# frozen_string_literal: true
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ModuleLength
# For any heredoc JS:
# 1. The white spacing in this file matters!
# 2. Keep all #{some_var} fully to the left so that all indentation is done evenly in that var
require "react_on_rails/prerender_error"
require "addressable/uri"
require "react_on_rails/utils"
require "react_on_rails/json_output"
require "active_support/concern"
module ReactOnRails
module Helper
include ReactOnRails::Utils::Required
COMPONENT_HTML_KEY = "componentHtml".freeze
# The env_javascript_include_tag and env_stylesheet_link_tag support the usage of a webpack
# dev server for providing the JS and CSS assets during development mode. See
# https://github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/ for a working example.
# The key options are `static` and `hot` which specify what you want for static vs. hot. Both of
# these params are optional, and support either a single value, or an array.
# static vs. hot is picked based on whether
# <%= env_stylesheet_link_tag(static: 'application_static',
# hot: 'application_non_webpack',
# media: 'all',
# 'data-turbolinks-track' => "reload") %>
# <%= env_javascript_include_tag(hot: ['http://localhost:3500/vendor-bundle.js',
# 'http://localhost:3500/app-bundle.js']) %>
# <%= env_javascript_include_tag(static: 'application_static',
# hot: 'application_non_webpack',
# 'data-turbolinks-track' => "reload") %>
# NOTE: for Turbolinks 2.x, use 'data-turbolinks-track' => true
# See application.html.erb for usage example
# https://github.com/shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/blob/master/app%2Fviews%2Flayouts%2Fapplication.html.erb
def env_javascript_include_tag(args = {})
send_tag_method(:javascript_include_tag, args)
# Helper to set CSS assets depending on if we want static or "hot", which means from the
# Webpack dev server.
# In this example, application_non_webpack is simply a CSS asset pipeline file which includes
# styles not placed in the webpack build.
# We don't need styles from the webpack build, as those will come via the JavaScript include
# tags.
# The key options are `static` and `hot` which specify what you want for static vs. hot. Both of
# these params are optional, and support either a single value, or an array.
# <%= env_stylesheet_link_tag(static: 'application_static',
# hot: 'application_non_webpack',
# media: 'all',
# 'data-turbolinks-track' => true) %>
def env_stylesheet_link_tag(args = {})
send_tag_method(:stylesheet_link_tag, args)
# react_component_name: can be a React component, created using a ES6 class, or
# React.createClass, or a
# `generator function` that returns a React component
# using ES6
# let MyReactComponentApp = (props, railsContext) => ;
# or using ES5
# var MyReactComponentApp = function(props, railsContext) { return ; }
# Exposing the react_component_name is necessary to both a plain ReactComponent as well as
# a generator:
# See README.md for how to "register" your react components.
# See spec/dummy/client/app/startup/serverRegistration.jsx and
# spec/dummy/client/app/startup/ClientRegistration.jsx for examples of this
# options:
# props: Ruby Hash or JSON string which contains the properties to pass to the react object. Do
# not pass any props if you are separately initializing the store by the `redux_store` helper.
# prerender: set to false when debugging!
# id: You can optionally set the id, or else a unique one is automatically generated.
# html_options: You can set other html attributes that will go on this component
# trace: set to true to print additional debugging information in the browser
# default is true for development, off otherwise
# replay_console: Default is true. False will disable echoing server rendering
# logs to browser. While this can make troubleshooting server rendering difficult,
# so long as you have the default configuration of logging_on_server set to
# true, you'll still see the errors on the server.
# raise_on_prerender_error: Default to false. True will raise exception on server
# if the JS code throws
# Any other options are passed to the content tag, including the id.
def react_component(component_name, raw_options = {})
internal_result = internal_react_component(component_name, raw_options)
server_rendered_html = internal_result["result"]["html"]
console_script = internal_result["result"]["consoleReplayScript"]
if server_rendered_html.is_a?(String)
server_rendered_html: server_rendered_html,
component_specification_tag: internal_result["tag"],
console_script: console_script,
options: internal_result["options"]
elsif server_rendered_html.is_a?(Hash)
msg = <<-MSG.strip_heredoc
Use react_component_hash (not react_component) to return a Hash to your ruby view code. See
for an example of the necessary javascript configuration."
