require 'split' require 'csv' require 'bigdecimal' module Split module Export extend self def round(number, precision = 2) end # this method calculates the z_score for an alternative including all goals. This behavior should # be added to Alternative#z_score but until then, this method will do. I lifted most of the code from that method. def z_score_all_goals(alternative) goals = alternative.goals + [nil] control = alternative.experiment.control return 'N/A' if == p_a = goals.inject(0) { |sum, g| sum + alternative.conversion_rate(g) } p_c = goals.inject(0) { |sum, g| sum + control.conversion_rate(g) } n_a = alternative.participant_count n_c = control.participant_count z_score = Split::Zscore.calculate(p_a, n_a, p_c, n_c) end def to_csv csv = CSV.generate do |csv| csv << ['Experiment', 'Alternative', 'Participants', 'Completed', 'Conversion Rate', 'Z score', 'Control', 'Winner'] Split::ExperimentCatalog.all.each do |experiment| goals = experiment.goals + [nil] # nil corresponds to conversions without any goals. experiment.alternatives.each do |alternative| csv << [,, alternative.participant_count, goals.inject(0) { |sum, g| sum + alternative.completed_count(g) }, round(goals.inject(0) { |sum, g| sum + alternative.conversion_rate(g) }, 3), round(z_score_all_goals(alternative), 3), alternative.control?, alternative.to_s == experiment.winner.to_s] end end end end def experiment_to_csv(experiment) csv = CSV.generate do |csv| csv << ["Alternative", "Goal", "Participants", "Completed", "Conversion Rate", "Z Score", "Control", "Winner"] experiment = Split::ExperimentCatalog.find(experiment) break if !experiment goals = [nil] + experiment.goals # nil corresponds to conversions without any goals. experiment.alternatives.each do |alternative| goals.each do |goal| csv << [, goal, alternative.participant_count, alternative.completed_count(goal), round(alternative.conversion_rate(goal), 3), round(alternative.z_score(goal), 3), alternative.control?, alternative.to_s == experiment.winner.to_s] end end end end end end