%h3 Job review page = form_for :job, :url => {:action => 'approve', :id => @job['job_id']} do |f| .field Job ##{link_to @job['job_id'], mygengo_job_path(@job['job_id'])} .field %h4 Original text %br = text_area_tag :body_src, @job['body_src'], :size => '40x7' .field %h4 Preview %br = image_tag @preview, :title => "translation preview" .field Please rate the translation %br Bad = radio_button_tag 'job[rating]', 1 1 = radio_button_tag 'job[rating]', 2 2 = radio_button_tag 'job[rating]', 3 3 = radio_button_tag 'job[rating]', 4 4 = radio_button_tag 'job[rating]', 5 5 Good .field for_translator %br = text_area_tag 'job[for_translator]', '', :size => '40x2' .field for_mygengo %br = text_area_tag 'job[for_mygengo]', '', :size => '40x2' .field Can myGengo use this translation publicly in its examples? %br = check_box_tag 'job[public]', '1' Yes, you can use this translation as public example of myGengo service. .mygengo-box = render :partial => "comments", :locals => {:comments => @comments} = f.submit "Approve" | = link_to 'Reject', reject_form_mygengo_job_path(@job['job_id']) | = link_to 'Request corrections', revise_form_mygengo_job_path(@job['job_id'])