raise ReactOnRailsPro::Error, msg
msg = <<-MSG.strip_heredoc
ReactOnRails: server_rendered_html is expected to be a String. If you're trying to
use a generator function to return a Hash to your ruby view code, then use
react_component_hash instead of react_component and see
for an example of the necessary javascript configuration."
raise ReactOnRailsPro::Error, msg
def react_component_hash(component_name, raw_options = {})
internal_result = internal_react_component(component_name, raw_options)
server_rendered_html = internal_result["result"]["html"]
console_script = internal_result["result"]["consoleReplayScript"]
if server_rendered_html.is_a?(String) && internal_result["result"]["hasErrors"]
server_rendered_html = { COMPONENT_HTML_KEY => internal_result["result"]["html"] }
if server_rendered_html.is_a?(Hash)
server_rendered_html: server_rendered_html,
component_specification_tag: internal_result["tag"],
console_script: console_script,
options: internal_result["options"]
msg = <<-MSG.strip_heredoc
Generator function used by react_component_hash is expected to return an Object. See
for an example of the necessary javascript configuration.
raise ReactOnRailsPro::Error, msg
# Separate initialization of store from react_component allows multiple react_component calls to
# use the same Redux store.
# store_name: name of the store, corresponding to your call to ReactOnRails.registerStores in your
# JavaScript code.
# props: Ruby Hash or JSON string which contains the properties to pass to the redux store.
# Options
# defer: false -- pass as true if you wish to render this below your component.
def redux_store(store_name, props: {}, defer: false)
redux_store_data = { store_name: store_name,
props: props }
if defer
@registered_stores_defer_render ||= []
@registered_stores_defer_render << redux_store_data
"YOU SHOULD NOT SEE THIS ON YOUR VIEW -- Uses as a code block, like <% redux_store %> "\
"and not <%= redux store %>"
@registered_stores ||= []
@registered_stores << redux_store_data
result = render_redux_store_data(redux_store_data)
# Place this view helper (no parameters) at the end of your shared layout. This tell
# ReactOnRails where to client render the redux store hydration data. Since we're going
# to be setting up the stores in the controllers, we need to know where on the view to put the
# client side rendering of this hydration data, which is a hidden div with a matching class
# that contains a data props.
def redux_store_hydration_data
return if @registered_stores_defer_render.blank?
@registered_stores_defer_render.reduce("".dup) do |accum, redux_store_data|
accum << render_redux_store_data(redux_store_data)
def sanitized_props_string(props)
ReactOnRails::JsonOutput.escape(props.is_a?(String) ? props : props.to_json)
# Helper method to take javascript expression and returns the output from evaluating it.
# If you have more than one line that needs to be executed, wrap it in an IIFE.
# JS exceptions are caught and console messages are handled properly.
def server_render_js(js_expression, options = {})
wrapper_js = <<-JS.strip_heredoc
(function() {
var htmlResult = '';
var consoleReplayScript = '';
var hasErrors = false;
try {
htmlResult =
(function() {
return #{js_expression};
} catch(e) {
htmlResult = ReactOnRails.handleError({e: e, name: null,
jsCode: '#{escape_javascript(js_expression)}', serverSide: true});
hasErrors = true;
consoleReplayScript = ReactOnRails.buildConsoleReplay();
return JSON.stringify({
html: htmlResult,
consoleReplayScript: consoleReplayScript,
hasErrors: hasErrors
result = ReactOnRails::ServerRenderingPool.server_render_js_with_console_logging(wrapper_js)
html = result["html"]
console_log_script = result["consoleLogScript"]
raw("#{html}#{replay_console_option(options[:replay_console_option]) ? console_log_script : ''}")
rescue ExecJS::ProgramError => err
raise ReactOnRails::PrerenderError, component_name: "N/A (server_render_js called)",
err: err,
js_code: wrapper_js
def json_safe_and_pretty(hash_or_string)
return "{}" if hash_or_string.nil?
unless hash_or_string.class.in?([Hash, String])
raise ReactOnRails::Error, "#{__method__} only accepts String or Hash as argument "\
"(#{hash_or_string.class} given)."
