require 'json' describe RedisSessionStore do let :random_string do "#{rand}#{rand}#{rand}" end let :options do {} end subject(:store) {, options) } let :default_options do store.instance_variable_get(:@default_options) end it 'assigns a :namespace to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:namespace]).to eq('rack:session') end describe 'when initializing with the redis sub-hash options' do let :options do { key: random_string, secret: random_string, redis: { host: 'hosty.local', port: 16_379, db: 2, key_prefix: 'myapp:session:', expire_after: 60 * 120 } } end it 'creates a redis instance' do expect(store.instance_variable_get(:@redis)).to_not be_nil end it 'assigns the :host option to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:host]).to eq('hosty.local') end it 'assigns the :port option to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:port]).to eq(16_379) end it 'assigns the :db option to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:db]).to eq(2) end it 'assigns the :key_prefix option to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:key_prefix]).to eq('myapp:session:') end it 'assigns the :expire_after option to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:expire_after]).to eq(60 * 120) end end describe 'when initializing with top-level redis options' do let :options do { key: random_string, secret: random_string, host: 'hostersons.local', port: 26_379, db: 4, key_prefix: 'appydoo:session:', expire_after: 60 * 60 } end it 'creates a redis instance' do expect(store.instance_variable_get(:@redis)).to_not be_nil end it 'assigns the :host option to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:host]).to eq('hostersons.local') end it 'assigns the :port option to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:port]).to eq(26_379) end it 'assigns the :db option to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:db]).to eq(4) end it 'assigns the :key_prefix option to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:key_prefix]).to eq('appydoo:session:') end it 'assigns the :expire_after option to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:expire_after]).to eq(60 * 60) end end describe 'when initializing with existing redis object' do let :options do { key: random_string, secret: random_string, redis: { client: redis_client, key_prefix: 'myapp:session:', expire_after: 60 * 30 } } end let(:redis_client) { double('redis_client') } it 'assigns given redis object to @redis' do expect(store.instance_variable_get(:@redis)).to be(redis_client) end it 'assigns the :client option to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:client]).to be(redis_client) end it 'assigns the :key_prefix option to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:key_prefix]).to eq('myapp:session:') end it 'assigns the :expire_after option to @default_options' do expect(default_options[:expire_after]).to eq(60 * 30) end end describe 'rack 1.45 compatibility' do # Rack 1.45 (which Rails 3.2.x depends on) uses the return value of # set_session to set the cookie value. See: # let(:env) { double('env') } let(:session_id) { 12_345 } let(:session_data) { double('session_data') } let(:options) { { expire_after: 123 } } context 'when successfully persisting the session' do it 'returns the session id' do expect(store.send(:set_session, env, session_id, session_data, options)) .to eq(session_id) end end context 'when unsuccessfully persisting the session' do before do allow(store).to receive(:redis).and_raise(Redis::CannotConnectError) end it 'returns false' do expect(store.send(:set_session, env, session_id, session_data, options)) .to eq(false) end end context 'when no expire_after option is given' do let(:options) { {} } it 'sets the session value without expiry' do expect(store.send(:set_session, env, session_id, session_data, options)) .to eq(session_id) end end context 'when redis is down' do before do allow(store).to receive(:redis).and_raise(Redis::CannotConnectError) store.on_redis_down = ->(*_a) { @redis_down_handled = true } end it 'returns false' do expect(store.send(:set_session, env, session_id, session_data, options)) .to eq(false) end it 'calls the on_redis_down