/// /// Configuration map /// // Bootcamp @import "../bootcamp/dist/bootcamp"; // Flint @import "../../stylesheets/flint"; $flint: ( "breakpoints": ( "desktop": ( "columns": 16, "breakpoint": 80em ), "laptop": ( "columns": 12, "breakpoint": 60em ), "tablet": ( "columns": 8, "breakpoint": 40em ), "mobile": ( "columns": 4, "breakpoint": 20em ) ), "settings": ( "default": "mobile", "grid": "fluid", "gutter": 0.625em, "float-direction": "left", "max-width": true, "center-container": true, "border-box-sizing": true, "instance-maps": true, "support-syntax": false, "debug-mode": false ) ) !global; // Enable development mode $flint__development-mode: true !global; // Test speed improvements // $flint__use-ruby-functions: false !global; /// /// BEGIN TESTS /// ----------- /// @include runner-start; /// /// ----------- /// BEGIN TESTS /// @include it("should expect foundation to not be set") { @include should(expect($flint__foundation), to(be("non-existent")) ); } @include _("foundation"); @include it("should expect foundation to be set") { @include should(expect($flint__foundation), to(be("existent")) ); } @import "functions/functions"; /// /// END TESTS /// --------- /// @include runner-end; /// /// --------- /// END TESTS /// /// /// Visual HTML test /// $color__blue: #2C3F52; $color__blue--dark: #15202A; $color__blue--darkest: #0E181E; $color__yellow: #FFF87B; // Pseudo content @mixin col-num($i) { &:before { @include _(desktop) { content: "#{$i} of 16"; } @include _(laptop) { @if $i > 12 { $i: 12; } content: "#{$i} of 12"; } @include _(tablet) { @if $i > 8 { $i: 8; } content: "#{$i} of 8"; } @include _(mobile) { @if $i > 4 { $i: 4; } content: "#{$i} of 4"; } } } // Generate cols @for $i from 1 through 16 { .col-#{$i} { @if $i == 16 { @include _($i 12 8 4); @include col-num($i); .col-#{$i}-child { @include _($i/2 12/2 8/2 4/2, auto); @include col-num($i/2); .col-#{$i}-grandchild { @include _($i/4 12/4 8/4 4/4, auto); @include col-num($i/4); } } } @else if $i > 12 { @include _($i 12 8 4); @include col-num($i); .col-#{$i}-child { @include _($i/2 12/2 8/2 4/2, auto); @include col-num($i/2); } } @else if $i > 8 { @include _($i $i 8 4); @include col-num($i); .col-#{$i}-child { @include _($i/2 $i/2 8/2 4/2, auto); @include col-num($i/2); } } @else if $i > 4 { @include _($i $i $i 4); @include col-num($i); .col-#{$i}-child { @include _($i/2 $i/2 $i/2 4/2, auto); @include col-num($i/2); } } @else { @include _($i); @include col-num($i); .col-#{$i}-child { @include _($i, auto); @include col-num($i); } } // background: if($i > 10, darken($color__blue, ($i*0.25)), lighten($color__blue, (16/$i))); clear: both; div { // background: if($i > 10, lighten($color__blue, ($i*0.25)), darken($color__blue, (16/$i))); height: 100% !important; div { // background: if($i > 10, darken($color__blue, ($i*0.25)), lighten($color__blue, (16/$i))); } } } } .col-third { @include _(16/3 12/3 8/3 4/3); // background: $color__blue; &:before { content: "1/3"; } } .col-fourth { @include _(16/4 12/4 8/4 4/4); // background: $color__blue; &:before { content: "1/4"; } } .col-fifth { @include _(16/5 12/5 8/5 4/5); // background: $color__blue; &:before { content: "1/5"; } .col-fifth-child { @include _((16/5)/3 (12/5)/3 (8/5)/3 (4/5)/3, auto); height: 100% !important; } } div[class*="col"] { position: relative; font: 10px Consolas, "Andale Mono WT", "Andale Mono", "Lucida Console", "Lucida Sans Typewriter", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Nimbus Mono L", Monaco, "Courier New", Courier, monospace; color: $color__yellow; height: 120px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 2em 0; outline: lighten($color__blue, 10%) solid 2px; &:before { position: absolute; top: 1em; left: 1em; } } section { background: $color__blue--darkest; // & + & { background: darken($color__blue--darkest, 5%); } // & + & + & { background: darken($color__blue--darkest, 10%); } // & + & + & + & { background: darken($color__blue--darkest, 15%); } } .container { @include _(container, clear); }