require 'active_support' require 'active_support/version' %w{ active_support/core_ext/string }.each do |active_support_3_requirement| require active_support_3_requirement end if ActiveSupport::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 require 'amatch' require 'andand' require 'fastercsv' class LooseTightDictionary class MissedChecks < RuntimeError; end class Mismatch < RuntimeError; end class FalsePositive < RuntimeError; end class T attr_reader :str, :tightened_str def initialize(str, tightened_str) @str = str @tightened_str = tightened_str end def tightened? str != tightened_str end def prefix_and_score(other) prefix = [ tightened_str.length, other.tightened_str.length ].min if tightened? and other.tightened? score = if prefix tightened_str.first(prefix).pair_distance_similar other.tightened_str.first(prefix) else tightened_str.pair_distance_similar other.tightened_str end [ prefix, score ] end end include Amatch attr_reader :right_records attr_reader :tightenings attr_reader :restrictions attr_reader :blockings attr_reader :logger attr_reader :tee attr_reader :case_sensitive attr_accessor :positives attr_accessor :negatives attr_accessor :left_reader attr_accessor :right_reader def initialize(right_records, options = {}) @right_records = right_records @tightenings = options[:tightenings] || @restrictions = options[:restrictions] || @blockings = options[:blockings] || @left_reader = options[:left_reader] @right_reader = options[:right_reader] @positives = options[:positives] @negatives = options[:negatives] @logger = options[:logger] @tee = options[:tee] @case_sensitive = options[:case_sensitive] || false end def inline_check(left_record, right_record) return unless positives.present? or negatives.present? left = read_left left_record right = read_right right_record if p = positives.andand.detect { |record| record[0] == left } correct_right = p[1] else correct_right = :ignore end if n = negatives.andand.detect { |record| record[0] == left } incorrect_right = n[1] else incorrect_right = :ignore end if correct_right != :ignore and right != correct_right logger.andand.debug " Mismatch! (should be #{correct_right})" raise Mismatch end if incorrect_right != :ignore and right == incorrect_right logger.andand.debug " False positive! (should NOT be #{incorrect_right})" raise FalsePositive end end def check(left_records) unless positives.present? or negatives.present? "You didn't define any positives or negatives, so running check doesn't do anything" return end left_records.each do |left_record| right_record = left_to_right left_record inline_check left_record, right_record tee.andand.puts [ read_left(left_record), read_right(right_record), $ltd_1 ].flatten.to_csv end end def left_to_right(left_record) left = read_left left_record restricted_left = restrict left blocking_left = blocking left t_options_left = t_options left history = right_record = { |record| blocking_left.nil? or blocking_left.match(read_right(record)) }.max do |a_record, b_record| a = read_right a_record b = read_right b_record restricted_a = restrict a restricted_b = restrict b if restricted_left and restricted_a and restricted_b and restricted_left != restricted_a and restricted_left != restricted_b # neither would ever work, so randomly rank one over the other rand(2) == 1 ? -1 : 1 elsif restricted_left and restricted_a and restricted_left != restricted_a -1 elsif restricted_left and restricted_b and restricted_left != restricted_b 1 else t_left_a, t_right_a = optimize t_options_left, t_options(a) t_left_b, t_right_b = optimize t_options_left, t_options(b) a_prefix, a_score = t_left_a.prefix_and_score t_right_a b_prefix, b_score = t_left_b.prefix_and_score t_right_b history[a_record] = [t_left_a.tightened_str, t_right_a.tightened_str, a_prefix ? a_prefix : 'NULL', a_score] history[b_record] = [t_left_b.tightened_str, t_right_b.tightened_str, b_prefix ? b_prefix : 'NULL', b_score] yep_dd = ($ltd_dd_right and $ltd_dd_left and [t_left_a, t_left_b].any? { |f| f.str =~ $ltd_dd_left } and [t_right_a, t_right_b].any? { |f| f.str =~ $ltd_dd_right } and (!