# # = bio/alignment.rb - multiple alignment of sequences # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2006 # GOTO Naohisa # # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id: alignment.rb,v 1.24 2007/12/26 14:08:02 ngoto Exp $ # # = About Bio::Alignment # # Please refer document of Bio::Alignment module. # # = References # # * Bio::Align::AlignI class of the BioPerl. # http://doc.bioperl.org/releases/bioperl-1.4/Bio/Align/AlignI.html # # * Bio::SimpleAlign class of the BioPerl. # http://doc.bioperl.org/releases/bioperl-1.4/Bio/SimpleAlign.html # require 'tempfile' require 'bio/command' require 'bio/sequence' #--- # (depends on autoload) #require 'bio/appl/gcg/seq' #+++ module Bio # # = About Bio::Alignment # # Bio::Alignment is a namespace of classes/modules for multiple sequence # alignment. # # = Multiple alignment container classes # # == Bio::Alignment::OriginalAlignment # # == Bio::Alignment::SequenceArray # # == Bio::Alignment::SequenceHash # # = Bio::Alignment::Site # # = Modules # # == Bio::Alignment::EnumerableExtension # # Mix-in for classes included Enumerable. # # == Bio::Alignment::ArrayExtension # # Mix-in for Array or Array-like classes. # # == Bio::Alignment::HashExtension # # Mix-in for Hash or Hash-like classes. # # == Bio::Alignment::SiteMethods # # == Bio::Alignment::PropertyMethods # # = Bio::Alignment::GAP # # = Compatibility from older BioRuby # module Alignment autoload :MultiFastaFormat, 'bio/appl/mafft/report' # Bio::Alignment::PropertyMethods is a set of methods to treat # the gap character and so on. module PropertyMethods # regular expression for detecting gaps. GAP_REGEXP = /[^a-zA-Z]/ # gap character GAP_CHAR = '-'.freeze # missing character MISSING_CHAR = '?'.freeze # If given character is a gap, returns true. # Otherwise, return false. # Note that s must be a String which contain a single character. def is_gap?(s) (gap_regexp =~ s) ? true : false end # Returns regular expression for checking gap. def gap_regexp ((defined? @gap_regexp) ? @gap_regexp : nil) or GAP_REGEXP end # regular expression for checking gap attr_writer :gap_regexp # Gap character. def gap_char ((defined? @gap_char) ? @gap_char : nil) or GAP_CHAR end # gap character attr_writer :gap_char # Character if the site is missing or unknown. def missing_char ((defined? @missing_char) ? @missing_char : nil) or MISSING_CHAR end # Character if the site is missing or unknown. attr_writer :missing_char # Returns class of the sequence. # If instance variable @seqclass (which can be # set by 'seqclass=' method) is set, simply returns the value. # Otherwise, returns the first sequence's class. # If no sequences are found, returns nil. def seqclass ((defined? @seqclass) ? @seqclass : nil) or String end # The class of the sequence. # The value must be String or its derivatives. attr_writer :seqclass # Returns properties defined in the object as an hash. def get_all_property ret = {} if defined? @gap_regexp ret[:gap_regexp] = @gap_regexp end if defined? @gap_char ret[:gap_char] = @gap_char end if defined? @missing_char ret[:missing_char] = @missing_char end if defined? @seqclass ret[:seqclass] = @seqclass end ret end # Sets properties from given hash. # hash would be a return value of get_character method. def set_all_property(hash) @gap_regexp = hash[:gap_regexp] if hash.has_key?(:gap_regexp) @gap_char = hash[:gap_char] if hash.has_key?(:gap_char) @missing_char = hash[:missing_char] if hash.has_key?(:missing_char) @seqclass = hash[:seqclass] if hash.has_key?(:seqclass) self end end #module PropertyMethods # Bio::Alignment::SiteMethods is a set of methods for # Bio::Alignment::Site. # It can also be used for extending an array of single-letter strings. module SiteMethods include PropertyMethods # If there are gaps, returns true. Otherwise, returns false. def has_gap? (find { |x| is_gap?(x) }) ? true : false end # Removes gaps in the site. (destructive method) def remove_gaps! flag = nil self.collect! do |x| if is_gap?(x) then flag = self; nil; else x; end end self.compact! flag end # Returns consensus character of the site. # If consensus is found, eturns a single-letter string. # If not, returns nil. def consensus_string(threshold = 1.0) return nil if self.size <= 0 return self[0] if self.sort.uniq.size == 1 h = Hash.new(0) self.each { |x| h[x] += 1 } total = self.size b = h.to_a.sort do |x,y| z = (y[1] <=> x[1]) z = (self.index(x[0]) <=> self.index(y[0])) if z == 0 z end if total * threshold <= b[0][1] then b[0][0] else nil end end # IUPAC nucleotide groups. Internal use only. IUPAC_NUC = [ %w( t u ), %w( m a c ), %w( r a g ), %w( w a t u ), %w( s c g ), %w( y c t u ), %w( k g t u ), %w( v a c g m r s ), %w( h a c t u m w y ), %w( d a g t u r w k ), %w( b c g t u s y k ), %w( n a c g t u m r w s y k v h d b ) ] # Returns an IUPAC consensus base for the site. # If consensus is found, eturns a single-letter string. # If not, returns nil. def consensus_iupac a = self.collect { |x| x.downcase }.sort.uniq if a.size == 1 then case a[0] when 'a', 'c', 'g', 't' a[0] when 'u' 't' else IUPAC_NUC.find { |x| a[0] == x[0] } ? a[0] : nil end elsif r = IUPAC_NUC.find { |x| (a - x).size <= 0 } then r[0] else nil end end # Table of strongly conserved amino-acid groups. # # The value of the tables are taken from BioPerl # (Bio/SimpleAlign.pm in BioPerl 1.0), # and the BioPerl's document says that # it is taken from Clustalw documentation and # These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in the # Gonnet Pam250 matrix. The strong and weak groups are # defined as strong score >0.5 and weak score =<0.5 respectively. # StrongConservationGroups = %w(STA NEQK NHQK NDEQ QHRK MILV MILF HY FYW).collect { |x| x.split('').sort } # Table of weakly conserved amino-acid groups. # # Please refer StrongConservationGroups document # for the origin of the table. WeakConservationGroups = %w(CSA ATV SAG STNK STPA SGND SNDEQK NDEQHK NEQHRK FVLIM HFY).collect { |x| x.split('').sort } # Returns the match-line character for the site. # This is amino-acid version. def match_line_amino(opt = {}) # opt[:match_line_char] ==> 100% equal default: '*' # opt[:strong_match_char] ==> strong match default: ':' # opt[:weak_match_char] ==> weak match default: '.' # opt[:mismatch_char] ==> mismatch default: ' ' mlc = (opt[:match_line_char] or '*') smc = (opt[:strong_match_char] or ':') wmc = (opt[:weak_match_char] or '.') mmc = (opt[:mismatch_char] or ' ') a = self.collect { |c| c.upcase }.sort.uniq a.extend(SiteMethods) if a.has_gap? then mmc elsif a.size == 1 then mlc elsif StrongConservationGroups.find { |x| (a - x).empty? } then smc elsif WeakConservationGroups.find { |x| (a - x).empty? } then wmc else mmc end end # Returns the match-line character for the site. # This is nucleic-acid version. def match_line_nuc(opt = {}) # opt[:match_line_char] ==> 100% equal default: '*' # opt[:mismatch_char] ==> mismatch default: ' ' mlc = (opt[:match_line_char] or '*') mmc = (opt[:mismatch_char] or ' ') a = self.collect { |c| c.upcase }.sort.uniq a.extend(SiteMethods) if a.has_gap? then mmc elsif a.size == 1 then