require File.expand_path('watirspec/spec_helper', File.dirname(__FILE__)) describe Watir::Browser do describe ".new" do it "passes the args to webdriver" do Selenium::WebDriver.should_receive(:for).with(:firefox, :foo).and_return(nil), :foo) end it "takes a Driver instance as argument" do mock_driver = double(Selenium::WebDriver::Driver) Selenium::WebDriver::Driver.should_receive(:===).with(mock_driver).and_return(true) expect { }.to_not raise_error end it "raises ArgumentError for invalid args" do expect { }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "#execute_script" do before { browser.goto WatirSpec.url_for("definition_lists.html") } it "wraps elements as Watir objects" do returned = browser.execute_script("return document.body") expect(returned).to be_kind_of(Watir::Body) end it "wraps elements in an array" do list = browser.execute_script("return [document.body];") list.size.should == 1 expect(list.first).to be_kind_of(Watir::Body) end it "wraps elements in a Hash" do hash = browser.execute_script("return {element: document.body};") expect(hash['element']).to be_kind_of(Watir::Body) end it "wraps elements in a deep object" do hash = browser.execute_script("return {elements: [document.body], body: {element: document.body }}") hash['elements'].first.should be_kind_of(Watir::Body) expect(hash['body']['element']).to be_kind_of(Watir::Body) end end describe "#send_key{,s}" do it "sends keystrokes to the active element" do browser.goto WatirSpec.url_for "forms_with_input_elements.html" browser.send_keys "hello" expect(browser.text_field(:id => "new_user_first_name").value).to eq "hello" end it "sends keys to a frame" do browser.goto WatirSpec.url_for "frames.html" tf = browser.frame.text_field(:id => "senderElement") tf.clear browser.frame.send_keys "hello" expect(tf.value).to eq "hello" end end it "raises an error when trying to interact with a closed browser" do b = WatirSpec.new_browser b.goto WatirSpec.url_for "definition_lists.html" b.close expect { b.dl(:id => "experience-list").id }.to raise_error(Error, "browser was closed") end describe "#wait_while" do it "delegates to the Wait module" do Wait.should_receive(:while).with(3, "foo").and_yield called = false browser.wait_while(3, "foo") { called = true } expect(called).to be_true end end describe "#wait_until" do it "delegates to the Wait module" do Wait.should_receive(:until).with(3, "foo").and_yield called = false browser.wait_until(3, "foo") { called = true } expect(called).to be_true end end describe "#wait" do it "waits until document.readyState == 'complete'" do expect(browser).to receive(:ready_state).and_return('incomplete') expect(browser).to receive(:ready_state).and_return('complete') browser.wait end end describe "#ready_state" do it "gets the document's readyState property" do #browser.should_receive(:execute_script).with('return document.readyState') expect(browser).to receive(:execute_script).with('return document.readyState') browser.ready_state end end describe "#inspect" do it "works even if browser is closed" do browser.should_receive(:url).and_raise(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) expect { browser.inspect }.to_not raise_error end end describe '#screenshot' do it 'returns an instance of of Watir::Screenshot' do expect(browser.screenshot).to be_kind_of(Watir::Screenshot) end end end