json_value = hash_or_string.is_a?(String) ? hash_or_string : hash_or_string.to_json
def build_react_component_result_for_server_rendered_string(
server_rendered_html: required("server_rendered_html"),
component_specification_tag: required("component_specification_tag"),
console_script: required("console_script"),
options: required("options")
content_tag_options = options.html_options
content_tag_options[:id] = options.dom_id
rendered_output = content_tag(:div,
result_console_script = options.replay_console ? console_script : ""
result = compose_react_component_html_with_spec_and_console(
component_specification_tag, rendered_output, result_console_script
def build_react_component_result_for_server_rendered_hash(
server_rendered_html: required("server_rendered_html"),
component_specification_tag: required("component_specification_tag"),
console_script: required("console_script"),
options: required("options")
content_tag_options = options.html_options
content_tag_options[:id] = options.dom_id
unless server_rendered_html[COMPONENT_HTML_KEY]
raise ReactOnRailsPro::Error, "server_rendered_html hash expected to contain \"#{COMPONENT_HTML_KEY}\" key."
rendered_output = content_tag(:div,
result_console_script = options.replay_console ? console_script : ""
result = compose_react_component_html_with_spec_and_console(
component_specification_tag, rendered_output, result_console_script
# Other HTML strings need to be marked as html_safe too:
server_rendered_hash_except_component = server_rendered_html.except(COMPONENT_HTML_KEY)
server_rendered_hash_except_component.each do |key, html_string|
server_rendered_hash_except_component[key] = html_string.html_safe
result_with_rails_context = prepend_render_rails_context(result)
{ COMPONENT_HTML_KEY => result_with_rails_context }.merge(
def compose_react_component_html_with_spec_and_console(component_specification_tag, rendered_output, console_script)
# IMPORTANT: Ensure that we mark string as html_safe to avoid escaping.
# rubocop:disable Layout/IndentHeredoc
# rubocop:enable Layout/IndentHeredoc
# prepend the rails_context if not yet applied
def prepend_render_rails_context(render_value)
return render_value if @rendered_rails_context
data = rails_context(server_side: false)
@rendered_rails_context = true
rails_context_content = content_tag(:script,
type: "application/json",
id: "js-react-on-rails-context")
def internal_react_component(component_name, raw_options = {})
# Create the JavaScript and HTML to allow either client or server rendering of the
# react_component.
# Create the JavaScript setup of the global to initialize the client rendering
# (re-hydrate the data). This enables react rendered on the client to see that the
# server has already rendered the HTML.
options = ReactOnRails::ReactComponent::Options.new(name: component_name, options: raw_options)
# Setup the page_loaded_js, which is the same regardless of prerendering or not!
# The reason is that React is smart about not doing extra work if the server rendering did its job.
component_specification_tag = content_tag(:script,
type: "application/json",
class: "js-react-on-rails-component",
"data-component-name" => options.name,
"data-trace" => (options.trace ? true : nil),
"data-dom-id" => options.dom_id)
# Create the HTML rendering part
result = server_rendered_react_component_html(options.props,
prerender: options.prerender,
trace: options.trace,
raise_on_prerender_error: options.raise_on_prerender_error)
{ "options" => options, "tag" => component_specification_tag, "result" => result }
def render_redux_store_data(redux_store_data)
result = content_tag(:script,
type: "application/json",
"data-js-react-on-rails-store" => redux_store_data[:store_name].html_safe)
def props_string(props)
props.is_a?(String) ? props : props.to_json
# Returns Array [0]: html, [1]: script to console log
# NOTE, these are NOT html_safe!
def server_rendered_react_component_html(
props, react_component_name, dom_id,
prerender: required("prerender"),
trace: required("trace"),
raise_on_prerender_error: required("raise_on_prerender_error")
