
A abstract class that represents one of the axes of a rectangular chart. In general, axis isn't instantiated directly


axisEnabled (default: true)

enable or disable the axis


Indicates the column name associated to the axis

interval (default: null)

Indicates the interval of values between the tic marks of the axis

labelReposEnabled (default: true)

Attribute that controls if the labels are vertically repositioned to avoid overlaping

labelrotation (default: horizontal)

Indicates the axis title rotation can be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'

majorInterval (default: 5)

Allows to customize the interval of the Major Tics Marks

majorTickEnabled (default: true)

enable Major Tics Marks

maximum (default: null)

Numerical value that indicates the Maximum value in the axis can be positive or negative value

minimum (default: null)

Numerical value that indicates the Minimum value in the axis can be positive or negative value

minorTickEnabled (default: false)

enable minor Tics Marks

tickMarksLabelsEnabled (default: true)

enable the rendering of tic Marks labels


Data Column that is used to override the values of Tic Marks labels


Axis title label

titleLocation (default: default)

Indicates the placement of the Axis title possible values: 'low','high','default'

titleX (default: null)

Indicates the placement in X position of the Axis title

titleY (default: null)

Indicates the placement in Y position of the Axis title


Indicates the axis type can be 'linear' or 'categorical'



processData (pLabel)
Method for extensible label rendering
pLabel (string) - a label text
render ()
Render method render Axis Title, Axis lines, Tic Marks and TickMarks labels