mlc else mmc end end end #module SiteMethods # Bio::Alignment::Site stores bases or amino-acids in a # site of the alignment. # It would store multiple String objects of length 1. # Please refer to the document of Array and SiteMethods for methods. class Site < Array include SiteMethods end #module Site # The module Bio::Alignment::EnumerableExtension is a set of useful # methods for multiple sequence alignment. # It can be included by any classes or can be extended to any objects. # The classes or objects must have methods defined in Enumerable, # and must have the each method # which iterates over each sequence (or string) and yields # a sequence (or string) object. # # Optionally, if each_seq method is defined, # which iterates over each sequence (or string) and yields # each sequence (or string) object, it is used instead of each. # # Note that the each or each_seq method would be # called multiple times. # This means that the module is not suitable for IO objects. # In addition, break would be used in the given block and # destructive methods would be used to the sequences. # # For Array or Hash objects, you'd better using # ArrayExtension or HashExtension modules, respectively. # They would have built-in each_seq method and/or # some methods would be redefined. # module EnumerableExtension include PropertyMethods # Iterates over each sequences. # Yields a sequence. # It acts the same as Enumerable#each. # # You would redefine the method suitable for the class/object. def each_seq(&block) #:yields: seq each(&block) end # Returns class of the sequence. # If instance variable @seqclass (which can be # set by 'seqclass=' method) is set, simply returns the value. # Otherwise, returns the first sequence's class. # If no sequences are found, returns nil. def seqclass if (defined? @seqclass) and @seqclass then @seqclass else klass = nil each_seq do |s| if s then klass = s.class break if klass end end (klass or String) end end # Returns the alignment length. # Returns the longest length of the sequence in the alignment. def alignment_length maxlen = 0 each_seq do |s| x = s.length maxlen = x if x > maxlen end maxlen end alias seq_length alignment_length # Gets a site of the position. # Returns a Bio::Alignment::Site object. # # If the position is out of range, it returns the site # of which all are gaps. # # It is a private method. # Only difference from public alignment_site method is # it does not do set_all_property(get_all_property). def _alignment_site(position) site = Site.new each_seq do |s| c = s[position, 1] if c.to_s.empty? c = seqclass.new(gap_char) end site << c end site end private :_alignment_site # Gets a site of the position. # Returns a Bio::Alignment::Site object. # # If the position is out of range, it returns the site # of which all are gaps. def alignment_site(position) site = _alignment_site(position) site.set_all_property(get_all_property) site end # Iterates over each site of the alignment. # It yields a Bio::Alignment::Site object (which inherits Array). # It returns self. def each_site cp = get_all_property (0...alignment_length).each do |i| site = _alignment_site(i) site.set_all_property(cp) yield(site) end self end # Iterates over each site of the alignment, with specifying # start, stop positions and step. # It yields Bio::Alignment::Site object (which inherits Array). # It returns self. # It is same as # start.step(stop, step) { |i| yield alignment_site(i) }. def each_site_step(start, stop, step = 1) cp = get_all_property start.step(stop, step) do |i| site = _alignment_site(i) site.set_all_property(cp) yield(site) end self end # Iterates over each sequence and results running blocks # are collected and returns a new alignment as a # Bio::Alignment::SequenceArray object. # # Note that it would be redefined if you want to change # return value's class. # def alignment_collect a = SequenceArray.new a.set_all_property(get_all_property) each_seq do |str| a << yield(str) end a end # Returns specified range of the alignment. # For each sequence, the '[]' method (it may be String#[]) # is executed, and returns a new alignment # as a Bio::Alignment::SequenceArray object. # # Unlike alignment_slice method, the result alignment are # guaranteed to contain String object if the range specified # is out of range. # # If you want to change return value's class, you should redefine # alignment_collect method. # def alignment_window(*arg) alignment_collect do |s| s[*arg] or seqclass.new('') end end alias window alignment_window # Iterates over each sliding window of the alignment. # window_size is the size of sliding window. # step is the step of each sliding. # It yields a Bio::Alignment::SequenceArray object which contains # each sliding window. # It returns a Bio::Alignment::SequenceArray object which contains # remainder alignment at the terminal end. # If window_size is smaller than 0, it returns nil. def each_window(window_size, step_size = 1) return nil if window_size < 0 if step_size >= 0 then last_step = nil 0.step(alignment_length - window_size, step_size) do |i| yield alignment_window(i, window_size) last_step = i end alignment_window((last_step + window_size)..-1) else i = alignment_length - window_size while i >= 0 yield alignment_window(i, window_size) i += step_size end alignment_window(0...(i-step_size)) end end # Iterates over each site of the alignment and results running the # block are collected and returns an array. # It yields a Bio::Alignment::Site object. def collect_each_site ary = [] each_site do |site| ary << yield(site) end ary end # Helper method for calculating consensus sequence. # It iterates over each site of the alignment. # In each site, gaps will be removed if specified with opt. # It yields a Bio::Alignment::Site object. # Results running the block (String objects are expected) # are joined to a string and it returns the string. # # opt[:gap_mode] ==> 0 -- gaps are regarded as normal characters # 1 -- a site within gaps is regarded as a gap # -1 -- gaps are eliminated from consensus calculation # default: 0 # def consensus_each_site(opt = {}) mchar = (opt[:missing_char] or self.missing_char) gap_mode = opt[:gap_mode] case gap_mode when 0, nil collect_each_site do |a| yield(a) or mchar end.join('') when 1 collect_each_site do |a| a.has_gap? ? gap_char : (yield(a) or mchar) end.join('') when -1 collect_each_site do |a| a.remove_gaps! a.empty? ? gap_char : (yield(a) or mchar) end.join('') else raise ':gap_mode must be 0, 1 or -1' end end # Returns the consensus string of the alignment. # 0.0 <= threshold <= 1.0 is expected. # # It resembles the BioPerl's AlignI::consensus_string method. # # Please refer to the consensus_each_site method for opt. # def consensus_string(threshold = 1.0, opt = {}) consensus_each_site(opt) do |a| a.consensus_string(threshold) end end # Returns the IUPAC consensus string of the alignment # of nucleic-acid sequences. # # It resembles the BioPerl's AlignI::consensus_iupac method. # # Please refer to the consensus_each_site method for opt. # def consensus_iupac(opt = {}) consensus_each_site(opt) do |a| a.consensus_iupac end end # Returns the match line stirng of the alignment # of amino-acid sequences. # # It resembles the BioPerl's AlignI::match_line method. # # opt[:match_line_char] ==> 100% equal default: '*' # opt[:strong_match_char] ==> strong match default: ':' # opt[:weak_match_char] ==> weak match default: '.' # opt[:mismatch_char] ==> mismatch default: ' ' # # More opt can be accepted. # Please refer to the consensus_each_site method for opt. # def match_line_amino(opt = {}) collect_each_site do |a| a.match_line_amino(opt) end.join('') end # Returns the match line stirng of the alignment # of nucleic-acid sequences. # # It resembles the BioPerl's AlignI::match_line method. # # opt[:match_line_char] ==> 100% equal default: '*' # opt[:mismatch_char] ==> mismatch default: ' ' # # More opt can be accepted. # Please refer to the consensus_each_site method for opt. # def match_line_nuc(opt = {}) collect_each_site do |a| a.match_line_nuc(opt) end.join('') end # Returns the match line stirng of the alignment # of nucleic- or amino-acid sequences. # The type of the sequence is automatically determined # or you can specify with opt[:type]. # # It resembles the BioPerl's AlignI::match_line method. # # opt[:type] ==> :na or :aa (or determined by sequence class) # opt[:match_line_char] ==> 100% equal default: '*' # opt[:strong_match_char] ==> strong match default: ':' # opt[:weak_match_char] ==> weak match default: '.' # opt[:mismatch_char] ==> mismatch default: ' ' # :strong_ and :weak_match_char are used only in amino mode (:aa) # # More opt can be accepted. # Please refer to the consensus_each_site method for opt. # def match_line(opt = {}) case opt[:type] when :aa amino = true when :na, :dna, :rna amino = false else if seqclass == Bio::Sequence::AA then amino = true elsif seqclass == Bio::Sequence::NA then amino = false else amino = nil self.each_seq do |x| if /[EFILPQ]/i =~ x amino = true break end end end end if amino then match_line_amino(opt) else match_line_nuc(opt) end end # This is the BioPerl's AlignI::match like method. # # Changes second to last sequences' sites to match_char(default: '.') # when a site is equeal to the first sequence's corresponding site. # # Note that it is a destructive method. # # For Hash, please use it carefully because # the order of the sequences is inconstant. # def convert_match(match_char = '.') #(BioPerl) AlignI::match like method len = alignment_length firstseq = nil each_seq do |s| unless firstseq then firstseq = s else (0...len).each do |i| if s[i] and firstseq[i] == s[i] and !is_gap?(firstseq[i..i]) s[i..i] = match_char end end end end self end # This is the BioPerl's AlignI::unmatch like method. # # Changes second to last sequences' sites match_char(default: '.') # to original sites' characters. # # Note that it is a destructive method. # # For Hash, please use it carefully because # the order of the sequences is inconstant. # def convert_unmatch(match_char = '.') #(BioPerl) AlignI::unmatch like method len = alignment_length firstseq = nil each_seq do |s| unless firstseq then firstseq = s else (0...len).each do |i| if s[i..i] == match_char then s[i..i] = (firstseq[i..i] or match_char) end end end end self end # Fills gaps to the tail of each sequence if the length of # the sequence is shorter than the alignment length. # # Note that it is a destructive method. def alignment_normalize! #(original) len = alignment_length each_seq do |s| s << (gap_char * (len - s.length)) if s.length < len end self end alias normalize! alignment_normalize! # Removes excess gaps in the tail of the sequences. # If removes nothing, returns nil. # Otherwise, returns self. # # Note that it is a destructive method. def alignment_rstrip! #(String-like) len = alignment_length newlen = len each_site_step(len - 1, 0, -1) do |a| a.remove_gaps! if a.empty? then newlen -= 1 else break end end return nil if newlen >= len each_seq do |s| s[newlen..-1] = '' if s.length > newlen end self end alias rstrip! alignment_rstrip! # Removes excess gaps in the head of the sequences. # If removes nothing, returns nil. # Otherwise, returns self. # # Note that it is a destructive method. def alignment_lstrip! #(String-like) pos = 0 each_site do |a| a.remove_gaps! if a.empty? pos += 1 else break end end return nil if pos <= 0 each_seq { |s| s[0, pos] = '' } self end alias lstrip! alignment_lstrip! # Removes excess gaps in the sequences. # If removes nothing, returns nil. # Otherwise, returns self. # # Note that it is a destructive method. def alignment_strip! #(String-like) r = alignment_rstrip! l = alignment_lstrip! (r or l) end alias strip! alignment_strip! # Completely removes ALL gaps in the sequences. # If removes nothing, returns nil. # Otherwise, returns self. # # Note that it is a destructive method. def remove_all_gaps! ret = nil each_seq do |s| x = s.gsub!(gap_regexp, '') ret ||= x end ret ? self : nil end # Returns the specified range of the alignment. # For each sequence, the 'slice' method (it may be String#slice, # which is the same as String#[]) is executed, and # returns a new alignment as a Bio::Alignment::SequenceArray object. # # Unlike alignment_window method, the result alignment # might contain nil. # # If you want to change return value's class, you should redefine # alignment_collect method. # def alignment_slice(*arg) #(String-like) #(BioPerl) AlignI::slice like method alignment_collect do |s| s.slice(*arg) end end alias slice alignment_slice # For each sequence, the 'subseq' method (Bio::Seqeunce::Common#subseq is # expected) is executed, and returns a new alignment as # a Bio::Alignment::SequenceArray object. # # All sequences in the alignment are expected to be kind of # Bio::Sequence::NA or Bio::Sequence::AA objects. # # Unlike alignment_window method, the result alignment # might contain nil. # # If you want to change return value's class, you should redefine # alignment_collect method. # def alignment_subseq(*arg) #(original) alignment_collect do |s| s.subseq(*arg) end end alias subseq alignment_subseq # Concatenates the given alignment. # align must have each_seq # or each method. # # Returns self. # # Note that it is a destructive method. # # For Hash, please use it carefully because # the order of the sequences is inconstant and # key information is completely ignored. # def alignment_concat(align) flag = nil a = [] each_seq { |s| a << s } i = 0 begin align.each_seq do |seq| flag = true a[i].concat(seq) if a[i] and seq i += 1 end return self rescue NoMethodError, ArgumentError => evar raise evar if flag end align.each do |seq| a[i].concat(seq) if a[i] and seq i += 1 end self end end #module EnumerableExtension module Output def output(format, *arg) case format when :clustal output_clustal(*arg) when :fasta output_fasta(*arg) when :phylip output_phylip(*arg) when :phylipnon output_phylipnon(*arg) when :msf output_msf(*arg) when :molphy output_molphy(*arg) else raise "Unknown format: #{format.inspect}" end end # Check whether there are same names for ClustalW format. # # array:: names of the sequences (array of string) # len:: length to check (default:30) def __clustal_have_same_name?