module JTSK class Converter EPS = 1e-4 def to_wgs48(x, y) delta = 5.0 latitude = 49.0 longitude = 14.0 steps = 0.0 loop { jtsk = self.wgs48_to_jtsk(latitude - delta, longitude - delta) if(jtsk.x && jtsk.y) v1 = self.dist_points(jtsk.x, jtsk.y, x, y) else v1 = 1e32 end jtsk = self.wgs48_to_jtsk(latitude - delta, longitude + delta) if(jtsk.x && jtsk.y) v2 = self.dist_points(jtsk.x, jtsk.y, x, y) else v2 = 1e32 end jtsk = self.wgs48_to_jtsk(latitude + delta, longitude - delta) if(jtsk.x && jtsk.y) v3 = self.dist_points(jtsk.x, jtsk.y, x, y) else v3 = 1e32 end jtsk = self.wgs48_to_jtsk(latitude + delta, longitude + delta) if(jtsk.x && jtsk.y) v4 = self.dist_points(jtsk.x, jtsk.y, x, y) else v4 = 1e32 end if ((v1 <= v2) && (v1 <= v3) && (v1 <= v4)) latitude = latitude - delta / 2.0 longitude = longitude - delta / 2.0 end if ((v2 <= v1) && (v2 <= v3) && (v2 <= v4)) latitude = latitude - delta / 2.0 longitude = longitude + delta / 2.0 end if ((v3 <= v1) && (v3 <= v2) && (v3 <= v4)) latitude = latitude + delta / 2.0 longitude = longitude - delta / 2.0 end if ((v4 <= v1) && (v4 <= v2) && (v4 <= v3)) latitude = latitude + delta / 2.0 longitude = longitude + delta / 2.0 end delta = delta * 0.55; steps = steps + 4.0; break if (((delta < 0.00001) || steps > 1000.0)); }, longitude) end def wgs48_to_jtsk(latitude, longitude) if ((latitude < 40.0) || (latitude > 60.0) || (longitude < 5.0) || (longitude > 25.0)), 0.0) else bessel = self.wgs48_to_bessel(latitude, longitude); self.bessel_to_jtsk(bessel.latitude, bessel.longitude); end end def wgs48_to_bessel(latitude, longitude, altitude = 0.0) b = deg2rad(latitude) l = deg2rad(longitude) h = altitude; x1, y1, z1 = self.blh_to_geo_coords(b, l, h) x2, y2, z2 = self.transform_coords(x1, y1, z1) b, l, h = self.geo_coords_to_blh(x2, y2, z2) latitude = rad2deg(b); longitude = rad2deg(l); # altitude = h;, longitude) end def bessel_to_jtsk(latitude, longitude) a = 6377397.15508 e = 0.081696831215303 n = 0.97992470462083 rho_0 = 12310230.12797036 sinUQ = 0.863499969506341 cosUQ = 0.504348889819882 sinVQ = 0.420215144586493 cosVQ = 0.907424504992097 alfa = 1.000597498371542 k_2 = 1.00685001861538 b = deg2rad(latitude) l= deg2rad(longitude) sinB = Math.sin(b) t = (1 - e * sinB) / (1 + e * sinB) t = pow(1 + sinB, 2) / (1 - pow(sinB, 2)) * Math.exp(e * Math.log(t)) t = k_2 * Math.exp(alfa * Math.log(t)) sinU = (t - 1) / (t + 1) cosU = Math.sqrt(1 - sinU * sinU) v = alfa * l sinV = Math.sin(v) cosV = Math.cos(v) cosDV = cosVQ * cosV + sinVQ * sinV sinDV = sinVQ * cosV - cosVQ * sinV sinS = sinUQ * sinU + cosUQ * cosU * cosDV cosS = Math.sqrt(1 - sinS * sinS) sinD = sinDV * cosU / cosS cosD = Math.sqrt(1 - sinD * sinD) eps = n * Math.atan(sinD / cosD) rho = rho_0 * Math.exp(-n * Math.log((1 + sinS) / cosS)) * Math.cos(eps), rho * Math.sin(eps)) end def blh_to_geo_coords(b,l,h) # WGS-84 ellipsoid parameters a = 6378137.0; f_1 = 298.257223563; e2 = 1 - ((1 - 1 / f_1) ** 2) rho = a / Math.sqrt(1 - e2 * (Math.sin(b) ** 2)) x = (rho + h) * Math.cos(b) * Math.cos(l) y = (rho + h) * Math.cos(b) * Math.sin(l) z = ((1 - e2) * rho + h) * Math.sin(b); return x, y, z; end def transform_coords(xs, ys, zs) # coeficients of transformation from WGS-84 to JTSK dx = -570.69; dy = -85.69; dz = -462.84; # shift # rotation wx = 4.99821/3600.0 * Math::PI / 180.0 wy = 1.58676/3600.0 * Math::PI / 180.0 wz = 5.2611/3600.0 * Math::PI / 180.0 m = -3.543e-6; # scale xn = dx + (1 + m) * (+xs + wz * ys - wy * zs); yn = dy + (1 + m) * (-wz * xs + ys + wx * zs); zn = dz + (1 + m) * (+wy * xs - wx * ys + zs); return xn, yn, zn end def geo_coords_to_blh(x, y, z) # Bessel's ellipsoid parameters a = 6377397.15508 f_1 = 299.152812853 a_b = f_1 / (f_1-1) p = Math.sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)) e2 = 1 - pow(1 - 1 / f_1, 2) th = Math.atan(z * a_b / p) st = Math.sin(th) ct = Math.cos(th) t = (z + e2 * a_b * a * pow(st, 3)) / (p - e2 * a * pow(ct, 3)) b = Math.atan(t) h = Math.sqrt(1 + t * t) * (p - a / Math.sqrt(1 + (1 - e2) * t * t)) l = 2 * Math.atan(y / (p + x)) return b, l, h end def dist_points(x1, y1, x2, y2) dist = Math.hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2) if (dist < self.class::EPS) return 0 end return dist end private def deg2rad(degrees) degrees * (Math::PI / 180.0 ) end def rad2deg(radians) radians * (180.0 / Math::PI) end def pow(a,b) a ** b end end end