en: activerecord: attributes: spree/address: address1: Address address2: Address (contd.) city: City country: Country firstname: First Name lastname: Last Name phone: Phone state: State zipcode: Zip Code spree/country: iso: ISO iso3: ISO3 iso_name: ISO Name name: Name numcode: ISO Code spree/credit_card: base: '' cc_type: Type month: Month number: Number verification_value: Verification Value year: Year name: Name spree/inventory_unit: state: State spree/line_item: price: Price quantity: Quantity spree/option_type: name: Name presentation: Presentation spree/order: checkout_complete: Checkout Complete completed_at: Completed At coupon_code: Coupon Code created_at: Order Date email: Customer E-Mail ip_address: IP Address item_total: Item Total number: Number payment_state: Payment State shipment_state: Shipment State special_instructions: Special Instructions state: State total: Total spree/order/bill_address: address1: Billing address street city: Billing address city firstname: Billing address first name lastname: Billing address last name phone: Billing address phone state: Billing address state zipcode: Billing address zipcode spree/order/ship_address: address1: Shipping address street city: Shipping address city firstname: Shipping address first name lastname: Shipping address last name phone: Shipping address phone state: Shipping address state zipcode: Shipping address zipcode spree/payment: amount: Amount spree/payment_method: name: Name spree/product: available_on: Available On cost_currency: Cost Currency cost_price: Cost Price description: Description master_price: Master Price name: Name on_hand: On Hand shipping_category: Shipping Category tax_category: Tax Category spree/promotion: advertise: Advertise code: Code description: Description event_name: Event Name expires_at: Expires At name: Name path: Path starts_at: Starts At usage_limit: Usage Limit spree/property: name: Name presentation: Presentation spree/prototype: name: Name spree/return_authorization: amount: Amount spree/role: name: Name spree/state: abbr: Abbreviation name: Name spree/tax_category: description: Description name: Name spree/tax_rate: amount: Rate included_in_price: Included in Price show_rate_in_label: Show rate in label spree/taxon: name: Name permalink: Permalink position: Position spree/taxonomy: name: Name spree/user: email: Email password: Password password_confirmation: Password Confirmation spree/variant: cost_currency: Cost Currency cost_price: Cost Price depth: Depth height: Height price: Price sku: SKU weight: Weight width: Width spree/zone: description: Description name: Name models: spree/address: one: Address other: Addresses spree/country: one: Country other: Countries spree/credit_card: one: Credit Card other: Credit Cards spree/inventory_unit: one: Inventory Unit other: Inventory Units spree/line_item: one: Line Item other: Line Items spree/option_type: one: Option Type other: Option Types spree/option_value: one: Option Value other: Option Values spree/order: one: Order other: Orders spree/payment: one: Payment other: Payments spree/payment_method: one: Payment Method other: Payment Methods spree/product: one: Product other: Products spree/promotion: one: Promotion other: Promotions spree/property: one: Property other: Properties spree/prototype: one: Prototype other: Prototypes spree/return_authorization: one: Return Authorization other: Return Authorizations spree/role: one: Roles other: Roles spree/shipment: one: Shipment other: Shipments spree/shipping_category: one: Shipping Category other: Shipping Categories spree/shipping_method: one: Shipping Method other: Shipping Methods spree/state: one: State other: States spree/stock_movement: one: Stock Movement other: Stock Movements spree/stock_location: one: Stock Location other: Stock Locations spree/stock_transfer: one: Stock Transfer other: Stock Transfers spree/tax_category: one: Tax Category other: Tax Categories spree/tax_rate: one: Tax Rate other: Tax Rates spree/taxon: one: Taxon other: Taxons spree/taxonomy: one: Taxonomy other: Taxonomies spree/tracker: one: Tracker other: Trackers spree/user: one: User other: Users spree/variant: one: Variant other: Variants spree/zone: one: Zone other: Zones errors: models: spree/classification: attributes: taxon_id: already_linked: "is already linked to this product" spree/credit_card: attributes: base: card_expired: "Card has expired" expiry_invalid: "Card expiration is invalid" spree/line_item: attributes: currency: must_match_order_currency: "Must match order currency" devise: confirmations: confirmed: Your account was successfully confirmed. You are now signed in. send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes. failure: inactive: Your account was not activated yet. invalid: Invalid email or password. invalid_token: Invalid authentication token. locked: Your account is locked. timeout: Your session expired, please sign in again to continue. unauthenticated: You need to sign in or sign up before continuing. unconfirmed: You have to confirm your account before continuing. mailer: confirmation_instructions: subject: Confirmation instructions reset_password_instructions: subject: Reset password instructions unlock_instructions: subject: Unlock Instructions oauth_callbacks: failure: Could not authorize you from %{kind} because "%{reason}". success: Successfully authorized from %{kind} account. unlocks: send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock your account in a few minutes. unlocked: Your account was successfully unlocked. You are now signed in. user_passwords: user: cannot_be_blank: Your password cannot be blank. send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes. updated: Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in. user_registrations: destroyed: Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon. inactive_signed_up: You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is %{reason}. signed_up: Welcome! You have signed up successfully. updated: You updated your account successfully. user_sessions: signed_in: Signed in successfully. signed_out: Signed out successfully. errors: messages: already_confirmed: was already confirmed not_found: not found not_locked: was not locked not_saved: one: ! '1 error prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:' other: ! '%{count} errors prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:' spree: abbreviation: Abbreviation account: Account account_updated: Account updated action: Action actions: cancel: Cancel continue: Continue create: Create destroy: Destroy edit: Edit list: List listing: Listing new: New save: Save update: Update activate: Activate active: Active add: Add add_action_of_type: Add action of type add_country: Add Country add_coupon_code: Add Coupon Code add_new_header: Add New Header add_new_style: Add New Style add_one: Add One add_option_value: Add Option Value add_product: Add Product add_product_properties: Add Product Properties add_rule_of_type: Add rule of type add_state: Add State add_stock: Add Stock add_stock_management: Add Stock Management add_to_cart: Add To Cart add_variant: Add Variant additional_item: Additional Item Cost address1: Address address2: Address (contd.) adjustable: Adjustable adjustment: Adjustment adjustment_amount: Amount adjustment_successfully_closed: Adjustment has been successfully closed! adjustment_successfully_opened: Adjustment has been successfully opened! adjustment_total: Adjustment Total adjustments: Adjustments admin: mail_methods: send_testmail: Send Test Mail testmail: delivery_error: Test Mail delivery error delivery_success: Test Mail sent successfully error: ! 'Test Mail error: %{e}' tab: configuration: Configuration option_types: Option Types orders: Orders overview: Overview products: Products promotions: Promotions properties: Properties prototypes: Prototypes reports: Reports taxonomies: Taxonomies taxons: Taxons users: Users user: account: Account addresses: Addresses items: Items items_purchased: Items Purchased order_history: Order History order_num: "Order #" orders: Orders user_information: User Information administration: Administration agree_to_privacy_policy: Agree to Privacy Policy agree_to_terms_of_service: Agree to Terms of Service all: All all_adjustments_closed: All adjustments successfully closed! all_adjustments_opened: All adjustments successfully opened! all_departments: All departments allow_ssl_in_development_and_test: Allow SSL to be used when in development and test modes allow_ssl_in_production: Allow SSL to be used in production mode allow_ssl_in_staging: Allow SSL to be used in staging mode already_signed_up_for_analytics: You have already signed up for Spree Analytics alt_text: Alternative Text alternative_phone: Alternative Phone amount: Amount analytics_desc_header_1: Spree Analytics analytics_desc_header_2: Live analytics integrated into your Spree dashboard analytics_desc_list_1: Get live sales information as it happens analytics_desc_list_2: Requires only a free Spree account to activate analytics_desc_list_3: Absolutely no code to install analytics_desc_list_4: It's completely free! analytics_trackers: Analytics Trackers and: and approve: approve approver: Approver approved_at: Approved at are_you_sure: Are you sure? are_you_sure_delete: Are you sure you want to delete this record? associated_adjustment_closed: The associated adjustment is closed, and will not be recalculated. Do you want to open it? authorization_failure: Authorization Failure auto_capture: Auto Capture available_on: Available On average_order_value: Average Order Value avs_response: AVS Response back: Back back_end: Backend backordered: Backordered back_to_adjustments_list: Back To Adjustments List back_to_images_list: Back To Images List back_to_option_types_list: Back To Option Types List back_to_orders_list: Back To Orders List back_to_payment: Back To Payment back_to_payment_methods_list: Back To Payment Methods List back_to_payments_list: Back To Payments List back_to_products_list: Back To Products List back_to_promotions_list: Back To Promotions List back_to_properties_list: Back To Properties List back_to_prototypes_list: Back To Prototypes List back_to_reports_list: Back To Reports List back_to_shipping_categories: Back To Shipping Categories back_to_shipping_categories_list: Back To Shipping Categories List back_to_shipping_methods_list: Back To Shipping Methods List back_to_states_list: Back To States List back_to_stock_locations_list: Back to Stock Locations List back_to_stock_movements_list: Back to Stock Movements List back_to_stock_transfers_list: Back to Stock Transfers List back_to_store: Go Back To Store back_to_tax_categories_list: Back To Tax Categories List back_to_taxonomies_list: Back To Taxonomies List back_to_trackers_list: Back To Trackers List back_to_users_list: Back To Users List back_to_zones_list: Back To Zones List backorderable: Backorderable backorderable_default: Backorderable default backorders_allowed: backorders allowed balance_due: Balance Due bill_address: Bill Address billing: Billing billing_address: Billing Address both: Both calculator: Calculator calculator_settings_warning: If you are changing the calculator type, you must save first before you can edit the calculator settings cancel: cancel cannot_create_payment_without_payment_methods: You cannot create a payment for an order without any payment methods defined. cannot_create_returns: Cannot create returns as this order has no shipped units. cannot_perform_operation: Cannot perform requested operation cannot_set_shipping_method_without_address: Cannot set shipping method until customer details are provided. capture: Capture capture_events: Capture events card_code: Card Code card_number: Card Number card_type: Brand card_type_is: Card type is cart: Cart cart_subtotal: one: 'Subtotal (1 item)' other: 'Subtotal (%{count} items)' categories: Categories category: Category check_for_spree_alerts: Check for Spree alerts checkout: Checkout choose_a_customer: Choose a customer choose_a_taxon_to_sort_products_for: "Choose a taxon to sort products for" choose_currency: Choose Currency choose_dashboard_locale: Choose Dashboard Locale choose_location: Choose location city: City click_and_drag_on_the_products_to_sort_them: 'Click & drag on the products to sort them.' clone: Clone close: Close close_all_adjustments: Close All Adjustments code: Code company: Company complete: complete configuration: Configuration configurations: Configurations confirm: Confirm confirm_delete: Confirm Deletion confirm_password: Password Confirmation continue: Continue continue_shopping: Continue shopping cost_currency: Cost Currency cost_price: Cost Price could_not_connect_to_jirafe: Could not connect to Jirafe to sync data. This will be automatically retried later. could_not_create_stock_movement: There was a problem saving this stock movement. Please try again. count_on_hand: Count On Hand countries: Countries country: Country country_based: Country Based country_name: Name country_names: CA: Canada FRA: France ITA: Italy US: United States of America coupon: Coupon coupon_code: Coupon code coupon_code_already_applied: The coupon code has already been applied to this order coupon_code_applied: The coupon code was successfully applied to your order. coupon_code_better_exists: The previously applied coupon code results in a better deal coupon_code_expired: The coupon code is expired coupon_code_max_usage: Coupon code usage limit exceeded coupon_code_not_eligible: This coupon code is not eligible for this order coupon_code_not_found: The coupon code you entered doesn't exist. Please try again. coupon_code_unknown_error: This coupon code could not be applied to the cart at this time. create: Create create_a_new_account: Create a new account created_at: Created At credit: Credit credit_card: Credit Card credit_cards: Credit Cards credit_owed: Credit Owed currency: Currency currency_decimal_mark: Currency decimal mark currency_settings: Currency Settings currency_symbol_position: Put currency symbol before or after dollar amount? currency_thousands_separator: Currency thousands separator current: Current current_promotion_usage: ! 