(array, len = 30) na30 = array.collect do |k| k.to_s.split(/[\x00\s]/)[0].to_s[0, len].gsub(/\:\;\,\(\)/, '_').to_s end #p na30 na30idx = (0...(na30.size)).to_a na30idx.sort! do |x,y| na30[x] <=> na30[y] end #p na30idx y = nil dupidx = [] na30idx.each do |x| if y and na30[y] == na30[x] then dupidx << y dupidx << x end y = x end if dupidx.size > 0 then dupidx.sort! dupidx.uniq! dupidx else false end end private :__clustal_have_same_name? # Changes sequence names if there are conflicted names # for ClustalW format. # # array:: names of the sequences (array of string) # len:: length to check (default:30) def __clustal_avoid_same_name(array, len = 30) na = array.collect { |k| k.to_s.gsub(/[\r\n\x00]/, ' ') } if dupidx = __clustal_have_same_name?(na, len) procs = [ Proc.new { |s, i| s[0, len].to_s.gsub(/\s/, '_') + s[len..-1].to_s }, # Proc.new { |s, i| # "#{i}_#{s}" # }, ] procs.each do |pr| dupidx.each do |i| s = array[i] na[i] = pr.call(s.to_s, i) end dupidx = __clustal_have_same_name?(na, len) break unless dupidx end if dupidx then na.each_with_index do |s, i| na[i] = "#{i}_#{s}" end end end na end private :__clustal_avoid_same_name # Generates ClustalW-formatted text # seqs:: sequences (must be an alignment object) # names:: names of the sequences # options:: options def __clustal_formatter(seqs, names, options = {}) #(original) aln = [ "CLUSTAL (0.00) multiple sequence alignment\n\n" ] len = seqs.seq_length sn = names.collect { |x| x.to_s.gsub(/[\r\n\x00]/, ' ') } if options[:replace_space] sn.collect! { |x| x.gsub(/\s/, '_') } end if !options.has_key?(:escape) or options[:escape] sn.collect! { |x| x.gsub(/[\:\;\,\(\)]/, '_') } end if !options.has_key?(:split) or options[:split] sn.collect! { |x| x.split(/\s/)[0].to_s } end if !options.has_key?(:avoid_same_name) or options[:avoid_same_name] sn = __clustal_avoid_same_name(sn) end if sn.find { |x| x.length > 10 } then seqwidth = 50 namewidth = 30 sep = ' ' * 6 else seqwidth = 60 namewidth = 10 sep = ' ' * 6 end seqregexp = Regexp.new("(.{1,#{seqwidth}})") gchar = (options[:gap_char] or '-') case options[:type].to_s when /protein/i, /aa/i mopt = { :type => :aa } when /na/i mopt = { :type => :na } else mopt = {} end mline = (options[:match_line] or seqs.match_line(mopt)) aseqs = Array.new(seqs.number_of_sequences).clear seqs.each_seq do |s| aseqs << s.to_s.gsub(seqs.gap_regexp, gchar) end case options[:case].to_s when /lower/i aseqs.each { |s| s.downcase! } when /upper/i aseqs.each { |s| s.upcase! } end aseqs << mline aseqs.collect! do |s| snx = sn.shift head = sprintf("%*s", -namewidth, snx.to_s)[0, namewidth] + sep s << (gchar * (len - s.length)) s.gsub!(seqregexp, "\\1\n") a = s.split(/^/) if options[:seqnos] and snx then i = 0 a.each do |x| x.chomp! l = x.tr(gchar, '').length i += l x.concat(l > 0 ? " #{i}\n" : "\n") end end a.collect { |x| head + x } end lines = (len + seqwidth - 1).div(seqwidth) lines.times do aln << "\n" aseqs.each { |a| aln << a.shift } end aln.join('') end private :__clustal_formatter # Generates ClustalW-formatted text # seqs:: sequences (must be an alignment object) # names:: names of the sequences # options:: options def output_clustal(options = {}) __clustal_formatter(self, self.sequence_names, options) end # to_clustal is deprecated. Instead, please use output_clustal. #--- #alias to_clustal output_clustal #+++ def to_clustal(*arg) warn "to_clustal is deprecated. Please use output_clustal." output_clustal(*arg) end # Generates fasta format text and returns a string. def output_fasta(options={}) #(original) width = (options[:width] or 70) if options[:avoid_same_name] then na = __clustal_avoid_same_name(self.sequence_names, 30) else na = self.sequence_names.collect do |k| k.to_s.gsub(/[\r\n\x00]/, ' ') end end if width and width > 0 then w_reg = Regexp.new(".{1,#{width}}") self.collect do |s| ">#{na.shift}\n" + s.to_s.gsub(w_reg, "\\0\n") end.join('') else self.collect do |s| ">#{na.shift}\n" + s.to_s + "\n" end.join('') end end # generates phylip interleaved alignment format as a string def output_phylip(options = {}) aln, aseqs, lines = __output_phylip_common(options) lines.times do aseqs.each { |a| aln << a.shift } aln << "\n" end aln.pop if aln[-1] == "\n" aln.join('') end # generates Phylip3.2 (old) non-interleaved format as a string def output_phylipnon(options = {}) aln, aseqs, _ = __output_phylip_common(options) aln.first + aseqs.join('') end # common routine for interleaved/non-interleaved phylip format def __output_phylip_common(options = {}) len = self.alignment_length aln = [ " #{self.number_of_sequences} #{len}\n" ] sn = self.sequence_names.collect { |x| x.to_s.gsub(/[\r\n\x00]/, ' ') } if options[:replace_space] sn.collect! { |x| x.gsub(/\s/, '_') } end if !options.has_key?(:escape) or options[:escape] sn.collect! { |x| x.gsub(/[\:\;\,\(\)]/, '_') } end if !options.has_key?(:split) or options[:split] sn.collect! { |x| x.split(/\s/)[0].to_s } end if !options.has_key?(:avoid_same_name) or options[:avoid_same_name] sn = __clustal_avoid_same_name(sn, 10) end namewidth = 10 seqwidth = (options[:width] or 60) seqwidth = seqwidth.div(10) * 10 seqregexp = Regexp.new("(.{1,#{seqwidth.div(10) * 11}})") gchar = (options[:gap_char] or '-') aseqs = Array.new(self.number_of_sequences).clear self.each_seq do |s| aseqs << s.to_s.gsub(self.gap_regexp, gchar) end case options[:case].to_s when /lower/i aseqs.each { |s| s.downcase! } when /upper/i aseqs.each { |s| s.upcase! } end aseqs.collect! do |s| snx = sn.shift head = sprintf("%*s", -namewidth, snx.to_s)[0, namewidth] head2 = ' ' * namewidth s << (gchar * (len - s.length)) s.gsub!(/(.{1,10})/n, " \\1") s.gsub!(seqregexp, "\\1\n") a = s.split(/^/) head += a.shift ret = a.collect { |x| head2 + x } ret.unshift(head) ret end lines = (len + seqwidth - 1).div(seqwidth) [ aln, aseqs, lines ] end # Generates Molphy alignment format text as a string def output_molphy(options = {}) len = self.alignment_length header = "#{self.number_of_sequences} #{len}\n" sn = self.sequence_names.collect { |x| x.to_s.gsub(/[\r\n\x00]/, ' ') } if options[:replace_space] sn.collect! { |x| x.gsub(/\s/, '_') } end if !options.has_key?(:escape) or options[:escape] sn.collect! { |x| x.gsub(/[\:\;\,\(\)]/, '_') } end if !options.has_key?(:split) or options[:split] sn.collect! { |x| x.split(/\s/)[0].to_s } end if !options.has_key?(:avoid_same_name) or options[:avoid_same_name] sn = __clustal_avoid_same_name(sn, 30) end seqwidth = (options[:width] or 60) seqregexp = Regexp.new("(.{1,#{seqwidth}})") gchar = (options[:gap_char] or '-') aseqs = Array.new(len).clear self.each_seq do |s| aseqs << s.to_s.gsub(self.gap_regexp, gchar) end case options[:case].to_s when /lower/i aseqs.each { |s| s.downcase! } when /upper/i aseqs.each { |s| s.upcase! } end aseqs.collect! do |s| s << (gchar * (len - s.length)) s.gsub!(seqregexp, "\\1\n") sn.shift + "\n" + s end aseqs.unshift(header) aseqs.join('') end # Generates msf formatted text as a string def output_msf(options = {}) len = self.seq_length if !options.has_key?