version: 2.1 orbs: # See ruby: circleci/ruby@1.1.2 jobs: # keyword test: # my name for the job parameters: # keyword ruby-version: # my parameter name type: string # type is a keyword docker: # keyword - image: cimg/base:stable steps: # keyword - checkout # magic name - ruby/install: # ruby/ is from the orb name, install is a command in that orb version: << parameters.ruby-version >> # magic nonsense for param subst (version param to the command) - run: command: "bin/setup" - run: command: "bin/ci" workflows: # keyword all-rubies: # my name for the workflow jobs: # keyword - test: # my name for the job matrix: # keyword parameters: # keyword # All rubies being maintained per this page: # ruby-version: [ "2.5", "2.6", "2.7", "3.0" ]