'Current Usage: %{count}' customer: Customer customer_details: Customer Details customer_details_updated: Customer Details Updated customer_search: Customer Search cut: Cut cvv_response: CVV Response dash: jirafe: app_id: App ID app_token: App Token currently_unavailable: Jirafe is currently unavailable. Spree will automatically connect to Jirafe once it is available. explanation: The fields below may already be populated if you chose to register with Jirafe from the admin dashboard. header: Jirafe Analytics Settings site_id: Site ID token: Token jirafe_settings_updated: Jirafe Settings have been updated. date: Date date_completed: Date Completed date_picker: first_day: 0 format: ! '%Y/%m/%d' js_format: yy/mm/dd date_range: Date Range default: Default default_meta_description: Default Meta Description default_meta_keywords: Default Meta Keywords default_seo_title: Default Seo Title default_tax: Default Tax default_tax_zone: Default Tax Zone delete: Delete delivery: Delivery depth: Depth description: Description destination: Destination destroy: Destroy discount_amount: Discount Amount dismiss_banner: No. Thanks! I'm not interested, do not display this message again display: Display display_currency: Display currency edit: Edit editing_option_type: Editing Option Type editing_payment_method: Editing Payment Method editing_product: Editing Product editing_promotion: Editing Promotion editing_property: Editing Property editing_prototype: Editing Prototype editing_shipping_category: Editing Shipping Category editing_shipping_method: Editing Shipping Method editing_state: Editing State editing_stock_location: Editing Stock Location editing_stock_movement: Editing Stock Movement editing_tax_category: Editing Tax Category editing_tax_rate: Editing Tax Rate editing_tracker: Editing Tracker editing_user: Editing User editing_zone: Editing Zone email: Email empty: Empty empty_cart: Empty Cart enable_mail_delivery: Enable Mail Delivery end: End ending_in: Ending in environment: Environment error: error errors: messages: could_not_create_taxon: Could not create taxon no_payment_methods_available: No payment methods are configured for this environment no_shipping_methods_available: No shipping methods available for selected location, please change your address and try again. errors_prohibited_this_record_from_being_saved: one: 1 error prohibited this record from being saved other: ! '%{count} errors prohibited this record from being saved' event: Event events: spree: cart: add: Add to cart checkout: coupon_code_added: Coupon code added content: visited: Visit static content page order: contents_changed: Order contents changed page_view: Static page viewed user: signup: User signup exceptions: count_on_hand_setter: Cannot set count_on_hand manually, as it is set automatically by the recalculate_count_on_hand callback. Please use `update_column(:count_on_hand, value)` instead. excl: excl. expiration: Expiration extension: Extension existing_shipments: Existing shipments failed_payment_attempts: Failed Payment Attempts filename: Filename fill_in_customer_info: Please fill in customer info filter_results: Filter Results finalize: Finalize find_a_taxon: Find a Taxon finalized: Finalized first_item: First Item Cost first_name: First Name first_name_begins_with: First Name Begins With flat_percent: Flat Percent flat_rate_per_order: Flat Rate flexible_rate: Flexible Rate forgot_password: Forgot Password? free_shipping: Free Shipping free_shipping_amount: "-" front_end: Front End gateway: Gateway gateway_config_unavailable: Gateway unavailable for environment gateway_error: Gateway Error general: General general_settings: General Settings google_analytics: Google Analytics google_analytics_id: Analytics ID guest_checkout: Guest Checkout guest_user_account: Checkout as a Guest has_no_shipped_units: has no shipped units height: Height hide_cents: Hide cents home: Home i18n: available_locales: Available Locales fields: Fields language: Language localization_settings: Localization Settings only_incomplete: Only incomplete only_complete: Only complete select_locale: Select locale