= 2.2.1 (Jan 24, 2012)
* Fixed a backward incompatible change introduced in Rails 3.2 release (find_or_create_by_* generated methods)
= 2.2 (Jan 18, 2012)
* fixed a bug in the initiliazer file regarding dynamic shortcuts
= 2.1 (Nov 30, 2011)
* added syntactic sugar: grant and revoke are aliases for has_role and has_no_role
* check if RUBY_ENGINE is defined in the gemspec to be able to use jdbc with JRuby for SQLite
= 2.0 (Nov 10, 2011)
* improved performance of has_all_roles? method using one single DB query instead of doing one DB lookup per argument
* significant speed-up when requesting with many arguments
* database choice can mitigate the results
* clean up the initializer code
* using a DSL to configure the library
* setting defaults for User and Role classes
* dynamic shortcuts feature is now disabled by default. To turn it on:
* set it to true in the initializer file
* uncomment the extend Rolify::Dynamic line in the User class
* detecting if it's loaded by Rails::Server or Rails::Console
* now also running on Rubinius, JRuby, REE and Ruby 1.8. all specs pass successfully, yeah !
= 1.2 (Nov 4, 2011)
* fixed a strange bug, probably rails related (thanks to @scottkf)
* when using rails in development mode, the config.cache_classes = false makes the role class to be loaded at every call and can lead to a AssociationTypeMismatch
* use of role_ids array instead of the roles association
* now running on JRuby (specs are still failing for JRuby though)
= 1.1 (Oct 14, 2011)
* added a spec to test the rails generator using ammeter gem
* Gemfile cleanup, moved all dependencies in gemspec instead
* edited the dependency to Rails 3.1 and newer, now that Rails 3.1 has been released
* new role scoping capabilities
* instance level : user.has_role "moderator", Forum.first (already supported in previous release). user has the moderator role only on that Forum in particular
* class level : user.has_role "moderator", Forum. User has the moderator role on all instances of Forum
* global level : user.has_role "moderator" (already supported in previous release). User has the moderator role globally (e.q. on all resources)
* new scoped query capabilities
* user.has_role? "moderator", Forum.first (already supported in previous release). asks if the user has the moderator role on Forum.first instance
* user.has_role? "moderator", Forum. asks if the user has the moderator role on all Forum instances
* user.has_role? "moderator" (already supported in previous release). asks if the user has the global moderator role
* user.has_role? "moderator", :any. asks if the user has at least one moderator role no matter the scope is (instance, class or global).
= 1.0 (Aug 25, 2011)
* added a new parameter to disable dynamic shortcut methods due to potential incompatibility with other gems using method_missing with the same pattern
* add Rolify.dynamic_shortcuts = false in the initializer file or
* use the generator command with a third parameter:
* rails g rolify:role Role User false
* removed the railtie as it created more problems than it solved
* code refactoring to do some speed improvements and code clean up
* added a lot of specs to improve tests coverage
* wrote a tutorial showing how to use rolify with CanCan and Devise
* rolify is now on travis-ci to monitor build status
= 0.7 (June 20, 2011)
* added a method_missing to catch newly created role outside the current ruby process (i.e. dynamic shortcut methods are not defined within this process)
* dynamic shortcut is created on the fly in the method_missing to avoid extra method_missing for the same dynamic shortcut
* check if the role actually exists in the database before defining the new method
* first call is slower due to method_missing but next calls are fast
* avoid strange bugs when spawning many ruby processes as the dynamic shortcut methods were only defined in the process that used the has_role command
= 0.6 (June 19, 2011)
* custom User and Role class names support
* can now use other class names for Role and User classes
* fixed generators and templates
* join table is explicitly set to avoid alphabetical order issue
* created a new railtie to load the dynamic shortcuts at startup
= 0.5.1 (June 07, 2011)
* fixed a nasty typo on a variable name and added a spec to make it never happen again
= 0.5 (June 07, 2011)
* dynamic shortcuts support
* creates automatically new methods upon new role creation (or at startup for a Rails app)
* has_role "admin" will create a method called is_admin?
* has_role "moderator", Forum.first will create 2 methods:
* is_moderator_of?(resource)
* is_moderator?
= v0.4 (June 07, 2011)
* removing role support
* has_no_role removes a global role or a role scoped to a resource
* Please note that trying to remove a global role whereas the user a role with the same name on a resource will remove that scoped role
* Trying to remove a role scoped to a resource whereas the user has a global role won't remove it
= v0.3 (June 06, 2011)
* multiple roles check:
* has_all_roles? returns true if the user has ALL the roles in arguments
* has_any_role? returns true if the user has ANY the roles in arguments
= v0.2 (June 04, 2011)
* fixed the generator to include the lib
* fixed the migration file with missing polymorphic field
* added some examples in documentation
= v0.1 (June 04, 2011)
* first release