import { element, getjQuery, typeCheckConfig, onDOMContentLoaded } from '../mdb/util/index'; import Data from '../mdb/dom/data'; import EventHandler from '../mdb/dom/event-handler'; import Manipulator from '../mdb/dom/manipulator'; import SelectorEngine from '../mdb/dom/selector-engine'; /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Constants * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ const NAME = 'ripple'; const DATA_KEY = 'mdb.ripple'; const CLASSNAME_RIPPLE = 'ripple-surface'; const CLASSNAME_RIPPLE_WAVE = 'ripple-wave'; const CLASSNAME_RIPPLE_WRAPPER = 'input-wrapper'; const SELECTOR_COMPONENT = ['.btn', '.ripple']; const CLASSNAME_UNBOUND = 'ripple-surface-unbound'; const GRADIENT = 'rgba({{color}}, 0.2) 0, rgba({{color}}, 0.3) 40%, rgba({{color}}, 0.4) 50%, rgba({{color}}, 0.5) 60%, rgba({{color}}, 0) 70%'; const DEFAULT_RIPPLE_COLOR = [0, 0, 0]; const BOOTSTRAP_COLORS = [ 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'info', 'light', 'dark', ]; // Sets value when run opacity transition // Hide element after 50% (0.5) time of animation and finish on 100% const TRANSITION_BREAK_OPACITY = 0.5; const Default = { rippleCentered: false, rippleColor: '', rippleDuration: '500ms', rippleRadius: 0, rippleUnbound: false, }; const DefaultType = { rippleCentered: 'boolean', rippleColor: 'string', rippleDuration: 'string', rippleRadius: 'number', rippleUnbound: 'boolean', }; /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Class Definition * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ class Ripple { constructor(element, options) { this._element = element; this._options = this._getConfig(options); if (this._element) { Data.setData(element, DATA_KEY, this); Manipulator.addClass(this._element, CLASSNAME_RIPPLE); } this._clickHandler = this._createRipple.bind(this); this._rippleTimer = null; this._isMinWidthSet = false; this._rippleInSpan = false; this.init(); } // Getters static get NAME() { return NAME; } // Public init() { this._addClickEvent(this._element); } dispose() { Data.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY);, 'click', this._clickHandler); this._element = null; this._options = null; } // Private _autoInit(event) { SELECTOR_COMPONENT.forEach((selector) => { const target = SelectorEngine.closest(, selector); if (target) { this._element = SelectorEngine.closest(, selector); } }); this._options = this._getConfig(); if (this._element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input') { const parent = this._element.parentNode; this._rippleInSpan = true; if (parent.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'span' && parent.classList.contains(CLASSNAME_RIPPLE)) { this._element = parent; } else { const shadow = getComputedStyle(this._element).boxShadow; const btn = this._element; const wrapper = document.createElement('span'); if (btn.classList.contains('btn-block')) { = 'block'; }, 'mouseup', (e) => { // prevent submit on click other than LMB, ripple still triggered, but submit is blocked if (e.button === 0) {; } }); wrapper.classList.add(CLASSNAME_RIPPLE, CLASSNAME_RIPPLE_WRAPPER); Manipulator.addStyle(wrapper, { border: 0, 'box-shadow': shadow, }); // Put element as child parent.replaceChild(wrapper, this._element); wrapper.appendChild(this._element); this._element = wrapper; } this._element.focus(); } if (! {, { 'min-width': `${getComputedStyle(this._element).width}` }); this._isMinWidthSet = true; } Manipulator.addClass(this._element, CLASSNAME_RIPPLE); this._createRipple(event); } _addClickEvent(target) { EventHandler.on(target, 'mousedown', this._clickHandler); } _getEventLayer(event) { const x = Math.round(event.clientX -; const y = Math.round(event.clientY -; return { layerX: x, layerY: y }; } _createRipple(event) { if (!Manipulator.hasClass(this._element, CLASSNAME_RIPPLE)) { Manipulator.addClass(this._element, CLASSNAME_RIPPLE); } const { layerX, layerY } = this._getEventLayer(event); const offsetX = layerX; const offsetY = layerY; const height = this._element.offsetHeight; const width = this._element.offsetWidth; const duration = this._durationToMsNumber(this._options.rippleDuration); const diameterOptions = { offsetX: this._options.rippleCentered ? height / 2 : offsetX, offsetY: this._options.rippleCentered ? width / 2 : offsetY, height, width, }; const diameter = this._getDiameter(diameterOptions); const radiusValue = this._options.rippleRadius || diameter / 2; const opacity = { delay: duration * TRANSITION_BREAK_OPACITY, duration: duration - duration * TRANSITION_BREAK_OPACITY, }; const styles = { left: this._options.rippleCentered ? `${width / 2 - radiusValue}px` : `${offsetX - radiusValue}px`, top: this._options.rippleCentered ? `${height / 2 - radiusValue}px` : `${offsetY - radiusValue}px`, height: `${this._options.rippleRadius * 2 || diameter}px`, width: `${this._options.rippleRadius * 2 || diameter}px`, transitionDelay: `0s, ${opacity.delay}ms`, transitionDuration: `${duration}ms, ${opacity.duration}ms`, }; const rippleHTML = element('div'); this._createHTMLRipple({ wrapper: this._element, ripple: rippleHTML, styles }); this._removeHTMLRipple({ ripple: rippleHTML, duration }); } _createHTMLRipple({ wrapper, ripple, styles }) { Object.keys(styles).forEach((property) => ([property] = styles[property])); ripple.classList.add(CLASSNAME_RIPPLE_WAVE); if (this._options.rippleColor !== '') { this._removeOldColorClasses(wrapper); this._addColor(ripple, wrapper); } this._toggleUnbound(wrapper); this._appendRipple(ripple, wrapper); } _removeHTMLRipple({ ripple, duration }) { if (this._rippleTimer) { clearTimeout(this._rippleTimer); this._rippleTimer = null; } this._rippleTimer = setTimeout(() => { if (ripple) { ripple.remove(); if (this._element) { SelectorEngine.find(`.${CLASSNAME_RIPPLE_WAVE}`, this._element).forEach((rippleEl) => { rippleEl.remove(); }); if (this._isMinWidthSet) {, { 'min-width': '' }); this._isMinWidthSet = false; } if (this._rippleInSpan && this._element.classList.contains(CLASSNAME_RIPPLE_WRAPPER)) { this._removeWrapperSpan(); } else { Manipulator.removeClass(this._element, CLASSNAME_RIPPLE); } } } }, duration); } _removeWrapperSpan() { const child = this._element.firstChild; this._element.replaceWith(child); this._element = child; this._element.focus(); this._rippleInSpan = false; } _durationToMsNumber(time) { return Number(time.replace('ms', '').replace('s', '000')); } _getConfig(config = {}) { const dataAttributes = Manipulator.getDataAttributes(this._element); config = { ...Default, ...dataAttributes, ...config, }; typeCheckConfig(NAME, config, DefaultType); return config; } _getDiameter({ offsetX, offsetY, height, width }) { const top = offsetY <= height / 2; const left = offsetX <= width / 2; const pythagorean = (sideA, sideB) => Math.sqrt(sideA ** 2 + sideB ** 2); const positionCenter = offsetY === height / 2 && offsetX === width / 2; // mouse position on the quadrants of the coordinate system const quadrant = { first: top === true && left === false, second: top === true && left === true, third: top === false && left === true, fourth: top === false && left === false, }; const getCorner = { topLeft: pythagorean(offsetX, offsetY), topRight: pythagorean(width - offsetX, offsetY), bottomLeft: pythagorean(offsetX, height - offsetY), bottomRight: pythagorean(width - offsetX, height - offsetY), }; let diameter = 0; if (positionCenter || quadrant.fourth) { diameter = getCorner.topLeft; } else if (quadrant.third) { diameter = getCorner.topRight; } else if (quadrant.second) { diameter = getCorner.bottomRight; } else if (quadrant.first) { diameter = getCorner.bottomLeft; } return diameter * 2; } _appendRipple(target, parent) { const FIX_ADD_RIPPLE_EFFECT = 50; // delay for active animations parent.appendChild(target); setTimeout(() => { Manipulator.addClass(target, 'active'); }, FIX_ADD_RIPPLE_EFFECT); } _toggleUnbound(target) { if (this._options.rippleUnbound === true) { Manipulator.addClass(target, CLASSNAME_UNBOUND); } else { target.classList.remove(CLASSNAME_UNBOUND); } } _addColor(target, parent) { const IS_BOOTSTRAP_COLOR = BOOTSTRAP_COLORS.find( (color) => color === this._options.rippleColor.toLowerCase() ); if (IS_BOOTSTRAP_COLOR) { Manipulator.addClass( parent, `${CLASSNAME_RIPPLE}-${this._options.rippleColor.toLowerCase()}` ); } else { const rgbValue = this._colorToRGB(this._options.rippleColor).join(','); const gradientImage = GRADIENT.split('{{color}}').join(`${rgbValue}`); = `radial-gradient(circle, ${gradientImage})`; } } _removeOldColorClasses(target) { const REGEXP_CLASS_COLOR = new RegExp(`${CLASSNAME_RIPPLE}-[a-z]+`, 'gi'); const PARENT_CLASSS_COLOR = target.classList.value.match(REGEXP_CLASS_COLOR) || []; PARENT_CLASSS_COLOR.forEach((className) => { target.classList.remove(className); }); } _colorToRGB(color) { function hexToRgb(color) { const HEX_COLOR_LENGTH = 7; const IS_SHORT_HEX = color.length < HEX_COLOR_LENGTH; if (IS_SHORT_HEX) { color = `#${color[1]}${color[1]}${color[2]}${color[2]}${color[3]}${color[3]}`; } return [ parseInt(color.substr(1, 2), 16), parseInt(color.substr(3, 2), 16), parseInt(color.substr(5, 2), 16), ]; } function namedColorsToRgba(color) { const tempElem = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('fictum')); const flag = 'rgb(1, 2, 3)'; = flag; if ( !== flag) { return DEFAULT_RIPPLE_COLOR; } = color; if ( === flag || === '') { return DEFAULT_RIPPLE_COLOR; } // color parse failed color = getComputedStyle(tempElem).color; document.body.removeChild(tempElem); return color; } function rgbaToRgb(color) { color = color.match(/[.\d]+/g).map((a) => +Number(a)); color.length = 3; return color; } if (color.toLowerCase() === 'transparent') { return DEFAULT_RIPPLE_COLOR; } if (color[0] === '#') { return hexToRgb(color); } if (color.indexOf('rgb') === -1) { color = namedColorsToRgba(color); } if (color.indexOf('rgb') === 0) { return rgbaToRgb(color); } return DEFAULT_RIPPLE_COLOR; } // Static static autoInitial(instance) { return function (event) { instance._autoInit(event); }; } static jQueryInterface(options) { return this.each(function () { const data = Data.getData(this, DATA_KEY); if (!data) { return new Ripple(this, options); } return null; }); } static getInstance(element) { return Data.getData(element, DATA_KEY); } static getOrCreateInstance(element, config = {}) { return ( this.getInstance(element) || new this(element, typeof config === 'object' ? config : null) ); } } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Data Api implementation - auto initialization * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ SELECTOR_COMPONENT.forEach((selector) => {, 'mousedown', selector, Ripple.autoInitial(new Ripple())); }); /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * jQuery * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * add .ripple to jQuery only if jQuery is present */ onDOMContentLoaded(() => { const $ = getjQuery(); if ($) { const JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT = $.fn[NAME]; $.fn[NAME] = Ripple.jQueryInterface; $.fn[NAME].Constructor = Ripple; $.fn[NAME].noConflict = () => { $.fn[NAME] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT; return Ripple.jQueryInterface; }; } }); export default Ripple;