show_only: Show only supported_locales: Supported Locales this_file_language: English (US) translations: Translations icon: Icon image: Image images: Images inactive: Inactive incl: incl. included_in_price: Included in Price included_price_validation: cannot be selected unless you have set a Default Tax Zone instructions_to_reset_password: Please enter your email on the form below insufficient_stock: Insufficient stock available, only %{on_hand} remaining insufficient_stock_lines_present: Some line items in this order have insufficient quantity. intercept_email_address: Intercept Email Address intercept_email_instructions: Override email recipient and replace with this address. internal_name: Internal Name invalid_credit_card: Invalid credit card. invalid_payment_provider: Invalid payment provider. invalid_promotion_action: Invalid promotion action. invalid_promotion_rule: Invalid promotion rule. inventory: Inventory inventory_adjustment: Inventory Adjustment inventory_error_flash_for_insufficient_quantity: An item in your cart has become unavailable. is_not_available_to_shipment_address: is not available to shipment address iso_name: Iso Name item: Item item_description: Item Description item_total: Item Total item_total_rule: operators: gt: greater than gte: greater than or equal to items_cannot_be_shipped: We are unable to calculate shipping rates for the selected items. jirafe: Jirafe landing_page_rule: path: Path last_name: Last Name last_name_begins_with: Last Name Begins With learn_more: Learn More lifetime_stats: Lifetime Stats line_item_adjustments: "Line item adjustments" list: List listing_countries: Listing Countries listing_orders: Listing Orders listing_products: Listing Products listing_reports: Listing Reports listing_tax_categories: Listing Tax Categories listing_users: Listing Users loading: Loading locale_changed: Locale Changed location: Location lock: Lock log_entries: "Log Entries" logs: "Logs" logged_in_as: Logged in as logged_in_succesfully: Logged in successfully logged_out: You have been logged out. login: Login login_as_existing: Login as Existing Customer login_failed: Login authentication failed. login_name: Login logout: Logout look_for_similar_items: Look for similar items mail_method_settings: Mail Method Settings mail_methods: Mail Methods mail_settings: auth: none: "None" plain: "Plain" login: "Login" cram_md5: "cram_md5" security: ssl: "SSL" tls: "TLS" make_refund: Make refund master_price: Master Price match_choices: all: All none: None max_items: Max Items member_since: Member Since meta_description: Meta Description meta_keywords: Meta Keywords metadata: Metadata minimal_amount: Minimal Amount month: Month more: More move_stock_between_locations: Move Stock Between Locations my_account: My Account my_orders: My Orders name: Name name_on_card: Name on card name_or_sku: Name or SKU (enter at least first 4 characters of product name) new: New new_adjustment: New Adjustment new_customer: New Customer new_country: New Country new_image: New Image new_option_type: New Option Type new_order: New Order new_order_completed: New Order Completed new_payment: New Payment new_payment_method: New Payment Method new_product: New Product new_promotion: New Promotion new_property: New Property new_prototype: New Prototype new_return_authorization: New Return Authorization new_shipping_category: New Shipping Category new_shipping_method: New Shipping Method new_shipment_at_location: New shipment at location new_state: New State new_stock_location: New Stock Location new_stock_movement: New Stock Movement new_stock_transfer: New Stock Transfer new_tax_category: New Tax Category new_tax_rate: New Tax Rate new_taxon: New Taxon new_taxonomy: New Taxonomy new_tracker: New Tracker new_user: New User new_variant: New Variant new_zone: New Zone next: Next no_actions_added: No actions added no_orders_found: No orders found no_payment_methods_found: No payment methods found no_pending_payments: No pending payments no_products_found: No products found no_promotions_found: No promotions found no_results: No results no_rules_added: No rules added no_resource_found: ! 