class CustomShape include Processing::Proxy # We need to keep track of a Body and a width and height attr_reader :body, :box2d # Constructor def initialize(b2d, x, y) # Add the box to the box2d world @box2d = b2d make_body(, y)) end # This function removes the particle from the box2d world def kill_body! box2d.destroy_body(body) end # Is the particle ready for deletion? def done # Let's find the screen position of the particle pos = box2d.body_coord(body) # Is it off the bottom of the screen? return false unless pos.y > box2d.height kill_body! true end # Drawing the box def display # We look at each body and get its screen position pos = box2d.body_coord(body) # Get its angle of rotation a = body.get_angle f = body.get_fixture_list ps = f.get_shape rect_mode(CENTER) push_matrix translate(pos.x, pos.y) rotate(-a) fill(175) stroke(0) begin_shape # For every vertex, convert to pixel vector ps.get_vertex_count.times do |i| v = box2d.vector_to_processing(ps.get_vertex(i)) vertex(v.x, v.y) end end_shape(CLOSE) pop_matrix end # This function adds the rectangle to the box2d world def make_body(center) # Define a polygon (this is what we use for a rectangle) sd = vertices = [] vertices << box2d.vector_to_world(, 25)) vertices << box2d.vector_to_world(, 0)) vertices << box2d.vector_to_world(, -15)) vertices << box2d.vector_to_world(, -10)) sd.set(vertices.to_java(Java::OrgJbox2dCommon::Vec2), vertices.length) # Define the body and make it from the shape bd = bd.type = BodyType::DYNAMIC bd.position.set(box2d.processing_to_world(center)) @body = box2d.create_body(bd) body.create_fixture(sd, 1.0) # Give it some initial random velocity body.set_linear_velocity(, rand(2.0..5))) body.set_angular_velocity(rand(-5.0..5)) end end