handler' do store.send(:set_session, env, session_id, session_data, options) expect(@redis_down_handled).to eq(true) end context 'when :on_redis_down re-raises' do before { store.on_redis_down = ->(e, *) { raise e } } it 'explodes' do expect do store.send(:set_session, env, session_id, session_data, options) raise_error(Redis::CannotConnectError) end end end end describe 'checking for session existence' do let(:session_id) { 'foo' } before do allow(store).to receive(:current_session_id) .with(:env).and_return(session_id) end context 'when session id is not provided' do context 'when session id is nil' do let(:session_id) { nil } it 'returns false' do expect(store.send(:session_exists?, :env)).to eq(false) end end context 'when session id is empty string' do let(:session_id) { '' } it 'returns false' do allow(store).to receive(:current_session_id).with(:env).and_return('') expect(store.send(:session_exists?, :env)).to eq(false) end end end context 'when session id is provided' do let(:redis) do double('redis').tap do |o| allow(store).to receive(:redis).and_return(o) end end context 'when session id does not exist in redis' do it 'returns false' do expect(redis).to receive(:exists).with('foo').and_return(false) expect(store.send(:session_exists?, :env)).to eq(false) end end context 'when session id exists in redis' do it 'returns true' do expect(redis).to receive(:exists).with('foo').and_return(true) expect(store.send(:session_exists?, :env)).to eq(true) end end context 'when redis is down' do it 'returns true (fallback to old behavior)' do allow(store).to receive(:redis).and_raise(Redis::CannotConnectError) expect(store.send(:session_exists?, :env)).to eq(true) end end end end describe 'fetching a session' do let :options do { key_prefix: 'customprefix::' } end let(:fake_key) { 'thisisarediskey' } it 'retrieves the prefixed key from redis' do redis = double('redis') allow(store).to receive(:redis).and_return(redis) allow(store).to receive(:generate_sid).and_return(fake_key) expect(redis).to receive(:get).with("#{options[:key_prefix]}#{fake_key}") store.send(:get_session, double('env'), fake_key) end context 'when redis is down' do before do allow(store).to receive(:redis).and_raise(Redis::CannotConnectError) allow(store).to receive(:generate_sid).and_return('foop') end it 'returns an empty session hash' do expect(store.send(:get_session, double('env'), fake_key).last) .to eq({}) end it 'returns a newly generated sid' do expect(store.send(:get_session, double('env'), fake_key).first) .to eq('foop') end context 'when :on_redis_down re-raises' do before { store.on_redis_down = ->(e, *) { raise e } } it 'explodes' do expect do store.send(:get_session, double('env'), fake_key) raise_error(Redis::CannotConnectError) end end end end describe 'destroying a session' do context 'when the key is in the cookie hash' do let(:env) { { 'rack.request.cookie_hash' => cookie_hash } } let(:cookie_hash) { double('cookie hash') } let(:fake_key) { 'thisisarediskey' } before do allow(cookie_hash).to receive(:[]).and_return(fake_key) end it 'deletes the prefixed key from redis' do redis = double('redis') allow(store).to receive(:redis).and_return(redis) expect(redis).to receive(:del) .with("#{options[:key_prefix]}#{fake_key}") store.send(:destroy, env) end context 'when redis is down' do before do allow(store).to receive(:redis).and_raise(Redis::CannotConnectError) end it 'returns false' do expect(store.send(:destroy, env)).to eq(false) end context 'when :on_redis_down re-raises' do before { store.on_redis_down = ->(e, *) { raise e } } it 'explodes' do expect do store.send(:destroy, env) raise_error(Redis::CannotConnectError) end end end end context 'when destroyed via #destroy_session' do it 'deletes the prefixed key from redis' do redis = double('redis', setnx: true) allow(store).to receive(:redis).and_return(redis) sid = store.send(:generate_sid) expect(redis).to receive(:del).with("#{options[:key_prefix]}#{sid}") store.send(:destroy_session, {}, sid, nil) end end end describe 'session encoding' do let(:env) { double('env') } let(:session_id) { 12_345 } let(:session_data) { { 'some' => 