'No %{resource} found' no_shipping_methods_found: No shipping methods found no_shipping_method_selected: No shipping method selected. no_trackers_found: No Trackers Found no_stock_locations_found: No stock locations found no_tracking_present: No tracking details provided. none: None normal_amount: Normal Amount not: not not_available: N/A not_enough_stock: There is not enough inventory at the source location to complete this transfer. not_found: ! '%{resource} is not found' notice_messages: product_cloned: Product has been cloned product_deleted: Product has been deleted product_not_cloned: Product could not be cloned product_not_deleted: Product could not be deleted variant_deleted: Variant has been deleted variant_not_deleted: Variant could not be deleted num_orders: "# Orders" on_hand: On Hand open: Open open_all_adjustments: Open All Adjustments option_type: Option Type option_type_placeholder: Choose an option type option_types: Option Types option_value: Option Value option_values: Option Values optional: Optional options: Options or: or or_over_price: ! '%{price} or over' order: Order order_adjustments: Order adjustments order_already_updated: The order has already been updated. order_approved: Order approved order_canceled: Order canceled order_details: Order Details order_email_resent: Order Email Resent order_information: Order Information order_mailer: cancel_email: dear_customer: Dear Customer, instructions: Your order has been CANCELED. Please retain this cancellation information for your records. order_summary_canceled: Order Summary [CANCELED] subject: Cancellation of Order subtotal: ! 'Subtotal: %{subtotal}' total: ! 'Order Total: %{total}' confirm_email: dear_customer: Dear Customer, instructions: Please review and retain the following order information for your records. order_summary: Order Summary subject: Order Confirmation subtotal: ! 'Subtotal: %{subtotal}' thanks: Thank you for your business. total: ! 'Order Total: %{total}' order_not_found: We couldn't find your order. Please try that action again. order_number: Order %{number} order_populator: out_of_stock: ! '%{item} is out of stock.' selected_quantity_not_available: ! 'Selected quantity of %{item} is not available.' please_enter_reasonable_quantity: Please enter a reasonable quantity. order_processed_successfully: Your order has been processed successfully order_resumed: Order resumed order_state: address: address awaiting_return: awaiting return canceled: canceled cart: cart considered_risky: considered risky complete: complete confirm: confirm delivery: delivery payment: payment resumed: resumed returned: returned order_summary: Order Summary order_sure_want_to: Are you sure you want to %{event} this order? order_total: Order Total order_updated: Order Updated orders: Orders out_of_stock: Out of Stock overview: Overview package_from: package from pagination: next_page: next page » previous_page: ! '« previous page' truncate: ! '…' password: Password paste: Paste path: Path pay: pay payment: Payment payment_could_not_be_created: Payment could not be created. payment_information: Payment Information payment_method: Payment Method payment_methods: Payment Methods payment_method_not_supported: That payment method is unsupported. Please choose another one. payment_processing_failed: Payment could not be processed, please check the details you entered payment_processor_choose_banner_text: If you need help choosing a payment processor, please visit payment_processor_choose_link: our payments page payment_state: Payment State payment_states: balance_due: balance due checkout: checkout completed: completed credit_owed: credit owed failed: failed paid: paid pending: pending processing: processing void: void payment_updated: Payment Updated payments: Payments percent: Percent percent_per_item: Percent Per Item permalink: Permalink phone: Phone place_order: Place Order please_define_payment_methods: Please define some payment methods first. populate_get_error: Something went wrong. Please try adding the item again. powered_by: Powered by presentation: Presentation previous: Previous price: Price price_range: Price Range price_sack: Price Sack process: Process product: Product product_details: Product Details product_has_no_description: This product has no description product_not_available_in_this_currency: This product is not available in the selected currency. product_properties: Product Properties product_rule: choose_products: Choose products label: Order must contain %{select} of these products match_all: all match_any: at least one match_none: none product_source: group: From product group manual: Manually choose products: Products promotion: Promotion promotion_action: Promotion Action promotion_action_types: create_adjustment: description: Creates a promotion credit adjustment on the order name: Create whole-order adjustment create_item_adjustments: description: Creates a promotion credit adjustment on a line item name: Create per-line-item adjustment create_line_items: description: Populates the cart with the specified quantity of variant name: Create line items free_shipping: description: Makes all shipments for the order free name: Free shipping promotion_actions: Actions promotion_form: match_policies: all: Match all of these rules any: Match any of these rules promotion_rule: Promotion Rule promotion_rule_types: first_order: description: Must be the customer's first order name: First order item_total: description: Order total meets these criteria name: Item total landing_page: description: Customer must have visited the specified page name: Landing Page product: description: Order includes specified product(s) name: Product(s) user: description: Available only to the specified users name: User user_logged_in: description: Available only to logged in users name: User Logged In promotions: Promotions promotion_uses: Promotion uses propagate_all_variants: Propagate all variants properties: Properties property: Property prototype: Prototype prototypes: Prototypes provider: Provider provider_settings_warning: If you are changing the provider type, you must save first before you can edit the provider settings qty: Qty quantity: Quantity quantity_returned: Quantity Returned quantity_shipped: Quantity Shipped rate: Rate reason: Reason receive: receive receive_stock: Receive Stock received: Received reference: Reference refund: Refund register: Register registration: Registration remember_me: Remember me remove: Remove rename: Rename reports: Reports resend: Resend reset_password: Reset my password response_code: Response Code resume: resume resumed: Resumed return: return return_authorization: Return Authorization return_authorization_updated: Return authorization updated return_authorizations: Return Authorizations return_quantity: Return Quantity returned: Returned review: Review risk: Risk risk_analysis: Risk Analysis risky: Risky rma_credit: RMA Credit rma_number: RMA Number rma_value: RMA Value roles: Roles rules: Rules sales_total: Sales Total sales_total_description: Sales Total For All Orders sales_totals: Sales Totals save_and_continue: Save and Continue save_my_address: Save my address say_no: 'No' say_yes: 'Yes' scope: Scope search: Search search_results: Search results for '%{keywords}' searching: Searching secure_connection_type: Secure Connection Type security_settings: Security Settings select: Select select_from_prototype: Select From Prototype select_stock: Select stock send_copy_of_all_mails_to: Send Copy of All Mails To send_mails_as: Send Mails As server: Server server_error: The server returned an error settings: Settings ship: ship ship_address: Ship Address ship_total: Ship Total shipment: Shipment shipment_adjustments: "Shipment adjustments" shipment_details: "From %{stock_location} via %{shipping_method}" shipment_inc_vat: Shipment including VAT shipment_mailer: shipped_email: dear_customer: Dear Customer, instructions: Your order has been shipped shipment_summary: Shipment Summary subject: Shipment Notification thanks: Thank you for your business. track_information: ! 'Tracking Information: %{tracking}' track_link: ! 'Tracking Link: %{url}' shipment_state: Shipment State shipment_states: backorder: backorder canceled: canceled partial: partial pending: pending ready: ready shipped: shipped shipments: Shipments shipped: Shipped shipping: Shipping shipping_address: Shipping Address shipping_categories: Shipping Categories shipping_category: Shipping Category shipping_flat_rate_per_item: Flat rate per package item shipping_flat_rate_per_order: Flat rate shipping_flexible_rate: Flexible Rate per package item shipping_instructions: Shipping Instructions shipping_method: Shipping Method shipping_methods: Shipping Methods shipping_price_sack: Price sack shipping_total: Shipping total shop_by_taxonomy: Shop by %{taxonomy} shopping_cart: Shopping Cart show: Show show_active: Show Active show_deleted: Show Deleted show_only_complete_orders: Only show complete orders show_rate_in_label: Show rate in label site_name: Site Name site_url: Site URL sku: SKU slug: Slug smtp: SMTP smtp_authentication_type: SMTP Authentication Type smtp_domain: SMTP Domain smtp_mail_host: SMTP Mail Host smtp_password: SMTP Password smtp_port: SMTP Port smtp_send_all_emails_as_from_following_address: Send all mails as from the following address. smtp_send_copy_to_this_addresses: Sends a copy of all outgoing mails to this address. For multiple addresses, separate with commas. smtp_username: SMTP Username source: Source special_instructions: Special Instructions split: Split