#### {% title "Redis" %} # Redis datastore [To Redis or Not To Redis?] [redis-or-not] [Redis] [redis] is key/value store: * which is blazingly fast * works best when data set is small enough that it can fit in available RAM * it's OK if some recently updated records are lost in a catastrophic failure * makes your life would a lot easier whenever you want cheap and easy set and list operations Zob. też [Object-Hash Mapping for Redis] [ohm]. [redis]: http://www.engineyard.com/blog/2009/key-value-stores-for-ruby-part-4-to-redis-or-not-to-redis/ "Redis or not…" [ohm]: "http://ohm.keyvalue.org/" "Object-Hash Mapping for Redis" [redis-or-not]: http://www.engineyard.com/blog/2009/key-value-stores-for-ruby-part-4-to-redis-or-not-to-redis/ "Redis orn not…"