$ltd_dd_left_not or [t_left_a, t_left_b].none? { |f| f.str =~ $ltd_dd_left_not })) if $ltd_dd_print and yep_dd logger.andand.debug t_left_a.inspect logger.andand.debug t_right_a.inspect logger.andand.debug t_left_b.inspect logger.andand.debug t_right_b.inspect logger.andand.debug end z = 1 debugger if yep_dd z = 1 if a_score != b_score a_score <=> b_score elsif a_prefix and b_prefix and a_prefix != b_prefix a_prefix <=> b_prefix else b.length <=> a.length end end end $ltd_1 = history[right_record] right = read_right right_record restricted_right = restrict right z = 1 debugger if $ltd_left.andand.match(left) or $ltd_right.andand.match(right) z = 1 return if restricted_left and restricted_right and restricted_left != restricted_right inline_check left_record, right_record right_record end def optimize(t_options_left, t_options_right) cart_prod(t_options_left, t_options_right).max do |a, b| t_left_a, t_right_a = a t_left_b, t_right_b = b a_prefix, a_score = t_left_a.prefix_and_score t_right_a b_prefix, b_score = t_left_b.prefix_and_score t_right_b yep_ddd = ($ltd_ddd_right and $ltd_ddd_left and [t_left_a, t_left_b].any? { |f| f.str =~ $ltd_ddd_left } and [t_right_a, t_right_b].any? { |f| f.str =~ $ltd_ddd_right } and (!$ltd_ddd_left_not or [t_left_a, t_left_b].none? { |f| f.str =~ $ltd_ddd_left_not })) if $ltd_ddd_print and yep_ddd logger.andand.debug t_left_a.inspect logger.andand.debug t_right_a.inspect logger.andand.debug t_left_b.inspect logger.andand.debug t_right_b.inspect logger.andand.debug end z = 1 debugger if yep_ddd z = 1 if a_score != b_score a_score <=> b_score elsif a_prefix and b_prefix and a_prefix != b_prefix a_prefix <=> b_prefix else # randomly choose # maybe later i can figure out how big the inputs are and apply occam's razor rand(2) == 1 ? -1 : 1 end end end def t_options(str) return @_t_options[str] if @_t_options.andand.has_key?(str) @_t_options ||= ary = ary <<, str) tightenings.each do |tightening| if literal_regexp(tightening[0]).match str ary <<, $~.captures.compact.join) end end @_t_options[str] = ary end def blocking(str) return @_blocking[str] if @_blocking.andand.has_key?(str) @_blocking ||= blockings.each do |blocking| regexp = literal_regexp blocking[0] if regexp.match str return @_blocking[str] = regexp end end @_blocking[str] = nil end def restrict(str) return @_restrict[str] if @_restrict.andand.has_key?(str) @_restrict ||= restrictions.each do |restriction| if literal_regexp(restriction[0]).match str retval = $~.captures.compact.join retval = retval.downcase unless case_sensitive return @_restrict[str] = retval end end @_restrict[str] = nil end def literal_regexp(str) return @_literal_regexp[str] if @_literal_regexp.andand.has_key? str @_literal_regexp ||= raw_regexp_options = str.split('/').last i = (!case_sensitive or raw_regexp_options.include?('i')) ? Regexp::IGNORECASE : nil m = raw_regexp_options.include?('m') ? Regexp::MULTILINE : nil x = raw_regexp_options.include?('x') ? Regexp::EXTENDED : nil @_literal_regexp[str] = str.gsub(/\A\/|\/([ixm]*)\z/, ''), (i||m||x), 'U' end def read_left(left_record) return if left_record.nil? left_reader ? : left_record[0] end def read_right(right_record) return if right_record.nil? right_reader ? : right_record[0] end # Thanks William James! # def cart_prod(*args) args.inject([[]]){|old,lst| new = [] lst.each{|e| new +={|c| c.dup << e }} new } end end