(:avoid_same_name) or options[:avoid_same_name] sn = __clustal_avoid_same_name(self.sequence_names) else sn = self.sequence_names.collect do |x| x.to_s.gsub(/[\r\n\x00]/, ' ') end end if !options.has_key?(:replace_space) or options[:replace_space] sn.collect! { |x| x.gsub(/\s/, '_') } end if !options.has_key?(:escape) or options[:escape] sn.collect! { |x| x.gsub(/[\:\;\,\(\)]/, '_') } end if !options.has_key?(:split) or options[:split] sn.collect! { |x| x.split(/\s/)[0].to_s } end seqwidth = 50 namewidth = [31, sn.collect { |x| x.length }.max ].min sep = ' ' * 2 seqregexp = Regexp.new("(.{1,#{seqwidth}})") gchar = (options[:gap_char] or '.') pchar = (options[:padding_char] or '~') aseqs = Array.new(self.number_of_sequences).clear self.each_seq do |s| aseqs << s.to_s.gsub(self.gap_regexp, gchar) end aseqs.each do |s| s.sub!(/\A#{Regexp.escape(gchar)}+/) { |x| pchar * x.length } s.sub!(/#{Regexp.escape(gchar)}+\z/, '') s << (pchar * (len - s.length)) end case options[:case].to_s when /lower/i aseqs.each { |s| s.downcase! } when /upper/i aseqs.each { |s| s.upcase! } else #default upcase aseqs.each { |s| s.upcase! } end case options[:type].to_s when /protein/i, /aa/i amino = true when /na/i amino = false else if seqclass == Bio::Sequence::AA then amino = true elsif seqclass == Bio::Sequence::NA then amino = false else # if we can't determine, we asuume as protein. amino = aseqs.size aseqs.each { |x| amino -= 1 if /\A[acgt]\z/i =~ x } amino = false if amino <= 0 end end seq_type = (amino ? 'P' : 'N') fn = (options[:entry_id] or self.__id__.abs.to_s + '.msf') dt = (options[:time] or Time.now).strftime('%B %d, %Y %H:%M') sums = aseqs.collect { |s| GCG::Seq.calc_checksum(s) } #sums = aseqs.collect { |s| 0 } sum = 0; sums.each { |x| sum += x }; sum %= 10000 msf = [ "#{seq_type == 'N' ? 'N' : 'A' }A_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT 1.0\n", "\n", "\n", " #{fn} MSF: #{len} Type: #{seq_type} #{dt} Check: #{sum} ..\n", "\n" ] sn.each do |snx| msf << ' Name: ' + sprintf('%*s', -namewidth, snx.to_s)[0, namewidth] + " Len: #{len} Check: #{sums.shift} Weight: 1.00\n" end msf << "\n//\n" aseqs.collect! do |s| snx = sn.shift head = sprintf("%*s", namewidth, snx.to_s)[0, namewidth] + sep s.gsub!(seqregexp, "\\1\n") a = s.split(/^/) a.collect { |x| head + x } end lines = (len + seqwidth - 1).div(seqwidth) i = 1 lines.times do msf << "\n" n_l = i n_r = [ i + seqwidth - 1, len ].min if n_l != n_r then w = [ n_r - n_l + 1 - n_l.to_s.length - n_r.to_s.length, 1 ].max msf << (' ' * namewidth + sep + n_l.to_s + ' ' * w + n_r.to_s + "\n") else msf << (' ' * namewidth + sep + n_l.to_s + "\n") end aseqs.each { |a| msf << a.shift } i += seqwidth end msf << "\n" msf.join('') end end #module Output module EnumerableExtension include Output # Returns number of sequences in this alignment. def number_of_sequences i = 0 self.each_seq { |s| i += 1 } i end # Returns an array of sequence names. # The order of the names must be the same as # the order of each_seq. def sequence_names (0...(self.number_of_sequences)).to_a end end #module EnumerableExtension # Bio::Alignment::ArrayExtension is a set of useful methods for # multiple sequence alignment. # It is designed to be extended to array objects or # included in your own classes which inherit Array. # (It can also be included in Array, though not recommended.) # # It possesses all methods defined in EnumerableExtension. # For usage of methods, please refer to EnumerableExtension. module ArrayExtension include EnumerableExtension # Iterates over each sequences. # Yields a sequence. # # It works the same as Array#each. def each_seq(&block) #:yields: seq each(&block) end # Returns number of sequences in this alignment. def number_of_sequences self.size end end #module ArrayExtension # Bio::Alignment::HashExtension is a set of useful methods for # multiple sequence alignment. # It is designed to be extended to hash objects or # included in your own classes which inherit Hash. # (It can also be included in Hash, though not recommended.) # # It possesses all methods defined in EnumerableExtension. # For usage of methods, please refer to EnumerableExtension. # # Because SequenceHash#alignment_collect is redefined, # some methods' return value's class are changed to # SequenceHash instead of SequenceArray. # # Because the order of the objects in a hash is inconstant, # some methods strictly affected with the order of objects # might not work correctly, # e.g. EnumerableExtension#convert_match and #convert_unmatch. module HashExtension include EnumerableExtension # Iterates over each sequences. # Yields a sequence. # # It works the same as Hash#each_value. def each_seq #:yields: seq #each_value(&block) each_key { |k| yield self[k] } end # Iterates over each sequence and each results running block # are collected and returns a new alignment as a # Bio::Alignment::SequenceHash object. # # Note that it would be redefined if you want to change # return value's class. # def alignment_collect a = SequenceHash.new a.set_all_property(get_all_property) each_pair do |key, str| a.store(key, yield(str)) end a end # Concatenates the given alignment. # If align is a Hash (or SequenceHash), # sequences of same keys are concatenated. # Otherwise, align must have each_seq # or each method and # works same as EnumerableExtension#alignment_concat. # # Returns self. # # Note that it is a destructive method. # def alignment_concat(align) flag = nil begin align.each_pair do |key, seq| flag = true if origseq = self[key] origseq.concat(seq) end end return self rescue NoMethodError, ArgumentError =>evar raise evar if flag end a = values i = 0 begin align.each_seq do |seq| flag = true a[i].concat(seq) if a[i] and seq i += 1 end return self rescue NoMethodError, ArgumentError => evar raise evar if flag end align.each do |seq| a[i].concat(seq) if a[i] and seq i += 1 end self end # Returns number of sequences in this alignment. def number_of_sequences self.size end # Returns an array of sequence names. # The order of the names must be the same as # the order of each_seq. def sequence_names self.keys end end #module HashExtension # Bio::Alignment::SequenceArray is a container class of # multiple sequence alignment. # Since it inherits Array, it acts completely same as Array. # In addition, methods defined in ArrayExtension and EnumerableExtension # can be used. class SequenceArray < Array include ArrayExtension end #class SequenceArray # Bio::Alignment::SequenceHash is a container class of # multiple sequence alignment. # Since it inherits Hash, it acts completely same as Hash. # In addition, methods defined in HashExtension and EnumerableExtension # can be used. class SequenceHash < Hash include HashExtension end #class SequenceHash # Bio::Alignment::OriginalPrivate is a set of private methods # for Bio::Alignment::OriginalAlignment. module OriginalPrivate # Gets the sequence from given object. def extract_seq(obj) if obj.is_a?(Bio::Sequence::NA) or obj.is_a?(Bio::Sequence::AA) then obj else meth = [ :seq, :naseq, :aaseq ].find {|m| obj.respond_to? m } meth ? obj.