return { "html" => "", "consoleReplayScript" => "" } unless prerender
# On server `location` option is added (`location = request.fullpath`)
# React Router needs this to match the current route
# Make sure that we use up-to-date bundle file used for server rendering, which is defined
# by config file value for config.server_bundle_js_file
# Since this code is not inserted on a web page, we don't need to escape props
# However, as JSON (returned from `props_string(props)`) isn't JavaScript,
# but we want treat it as such, we need to compensate for the difference.
# \u2028 and \u2029 are valid characters in strings in JSON, but are treated
# as newline separators in JavaScript. As no newlines are allowed in
# strings in JavaScript, this causes an exception.
# We fix this by replacing these unicode characters with their escaped versions.
# This should be safe, as the only place they can appear is in strings anyway.
# Read more here: http://timelessrepo.com/json-isnt-a-javascript-subset
# rubocop:disable Layout/IndentHeredoc
wrapper_js = <<-JS
(function() {
var railsContext = #{rails_context(server_side: true).to_json};
var props = #{props_string(props).gsub("\u2028", '\u2028').gsub("\u2029", '\u2029')};
return ReactOnRails.serverRenderReactComponent({
name: '#{react_component_name}',
domNodeId: '#{dom_id}',
props: props,
trace: #{trace},
railsContext: railsContext
# rubocop:enable Layout/IndentHeredoc
result = ReactOnRails::ServerRenderingPool.server_render_js_with_console_logging(wrapper_js)
if result["hasErrors"] && raise_on_prerender_error
# We caught this exception on our backtrace handler
raise ReactOnRails::PrerenderError, component_name: react_component_name,
# Sanitize as this might be browser logged
props: sanitized_props_string(props),
err: nil,
js_code: wrapper_js,
console_messages: result["consoleReplayScript"]
rescue ExecJS::ProgramError => err
# This error came from execJs
raise ReactOnRails::PrerenderError, component_name: react_component_name,
# Sanitize as this might be browser logged
props: sanitized_props_string(props),
err: err,
js_code: wrapper_js
def initialize_redux_stores
return "" unless @registered_stores.present? || @registered_stores_defer_render.present?
declarations = "var reduxProps, store, storeGenerator;\n".dup
all_stores = (@registered_stores || []) + (@registered_stores_defer_render || [])
result = <<-JS.dup
result << all_stores.each_with_object(declarations) do |redux_store_data, memo|
store_name = redux_store_data[:store_name]
props = props_string(redux_store_data[:props])
memo << <<-JS.strip_heredoc
reduxProps = #{props};
storeGenerator = ReactOnRails.getStoreGenerator('#{store_name}');
store = storeGenerator(reduxProps, railsContext);
ReactOnRails.setStore('#{store_name}', store);
# This is the definitive list of the default values used for the rails_context, which is the
# second parameter passed to both component and store generator functions.
# rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
def rails_context(server_side: required("server_side"))
@rails_context ||= begin
result = {
railsEnv: Rails.env,
inMailer: in_mailer?,
# Locale settings
i18nLocale: I18n.locale,
i18nDefaultLocale: I18n.default_locale
if defined?(request) && request.present?
# Check for encoding of the request's original_url and try to force-encoding the
# URLs as UTF-8. This situation can occur in browsers that do not encode the
# entire URL as UTF-8 already, mostly on the Windows platform (IE11 and lower).
original_url_normalized = request.original_url
if original_url_normalized.encoding.to_s == "ASCII-8BIT"
original_url_normalized = original_url_normalized.force_encoding("ISO-8859-1").encode("UTF-8")
# Using Addressable instead of standard URI to better deal with
# non-ASCII characters (see https://github.com/shakacode/react_on_rails/pull/405)
uri = Addressable::URI.parse(original_url_normalized)
# uri = Addressable::URI.parse("http://foo.com:3000/posts?id=30&limit=5#time=1305298413")
# URL settings
href: uri.to_s,
location: "#{uri.path}#{uri.query.present? ? "?#{uri.query}" : ''}",
scheme: uri.scheme, # http
host: uri.host, # foo.com
port: uri.port,
pathname: uri.path, # /posts
search: uri.query, # id=30&limit=5
httpAcceptLanguage: request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]
if ReactOnRails.configuration.rendering_extension
custom_context = ReactOnRails.configuration.rendering_extension.custom_context(self)
result.merge!(custom_context) if custom_context
@rails_context.merge(serverSide: server_side)
# rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize
def replay_console_option(val)
val.nil? ? ReactOnRails.configuration.replay_console : val
def use_hot_reloading?
def send_tag_method(tag_method_name, args)
asset_type = use_hot_reloading? ? :hot : :static
assets = Array(args[asset_type])
options = args.delete_if { |key, _value| %i[hot static].include?(key) }
send(tag_method_name, *assets, options) unless assets.empty?
def in_mailer?
return false unless defined?(controller)
return false unless defined?(ActionMailer::Base)
# rubocop:enable Metrics/ModuleLength