var closet = closet || {}; (function($) { closet.load = (function() { $(' a').click(function() { var id = $(this).attr('id'); $('').removeClass('active').end(); $(this).parent('li').addClass('active'); }); var refresh = function(ctx) { closet.api.pcaps.statistics(function(stats) { ctx.render('/templates/statistics.template', { stats: stats }, function(content) { $('div.statistics').html(content); }); }); }; var browse = function(ctx, data) { ctx.render('/templates/browse.template', data, function(content) { ctx.$element().html(content).find('a.remove').click(function() { var $self = $(this); var id = $self.attr('id'); if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this pcap and the index?')) { closet.api.pcap.remove(id, function(result) { if (result.ok) { $self.parents('li.l0').css('background', '#DD1122').fadeOut(function() { $self.remove(); }); } }); } }); }); }; var app = $.sammy(function() { this.element_selector = $('div.browse-tab'); this.use(Sammy.Template); // 1. Select the appropriate tab on click // 2. Update the statistics on each click this.before(/^#\/(create|browse|services|folders)/, function(ctx) { var id = RegExp.$1; $(' a#' + id).click(); // Especially for the folders, we need to keep the contents // around since it contains the expanded/collapsed states of // the subfolders as well as all of the events. if (ctx.$element().data('closet.detach')) { ctx.$element().data('closet.detach', false); ctx.$element().contents().detach(); } ctx.$element().html('

hang on

'); refresh(ctx); }); // Create scenarios from HAR files this.get('#/create', function(ctx) { ctx.render('/templates/har.upload.template', {}, function(content) { ctx.$element().html(content); closet.create.har(ctx); }); }); // Browse the pcaps by date (and handle paging) this.get('#/browse', function(ctx) { var path = ctx.path.replace(/\?.*$/, ''); closet.api.pcaps.list_by_date({ startkey: ctx.params.nextkey, startkey_docid: ctx.params.nextid, }, function(pcaps) { browse(ctx, { path: path, pcaps: pcaps }); }); }); // Filter the pcaps by service (and handle paging) this.get(/^#\/browse\/service\/(.*)/, function(ctx) { var path = ctx.path.replace(/\?.*$/, ''); var service = JSON.stringify(ctx.params.splat[0]); closet.api.pcaps.list_by_service(service, { startkey: ctx.params.nextkey, startkey_docid: ctx.params.nextid }, function(pcaps) { pcaps.filter = true; browse(ctx, { path: path, pcaps: pcaps }); }); }); // Filter the pcaps by status (and handle paging) this.get('#/browse/status/:name', function(ctx) { var path = ctx.path.replace(/\?.*$/, ''); var status = JSON.stringify(; closet.api.pcaps.list_by_status(status, { startkey: ctx.params.nextkey, startkey_docid: ctx.params.nextid }, function(pcaps) { pcaps.filter = true; browse(ctx, { path: path, pcaps: pcaps }); }); }); // Filter the pcaps by directory path (and handle paging) this.get(/^#\/browse\/dir\/(.*)/, function(ctx) { var path = ctx.path.replace(/\?.*$/, ''); var dirs = ctx.params.splat[0].split('/'); closet.api.pcaps.list_by_dir(dirs, { startkey: ctx.params.nextkey, startkey_docid: ctx.params.nextid }, function(pcaps) { pcaps.filter = true; browse(ctx, { path: path, pcaps: pcaps }); }); }); // Filter the pcaps by keyword this.get('#/browse/keyword/:name', function(ctx) { var path = ctx.path.replace(/\?.*$/, ''); closet.api.pcaps.list_by_keyword(, null, function(pcaps) { pcaps.filter = true; browse(ctx, { path: path, pcaps: pcaps }); }); }); // View a given pcap this.get('#/browse/pcap/:pcap', function(ctx) { closet.api.pcap.about(ctx.params.pcap, function(pcap) { ctx.render('/templates/pcap.template', { pcap: pcap }, function(content) { var $reports = ctx.swap(content).find('div.reports');, $reports, pcap); }); }); }); // Report on a given pcap (with optional filters and other settings) this.get('#/browse/report/:pcap/:category/:report', function(ctx) { closet.api.pcap.about(ctx.params.pcap, function(pcap) { ctx.render('/templates/pcap.template', { pcap: pcap }, function(content) { var $reports = ctx.swap(content).find('div.reports'); var category = ctx.params.category; var report =;, $reports, pcap, function() {, $reports, pcap, category, report, ctx.params); }); }); }); }); // Generate a scenario for a given flow // this.get('#/browse/pcap/:pcap/flow/:id', function(ctx) { // var pcap = { _id: ctx.params.pcap }; // closet.scenario(ctx.$element(), pcap,; // }); // Expand/collapse folders this.get('#/folders', function(ctx) { ctx.$element().data('closet.detach', true); closet.folders.manage(ctx.$element(), function(path) { app.setLocation('#/browse/dir/' + path); }); }); // Show services across all pcaps this.get('#/services', function(ctx) { { ctx.partial('/templates/', { kvs: kvs }); }); }); }); (function() { var timerId; var lastVal = ''; var timer = function() { app.setLocation(lastVal.length < 2 ? '#/browse' : ('#/browse/keyword/' + lastVal)); }; $('input#search').keyup(function() { lastVal = $(this).val(); if (timerId) { clearTimeout(timerId); } timerId = setTimeout(timer, 250); }); }());'#/browse'); }); }(jQuery));