__send__(meth) : obj end end module_function :extract_seq # Gets the name or the definition of the sequence from given object. def extract_key(obj) sn = nil for m in [ :definition, :entry_id ] begin sn = obj.send(m) rescue NameError, ArgumentError sn = nil end break if sn end sn end module_function :extract_key end #module OriginalPrivate # Bio::Alignment::OriginalAlignment is # the BioRuby original multiple sequence alignment container class. # It includes HashExtension. # # It is recommended only to use methods defined in EnumerableExtension # (and the each_seq method). # The method only defined in this class might be obsoleted in the future. # class OriginalAlignment include Enumerable include HashExtension include OriginalPrivate # Read files and creates a new alignment object. # # It will be obsoleted. def self.readfiles(*files) require 'bio/io/flatfile' aln = self.new files.each do |fn| Bio::FlatFile.open(nil, fn) do |ff| aln.add_sequences(ff) end end aln end # Creates a new alignment object from given arguments. # # It will be obsoleted. def self.new2(*arg) self.new(arg) end # Creates a new alignment object. # seqs may be one of follows: # an array of sequences (or strings), # an array of sequence database objects, # an alignment object. def initialize(seqs = []) @seqs = {} @keys = [] self.add_sequences(seqs) end # If x is the same value, returns true. # Otherwise, returns false. def ==(x) #(original) if x.is_a?(self.class) self.to_hash == x.to_hash else false end end # convert to hash def to_hash #(Hash-like) @seqs end # Adds sequences to the alignment. # seqs may be one of follows: # an array of sequences (or strings), # an array of sequence database objects, # an alignment object. def add_sequences(seqs) if block_given? then seqs.each do |x| s, key = yield x self.store(key, s) end else if seqs.is_a?(self.class) then seqs.each_pair do |k, s| self.store(k, s) end elsif seqs.respond_to?(:each_pair) seqs.each_pair do |k, x| s = extract_seq(x) self.store(k, s) end else seqs.each do |x| s = extract_seq(x) k = extract_key(x) self.store(k, s) end end end self end # identifiers (or definitions or names) of the sequences attr_reader :keys # stores a sequences with the name # key:: name of the sequence # seq:: sequence def __store__(key, seq) #(Hash-like) h = { key => seq } @keys << h.keys[0] @seqs.update(h) seq end # stores a sequence with key # (name or definition of the sequence). # Unlike __store__ method, the method doesn't allow # same keys. # If the key is already used, returns nil. # When succeeded, returns key. def store(key, seq) #(Hash-like) returns key instead of seq if @seqs.has_key?(key) then # don't allow same key # New key is discarded, while existing key is preserved. key = nil end unless key then unless defined?(@serial) @serial = 0 end @serial = @seqs.size if @seqs.size > @serial while @seqs.has_key?(@serial) @serial += 1 end key = @serial end self.__store__(key, seq) key end # Reconstructs internal data structure. # (Like Hash#rehash) def rehash @seqs.rehash tmpkeys = @seqs.keys @keys.collect! do |k| tmpkeys.delete(k) end @keys.compact! @keys.concat(tmpkeys) self end # Prepends seq (with key) to the front of the alignment. # (Like Array#unshift) def unshift(key, seq) #(Array-like) self.store(key, seq) k = @keys.pop @keys.unshift(k) k end # Removes the first sequence in the alignment and # returns [ key, seq ]. def shift k = @keys.shift if k then s = @seqs.delete(k) [ k, s ] else nil end end # Gets the n-th sequence. # If not found, returns nil. def order(n) #(original) @seqs[@keys[n]] end # Removes the sequence whose key is key. # Returns the removed sequence. # If not found, returns nil. def delete(key) #(Hash-like) @keys.delete(key) @seqs.delete(key) end # Returns sequences. (Like Hash#values) def values #(Hash-like) @keys.collect { |k| @seqs[k] } end # Adds a sequence without key. # The key is automatically determined. def <<(seq) #(Array-like) self.store(nil, seq) self end # Gets a sequence. (Like Hash#[]) def [](*arg) #(Hash-like) @seqs[*arg] end # Number of sequences in the alignment. def size #(Hash&Array-like) @seqs.size end alias number_of_sequences size # If the key exists, returns true. Otherwise, returns false. # (Like Hash#has_key?) def has_key?(key) #(Hash-like) @seqs.has_key?(key) end # Iterates over each sequence. # (Like Array#each) def each #(Array-like) @keys.each do |k| yield @seqs[k] end end alias each_seq each # Iterates over each key and sequence. # (Like Hash#each_pair) def each_pair #(Hash-like) @keys.each do |k| yield k, @seqs[k] end end # Iterates over each sequence, replacing the sequence with the # value returned by the block. def collect! #(Array-like) @keys.each do |k| @seqs[k] = yield @seqs[k] end end ###-- ### note that 'collect' and 'to_a' is defined in Enumerable ### ### instance-variable-related methods ###++ # Creates new alignment. Internal use only. def new(*arg) na = self.class.new(*arg) na.set_all_property(get_all_property) na end protected :new # Duplicates the alignment def dup #(Hash-like) self.new(self) end #-- # methods below should not access instance variables #++ # Merges given alignment and returns a new alignment. def merge(*other) #(Hash-like) na = self.new(self) na.merge!(*other) na end # Merge given alignment. # Note that it is destructive method. def merge!(*other) #(Hash-like) if block_given? then other.each do |aln| aln.each_pair do |k, s| if self.has_key?(k) then s = yield k, self[k], s self.to_hash.store(k, s) else self.store(k, s) end end end else other.each do |aln| aln.each_pair do |k, s| self.delete(k) if self.has_key?(k) self.store(k, s) end end end self end # Returns the key for a given sequence. If not found, returns nil. def index(seq) #(Hash-like) last_key = nil self.each_pair do |k, s| last_key = k if s.class == seq.class then r = (s == seq) else r = (s.to_s == seq.to_s) end break if r end last_key end # Sequences in the alignment are duplicated. # If keys are given to the argument, sequences of given keys are # duplicated. # # It will be obsoleted. def isolate(*arg) #(original) if arg.size == 0 then self.collect! do |s| seqclass.new(s) end else arg.each do |k| if self.has_key?(k) then s = self.delete(key) self.store(k, seqclass.new(s)) end end end self end # Iterates over each sequence and each results running block # are collected and returns a new alignment. # # The method name 'collect_align' will be obsoleted. # Please use 'alignment_collect' instead. def alignment_collect #(original) na = self.class.new na.set_all_property(get_all_property) self.each_pair do |k, s| na.store(k, yield(s)) end na end alias collect_align alignment_collect # Removes empty sequences or nil in the alignment. # (Like Array#compact!) def compact! #(Array-like) d = [] self.each_pair do |k, s| if !s or s.empty? d << k end end d.each do |k| self.delete(k) end d.empty? ? nil : d end # Removes empty sequences or nil and returns new alignment. # (Like Array#compact) def compact #(Array-like) na = self.dup na.compact! na end # Adds a sequence to the alignment. # Returns key if succeeded. # Returns nil (and not added to the alignment) if key is already used. # # It resembles BioPerl's AlignI::add_seq method. def add_seq(seq, key = nil) #(BioPerl) AlignI::add_seq like method unless seq.is_a?