'data' } } let(:options) { {} } let(:encoded_data) { Marshal.dump(session_data) } let(:redis) { double('redis', set: nil, get: encoded_data) } let(:expected_encoding) { encoded_data } before do allow(store).to receive(:redis).and_return(redis) end shared_examples_for 'serializer' do it 'encodes correctly' do expect(redis).to receive(:set).with('12345', expected_encoding) store.send(:set_session, env, session_id, session_data, options) end it 'decodes correctly' do expect(store.send(:get_session, env, session_id)) .to eq([session_id, session_data]) end end context 'marshal' do let(:options) { { serializer: :marshal } } it_should_behave_like 'serializer' end context 'json' do let(:options) { { serializer: :json } } let(:encoded_data) { '{"some":"data"}' } it_should_behave_like 'serializer' end context 'hybrid' do let(:options) { { serializer: :hybrid } } let(:expected_encoding) { '{"some":"data"}' } context 'marshal encoded data' do it_should_behave_like 'serializer' end context 'json encoded data' do let(:encoded_data) { '{"some":"data"}' } it_should_behave_like 'serializer' end end context 'custom' do let :custom_serializer do do def self.load(_value) { 'some' => 'data' } end def self.dump(_value) 'somedata' end end end let(:options) { { serializer: custom_serializer } } let(:expected_encoding) { 'somedata' } it_should_behave_like 'serializer' end end describe 'handling decode errors' do context 'when a class is serialized that does not exist' do before do allow(store).to receive(:redis) .and_return(double('redis', get: "\x04\bo:\nNonExistentClass\x00", del: true)) end it 'returns an empty session' do expect(store.send(:load_session_from_redis, 'whatever')).to be_nil end it 'destroys and drops the session' do expect(store).to receive(:destroy_session_from_sid) .with('wut', drop: true) store.send(:load_session_from_redis, 'wut') end context 'when a custom on_session_load_error handler is provided' do before do store.on_session_load_error = lambda do |e, sid| @e = e @sid = sid end end it 'passes the error and the sid to the handler' do store.send(:load_session_from_redis, 'foo') expect(@e).to be_kind_of(StandardError) expect(@sid).to eq('foo') end end end context 'when the encoded data is invalid' do before do allow(store).to receive(:redis) .and_return(double('redis', get: "\x00\x00\x00\x00", del: true)) end it 'returns an empty session' do expect(store.send(:load_session_from_redis, 'bar')).to be_nil end it 'destroys and drops the session' do expect(store).to receive(:destroy_session_from_sid) .with('wut', drop: true) store.send(:load_session_from_redis, 'wut') end context 'when a custom on_session_load_error handler is provided' do before do store.on_session_load_error = lambda do |e, sid| @e = e @sid = sid end end it 'passes the error and the sid to the handler' do store.send(:load_session_from_redis, 'foo') expect(@e).to be_kind_of(StandardError) expect(@sid).to eq('foo') end end end end describe 'validating custom handlers' do %w(on_redis_down on_session_load_error).each do |h| context 'when nil' do it 'does not explode at init' do expect { store }.to_not raise_error end end context 'when callable' do let(:options) { { :"#{h}" => ->(*) { true } } } it 'does not explode at init' do expect { store }.to_not raise_error end end context 'when not callable' do let(:options) { { :"#{h}" => 'herpderp' } } it 'explodes at init' do expect { store }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end end describe 'setting the session' do it 'allows changing the session' do env = { 'rack.session.options' => {} } sid = 1234 allow(store).to receive(:redis).and_return( data1 = { 'foo' => 'bar' } store.send(:set_session, env, sid, data1) data2 = { 'baz' => 'wat' } store.send(:set_session, env, sid, data2) _, session = store.send(:get_session, env, sid) expect(session).to eq(data2) end it 'allows changing the session when the session has an expiry' do env = { 'rack.session.options' => { expire_after: 60 } } sid = 1234 allow(store).to receive(:redis).and_return( data1 = { 'foo' => 'bar' } store.send(:set_session, env, sid, data1) data2 = { 'baz' => 'wat' } store.send(:set_session, env, sid, data2) _, session = store.send(:get_session, env, sid) expect(session).to eq(data2) end end end