module RSpec::Core class Reporter NOTIFICATIONS = %W[start message example_group_started example_group_finished example_started example_passed example_failed example_pending start_dump dump_pending dump_failures dump_summary seed close stop deprecation deprecation_summary].map { |n| n.to_sym } def initialize(*formatters) @listeners = { |h,k| h[k] = [] } formatters.each do |formatter| register_listener(formatter, *NOTIFICATIONS) end @example_count = @failure_count = @pending_count = 0 @duration = @start = nil end # @api # @param [Object] An obect that wishes to be notified of reporter events # @param [Array] Array of symbols represents the events a listener wishes to subscribe too # # Registers a listener to a list of notifications. The reporter will send notification of # events to all registered listeners def register_listener(listener, *notifications) notifications.each do |notification| @listeners[notification.to_sym] << listener if listener.respond_to?(notification) end true end def registered_listeners(notification) @listeners[notification] end # @api # @overload report(count, &block) # @overload report(count, seed, &block) # @param [Integer] count the number of examples being run # @param [Integer] seed the seed used to randomize the spec run # @param [Block] block yields itself for further reporting. # # Initializes the report run and yields itself for further reporting. The # block is required, so that the reporter can manage cleaning up after the # run. # # ### Warning: # # The `seed` argument is an internal API and is not guaranteed to be # supported in the future. # # @example # # do |r| # {|g| } # end # def report(expected_example_count, seed=nil) start(expected_example_count) begin yield self ensure finish(seed) end end def start(expected_example_count) @start = notify :start, expected_example_count end def message(message) notify :message, message end def example_group_started(group) notify :example_group_started, group unless group.descendant_filtered_examples.empty? end def example_group_finished(group) notify :example_group_finished, group unless group.descendant_filtered_examples.empty? end def example_started(example) @example_count += 1 notify :example_started, example end def example_passed(example) notify :example_passed, example end def example_failed(example) @failure_count += 1 notify :example_failed, example end def example_pending(example) @pending_count += 1 notify :example_pending, example end def deprecation(message) notify :deprecation, message end def finish(seed) begin stop notify :start_dump notify :dump_pending notify :dump_failures notify :deprecation_summary notify :dump_summary, @duration, @example_count, @failure_count, @pending_count notify :seed, seed if seed ensure notify :close end end def abort(seed) RSpec.deprecate "RSpec::Core::Reporter#abort", :replacement => "RSpec::Core::Reporter#finish" finish(seed) end def stop @duration = ( - @start).to_f if @start notify :stop end def notify(event, *args, &block) registered_listeners(event).each do |formatter| formatter.send(event, *args, &block) end end end end