(Bio::Sequence::NA) or seq.is_a?(Bio::Sequence::AA) s = extract_seq(seq) key = extract_key(seq) unless key seq = s end self.store(key, seq) end # Removes given sequence from the alignment. # Returns removed sequence. If nothing removed, returns nil. # # It resembles BioPerl's AlignI::remove_seq. def remove_seq(seq) #(BioPerl) AlignI::remove_seq like method if k = self.index(seq) then self.delete(k) else nil end end # Removes sequences from the alignment by given keys. # Returns an alignment object consists of removed sequences. # # It resembles BioPerl's AlignI::purge method. def purge(*arg) #(BioPerl) AlignI::purge like method purged = self.new arg.each do |k| if self[k] then purged.store(k, self.delete(k)) end end purged end # If block is given, it acts like Array#select (Enumerable#select). # Returns a new alignment containing all sequences of the alignment # for which return value of given block is not false nor nil. # # If no block is given, it acts like the BioPerl's AlignI::select. # Returns a new alignment containing sequences of given keys. # # The BioPerl's AlignI::select-like action will be obsoleted. def select(*arg) #(original) na = self.new if block_given? then # 'arg' is ignored # nearly same action as Array#select (Enumerable#select) self.each_pair.each do |k, s| na.store(k, s) if yield(s) end else # BioPerl's AlignI::select like function arg.each do |k| if s = self[k] then na.store(k, s) end end end na end # The method name slice will be obsoleted. # Please use alignment_slice instead. alias slice alignment_slice # The method name subseq will be obsoleted. # Please use alignment_subseq instead. alias subseq alignment_subseq # Not-destructive version of alignment_normalize!. # Returns a new alignment. def normalize #(original) na = self.dup na.alignment_normalize! na end # Not-destructive version of alignment_rstrip!. # Returns a new alignment. def rstrip #(String-like) na = self.dup na.isolate na.alignment_rstrip! na end # Not-destructive version of alignment_lstrip!. # Returns a new alignment. def lstrip #(String-like) na = self.dup na.isolate na.alignment_lstrip! na end # Not-destructive version of alignment_strip!. # Returns a new alignment. def strip #(String-like) na = self.dup na.isolate na.alignment_strip! na end # Not-destructive version of remove_gaps!. # Returns a new alignment. # # The method name 'remove_gap' will be obsoleted. # Please use 'remove_all_gaps' instead. def remove_all_gaps #(original) na = self.dup na.isolate na.remove_all_gaps! na end # Concatenates a string or an alignment. # Returns self. # # Note that the method will be obsoleted. # Please use each_seq { |s| s << str } for concatenating # a string and # alignment_concat(aln) for concatenating an alignment. def concat(aln) #(String-like) if aln.respond_to?(:to_str) then #aln.is_a?(String) self.each do |s| s << aln end self else alignment_concat(aln) end end # Replace the specified region of the alignment to aln. # aln:: String or Bio::Alignment object # arg:: same format as String#slice # # It will be obsoleted. def replace_slice(aln, *arg) #(original) if aln.respond_to?(:to_str) then #aln.is_a?(String) self.each do |s| s[*arg] = aln end elsif aln.is_a?(self.class) then aln.each_pair do |k, s| self[k][*arg] = s end else i = 0 aln.each do |s| self.order(i)[*arg] = s i += 1 end end self end # Performs multiple alignment by using external program. def do_align(factory) a0 = self.class.new (0...self.size).each { |i| a0.store(i, self.order(i)) } r = factory.query(a0) a1 = r.alignment a0.keys.each do |k| unless a1[k.to_s] then raise 'alignment result is inconsistent with input data' end end a2 = self.new a0.keys.each do |k| a2.store(self.keys[k], a1[k.to_s]) end a2 end # Convert to fasta format and returns an array of strings. # # It will be obsoleted. def to_fasta_array(*arg) #(original) width = nil if arg[0].is_a?(Integer) then width = arg.shift end options = (arg.shift or {}) width = options[:width] unless width if options[:avoid_same_name] then na = __clustal_avoid_same_name(self.keys, 30) else na = self.keys.collect { |k| k.to_s.gsub(/[\r\n\x00]/, ' ') } end a = self.collect do |s| ">#{na.shift}\n" + if width then s.to_s.gsub(Regexp.new(".{1,#{width}}"), "\\0\n") else s.to_s + "\n" end end a end # Convets to fasta format and returns an array of FastaFormat objects. # # It will be obsoleted. def to_fastaformat_array(*arg) #(original) require 'bio/db/fasta' a = self.to_fasta_array(*arg) a.collect! do |x| Bio::FastaFormat.new(x) end a end # Converts to fasta format and returns a string. # # The specification of the argument will be changed. # # Note: to_fasta is deprecated. # Please use output_fasta instead. def to_fasta(*arg) #(original) warn "to_fasta is deprecated. Please use output_fasta." self.to_fasta_array(*arg).join('') end # The method name consensus will be obsoleted. # Please use consensus_string instead. alias consensus consensus_string end #class OriginalAlignment # Bio::Alignment::GAP is a set of class methods for # gap-related position translation. module GAP # position with gaps are translated into the position without gaps. #seq:: sequence #pos:: position with gaps #gap_regexp:: regular expression to specify gaps def ungapped_pos(seq, pos, gap_regexp) p = seq[0..pos].gsub(gap_regexp, '').length p -= 1 if p > 0 p end module_function :ungapped_pos # position without gaps are translated into the position with gaps. #seq:: sequence #pos:: position with gaps #gap_regexp:: regular expression to specify gaps def gapped_pos(seq, pos, gap_regexp) olen = seq.gsub(gap_regexp, '').length pos = olen if pos >= olen pos = olen + pos if pos < 0 i = 0 l = pos + 1 while l > 0 and i < seq.length x = seq[i, l].gsub(gap_regexp, '').length i += l l -= x end i -= 1 if i > 0 i end module_function :gapped_pos end # module GAP # creates a new Bio::Alignment::OriginalAlignment object. # Please refer document of OriginalAlignment.new. def self.new(*arg) OriginalAlignment.new(*arg) end # creates a new Bio::Alignment::OriginalAlignment object. # Please refer document of OriginalAlignment.new2. def self.new2(*arg) OriginalAlignment.new2(*arg) end # creates a new Bio::Alignment::OriginalAlignment object. # Please refer document of OriginalAlignment.readfiles. def self.readfiles(*files) OriginalAlignment.readfiles(*files) end #--- # Service classes for multiple alignment applications #+++ #--- # Templates of alignment application factory #+++ # Namespace for templates for alignment application factory module FactoryTemplate # Template class for alignment application factory. # The program acts: # input: stdin or file, format = fasta format # output: stdout (parser should be specified by DEFAULT_PARSER) class Simple # Creates a new alignment factory def initialize(program = self.class::DEFAULT_PROGRAM, options = []) @program = program @options = options @command = nil @output = nil @report = nil @exit_status = nil @data_stdout = nil end # program name attr_accessor :program # options attr_accessor :options # Last command-line string. Returns nil or an array of String. # Note that filenames described in the command-line may already # be removed because these files may be temporary files. attr_reader :command # Last raw result of the program. # Return a string (or nil). attr_reader :output # Last result object performed by the factory. attr_reader :report # Last exit status attr_reader :exit_status # Last output to the stdout. attr_accessor :data_stdout # Clear the internal data and status, except program and options. def reset @command = nil @output = nil @report = nil @exit_status = nil @data_stdout = nil end # Executes the program. # If +seqs+ is not nil, perform alignment for seqs. # If +seqs+ is nil, simply executes the program. # # Compatibility note: When seqs is nil, # returns true if the program exits normally, and # returns false if the program exits abnormally. def query(seqs) if seqs then query_alignment(seqs) else exec_local(@options) @exit_status.exitstatus == 0 ? true : false end end # Performs alignment for seqs. # +seqs+ should be Bio::Alignment or Array of sequences or nil. def query_alignment(seqs) unless seqs.respond_to?(:output_fasta) then seqs = Bio::Alignment.new(seqs) end query_string(seqs.output_fasta(:width => 70)) end # alias of query_alignment. # # Compatibility Note: query_align will renamed to query_alignment. def query_align(seqs) #warn 'query_align is renamed to query_alignment.' query_alignment(seqs) end # Performs alignment for +str+. # The +str+ should be a string that can be recognized by the program. def query_string(str) _query_string(str, @options) @report end # Performs alignment of sequences in the file named +fn+. def query_by_filename(filename_in) _query_local(filename_in, @options) @report end private # Executes a program in the local machine. def exec_local(opt, data_stdin = nil) @exit_status = nil @command = [ @program, *opt ] #STDERR.print "DEBUG: ", @command.join(" "), "\n" @data_stdout = Bio::Command.query_command(@command, data_stdin) @exit_status = $? end # prepare temporary file def _prepare_tempfile(str = nil) tf_in = Tempfile.open(str ? 'alignment_i' : 'alignment_o') tf_in.print str if str tf_in.close(false) tf_in end # generates options specifying input/output filename. # nil for filename means stdin or stdout. # +options+ must not contain specify filenames. # returns an array of string. def _generate_options(infile, outfile, options) options + (infile ? _option_input_file(infile) : _option_input_stdin) + (outfile ? _option_output_file(outfile) : _option_output_stdout) end # generates options specifying input filename. # returns an array of string def _option_input_file(fn) [ fn ] end # generates options specifying output filename. # returns an array of string def _option_output_file(fn) raise 'can not specify output file: always stdout' end # generates options specifying that input is taken from stdin. # returns an array of string def _option_input_stdin [] end # generates options specifying output to stdout. # returns an array of string def _option_output_stdout [] end end #class Simple # mix-in module module WrapInputStdin private # Performs alignment for +str+. # The +str+ should be a string that can be recognized by the program. def _query_string(str, opt) _query_local(nil, opt, str) end end #module WrapInputStdin # mix-in module module WrapInputTempfile private # Performs alignment for +str+. # The +str+ should be a string that can be recognized by the program. def _query_string(str, opt) begin tf_in = _prepare_tempfile(str) ret = _query_local(tf_in.path, opt, nil) ensure tf_in.close(true) if tf_in end ret end end #module WrapInputTempfile # mix-in module module WrapOutputStdout private # Performs alignment by specified filenames def _query_local(fn_in, opt, data_stdin = nil) opt = _generate_options(fn_in, nil, opt) exec_local(opt, data_stdin) @output = @data_stdout @report = self.class::DEFAULT_PARSER.new(@output) @report end end #module WrapOutputStdout # mix-in module module WrapOutputTempfile private # Performs alignment def _query_local(fn_in, opt, data_stdin = nil) begin tf_out = _prepare_tempfile() opt = _generate_options(fn_in, tf_out.path, opt) exec_local(opt, data_stdin) tf_out.open @output = tf_out.read ensure tf_out.close(true) if tf_out end @report = self.class::DEFAULT_PARSER.new(@output) @report end end #module WrapOutputTempfile # Template class for alignment application factory. # The program needs: # input: file (cannot accept stdin), format = fasta format # output: stdout (parser should be specified by DEFAULT_PARSER) class FileInStdoutOut < Simple include Bio::Alignment::FactoryTemplate::WrapInputTempfile include Bio::Alignment::FactoryTemplate::WrapOutputStdout private # generates options specifying that input is taken from stdin. # returns an array of string def _option_input_stdin raise 'input is always a file' end end #class FileInStdoutOut # Template class for alignment application factory. # The program needs: # input: stdin or file, format = fasta format # output: file (parser should be specified by DEFAULT_PARSER) class StdinInFileOut < Simple include Bio::Alignment::FactoryTemplate::WrapInputStdin include Bio::Alignment::FactoryTemplate::WrapOutputTempfile private # generates options specifying output to stdout. # returns an array of string def _option_output_stdout raise 'output is always a file' end end #class StdinInFileOut # Template class for alignment application factory. # The program needs: # input: file (cannot accept stdin), format = fasta format # output: file (parser should be specified by DEFAULT_PARSER) class FileInFileOut < Simple include Bio::Alignment::FactoryTemplate::WrapInputTempfile include Bio::Alignment::FactoryTemplate::WrapOutputTempfile private # generates options specifying that input is taken from stdin. # returns an array of string def _option_input_stdin raise 'input is always a file' end # generates options specifying output to stdout. # returns an array of string def _option_output_stdout raise 'output is always a file' end end #class FileInFileOut # Template class for alignment application factory. # The program needs: # input: file (cannot accept stdin), format = fasta format # output: file (parser should be specified by DEFAULT_PARSER) # Tree (*.dnd) output is also supported. class FileInFileOutWithTree < FileInFileOut # alignment guide tree generated by the program (*.dnd file) attr_reader :output_dnd def reset @output_dnd = nil super end private # Performs alignment def _query_local(fn_in, opt, data_stdin = nil) begin tf_dnd = _prepare_tempfile() opt = opt + _option_output_dndfile(tf_dnd.path) ret = super(fn_in, opt, data_stdin) tf_dnd.open @output_dnd = tf_dnd.read ensure tf_dnd.close(true) if tf_dnd end ret end # generates options specifying output tree file (*.dnd). # returns an array of string def _option_output_dndfile raise NotImplementedError end end #class FileInFileOutWithTree end #module FactoryTemplate end #module Alignment end #module Bio