spree_gateway_error_flash_for_checkout: There was a problem with your payment information. Please check your information and try again. ssl: change_protocol: "Please switch to using HTTP (rather than HTTPS) and retry this request." start: Start state: State state_based: State Based states: States states_required: States Required status: Status stock_location: Stock Location stock_location_info: Stock location info stock_locations: Stock Locations stock_locations_need_a_default_country: You must create a default country before creating a stock location. stock_management: Stock Management stock_management_requires_a_stock_location: Please create a stock location in order to manage stock. stock_movements: Stock Movements stock_movements_for_stock_location: Stock Movements for %{stock_location_name} stock_successfully_transferred: Stock was successfully transferred between locations. stock_transfer: Stock Transfer stock_transfers: Stock Transfers stop: Stop store: Store street_address: Street Address street_address_2: Street Address (cont'd) subtotal: Subtotal subtract: Subtract success: Success successfully_created: ! '%{resource} has been successfully created!' successfully_removed: ! '%{resource} has been successfully removed!' successfully_signed_up_for_analytics: Successfully signed up for Spree Analytics successfully_updated: ! '%{resource} has been successfully updated!' tax: Tax tax_included: "Tax (incl.)" tax_categories: Tax Categories tax_category: Tax Category tax_rate_amount_explanation: Tax rates are a decimal amount to aid in calculations, (i.e. if the tax rate is 5% then enter 0.05) tax_rates: Tax Rates tax_settings: Tax Settings taxon: Taxon taxon_edit: Edit Taxon taxon_placeholder: Add a Taxon taxonomies: Taxonomies taxonomy: Taxonomy taxonomy_edit: Edit taxonomy taxonomy_tree_error: The requested change has not been accepted and the tree has been returned to its previous state, please try again. taxonomy_tree_instruction: ! '* Right click a child in the tree to access the menu for adding, deleting or sorting a child.' taxons: Taxons test: Test test_mailer: test_email: greeting: Congratulations! message: If you have received this email, then your email settings are correct. subject: Test Mail test_mode: Test Mode thank_you_for_your_order: Thank you for your business. Please print out a copy of this confirmation page for your records. there_are_no_items_for_this_order: There are no items for this order. Please add an item to the order to continue. there_were_problems_with_the_following_fields: There were problems with the following fields thumbnail: Thumbnail time: Time to_add_variants_you_must_first_define: To add variants, you must first define total: Total total_price: Total price total_sales: Total Sales track_inventory: Track Inventory tracking: Tracking tracking_number: Tracking Number tracking_url: Tracking URL tracking_url_placeholder: e.g. http://quickship.com/package?num=:tracking transfer_from_location: Transfer From transfer_stock: Transfer Stock transfer_to_location: Transfer To tree: Tree type: Type type_to_search: Type to search unable_to_connect_to_gateway: Unable to connect to gateway. under_price: Under %{price} unlock: Unlock unrecognized_card_type: Unrecognized card type unshippable_items: Unshippable Items update: Update updating: Updating usage_limit: Usage Limit use_app_default: Use App Default use_billing_address: Use Billing Address use_existing_cc: Use an existing card on file use_new_cc: Use a new card use_new_cc_or_payment_method: Use a new card / payment method use_s3: Use Amazon S3 For Images user: User user_rule: choose_users: Choose users users: Users validation: cannot_be_less_than_shipped_units: cannot be less than the number of shipped units. cannot_destory_line_item_as_inventory_units_have_shipped: Cannot destory line item as some inventory units have shipped. exceeds_available_stock: exceeds available stock. Please ensure line items have a valid quantity. is_too_large: is too large -- stock on hand cannot cover requested quantity! must_be_int: must be an integer must_be_non_negative: must be a non-negative value value: Value variant: Variant variant_placeholder: Choose a variant variants: Variants version: Version void: Void weight: Weight what_is_a_cvv: What is a (CVV) Credit Card Code? what_is_this: What's This? width: Width year: Year you_have_no_orders_yet: You have no orders yet your_cart_is_empty: Your cart is empty your_order_is_empty_add_product: Your order is empty, please search for and add a product above zip: Zip zipcode: Zip Code zone: Zone zones: Zones