that should be deployed # * *platform* (String): Platform that should be used to deploy this service [default: 'platform'] # * *check* (Boolean): Should the action be deployed in check mode? [default: false] def expect_deploy_actions(node, services, check, expected_deploys) actions = test_services_handler.actions_to_deploy_on(node, services, check) expect(actions.size).to eq expected_deploys.size * 3 actions.each_slice(3).zip(expected_deploys) do |((marker_begin, action, marker_end), expected_deploy)| # Check that we log the begin marker before deploying the service expect(marker_begin.keys).to eq [:ruby] stdout_begin = stderr_begin = marker_begin[:ruby].call(stdout_begin, stderr_begin) expect(stdout_begin.string.strip).to eq "===== [ #{expected_deploy[:node]} / #{expected_deploy[:service]} ] - HPC Service #{expected_deploy[:check] ? 'Check' : 'Deploy'} ===== Begin" expect(stderr_begin.string.strip).to eq "===== [ #{expected_deploy[:node]} / #{expected_deploy[:service]} ] - HPC Service #{expected_deploy[:check] ? 'Check' : 'Deploy'} ===== Begin" # Check that the service is deployed according to our mocked PlatformHandler expect(action).to eq(bash: "echo \"#{expected_deploy[:check] ? 'Checking' : 'Deploying'} #{expected_deploy[:service]} (#{expected_deploy[:platform] || 'platform'}) on #{expected_deploy[:node]}\"") # Check that we log the end marker after deploying the service stdout_end = stderr_end = marker_end[:ruby].call(stdout_end, stderr_end) expect(stdout_end.string.strip).to eq "===== [ #{expected_deploy[:node]} / #{expected_deploy[:service]} ] - HPC Service #{expected_deploy[:check] ? 'Check' : 'Deploy'} ===== End" expect(stderr_end.string.strip).to eq "===== [ #{expected_deploy[:node]} / #{expected_deploy[:service]} ] - HPC Service #{expected_deploy[:check] ? 'Check' : 'Deploy'} ===== End" end end it 'deploys a service' do with_test_platform( { nodes: { 'node' => { services: %w[service1] } }, deployable_services: %w[service1] } ) do expect_deploy_actions( 'node', %w[service1], false, [ { node: 'node', service: 'service1' } ] ) end end it 'deploys a service in why-run mode' do with_test_platform( { nodes: { 'node' => { services: %w[service1] } }, deployable_services: %w[service1] } ) do expect_deploy_actions( 'node', %w[service1], true, [ { node: 'node', service: 'service1', check: true } ] ) end end it 'deploys several services' do with_test_platform( { nodes: { 'node' => { services: %w[service1 service2] } }, deployable_services: %w[service1 service2] } ) do expect_deploy_actions( 'node', %w[service1 service2], false, [ { node: 'node', service: 'service1' }, { node: 'node', service: 'service2' } ] ) end end it 'deploys several services from different platforms' do with_test_platforms( { 'platform1' => { nodes: { 'node' => { services: %w[service1 service2] } }, deployable_services: %w[service1] }, 'platform2' => { nodes: {}, deployable_services: %w[service2] } } ) do expect_deploy_actions( 'node', %w[service1 service2], false, [ { node: 'node', service: 'service1', platform: 'platform1' }, { node: 'node', service: 'service2', platform: 'platform2' } ] ) end end it 'deploys several services from different platforms in the correct order' do with_test_platforms( { 'platform1' => { nodes: { 'node' => { services: %w[service1 service2 service3 service4] } }, deployable_services: %w[service1] }, 'platform2' => { nodes: {}, deployable_services: %w[service2 service3] }, 'platform3' => { nodes: {}, deployable_services: %w[service4] } } ) do expect_deploy_actions( 'node', %w[service3 service1 service4 service2], false, [ { node: 'node', service: 'service3', platform: 'platform2' }, { node: 'node', service: 'service1', platform: 'platform1' }, { node: 'node', service: 'service4', platform: 'platform3' }, { node: 'node', service: 'service2', platform: 'platform2' } ] ) end end it 'deploys only required services' do with_test_platform( { nodes: { 'node' => { services: %w[service1 service2] } }, deployable_services: %w[service1 service2] } ) do expect_deploy_actions( 'node', %w[service2], false, [ { node: 'node', service: 'service2' } ] ) end end it 'fails if a service can\'t be deployed' do with_test_platform( { nodes: { 'node' => { services: %w[service1 service2] } }, deployable_services: %w[service1] } ) do expect { test_services_handler.actions_to_deploy_on('node', %w[service2], false) }.to raise_error 'No platform is able to deploy the service service2' end end end end