{ "title": "Anagram word finder", "h1": "Anagram word finder", "meta": "Still thinking of unscrambling words and anagrams ? Use our anagram finder now!", "tags": "", "categories": "wordle", "featureNo": "02", "feature_title": "Features", "blogNo": "03", "blog_title": "Blog", "FaqNo": "04", "Faq_title": "FAQ", "aboutNo": "05", "about_title": "About", "featureList": [ { "feature_heading": "Our Anagram solver and word finder for your word games", "feature_text": "Take an ordinary word and rearrange the letters. That's an anagram. The anagram word finder compares these letters to all the possible words those letters of another could make.", "fa_class": "../assets/images/star.svg" }, { "feature_heading": "Where to use this Anagram word finder?", "feature_text": "You can use this anagram solver for the Scrabble crossword game, facebook games like Wordscraper, Scrabulous, Lexulous and many other wrd games.", "fa_class": "../assets/images/star.svg" }, { "feature_heading": "How this Anagram solver works?", "feature_text": "Take the word “painter” which on anagramming becomes, “repaint” by moving the suffix to the beginning. In the same way, the letters could be rearranged to make the word “pertain”.", "fa_class": "../assets/images/star.svg" }, { "feature_heading": "Supports a number of dictionaries", "feature_text": "We love to play Scrabble and understand all the fine details. We will find all valid words from dictionaries of your choice along with their scores.", "fa_class": "../assets/images/star.svg" } ], "faqList": [ { "Question": "", "Answer": "" } ], "aboutList": [ { "aboutText": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Enim odio sapiente unde voluptatibus, excepturi saepe quisquam veniam architecto delectus dolor eos dolorem id itaque necessitatibus laborum cupiditate asperiores officia? Deleniti!" }, { "aboutText": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Enim odio sapiente unde voluptatibus, excepturi saepe quisquam veniam architecto delectus dolor eos dolorem id itaque necessitatibus laborum cupiditate asperiores officia? Deleniti!" } ] }