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<h1 align="center">OpenMoji Jekyll Plugin</h1>
<h3 align="center">Bring beautiful OpenMoji emojis to your Jekyll websites.</h3>
<p align="center">
    <a href="https://openmoji.org">
    is a free and open source emoji library which can be used
    for variety of purposes. it is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 .

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> If you are viewing this repository on GitHub, this GitHub repository is a mirror of the OpenMoji Jekyll Plugin,
> the main repository is served on 
><a href="https://gitlab.com/Azadeh-Afzar/Web-Development/OpenMoji-Jekyll-Plugin">GitLab</a>, all developments and
>discussions, issue tracking and merge requests take place in GitLab.  

> This project is a fork of <a href="https://github.com/jekyll/jemoji">Jemoji</a>. 
> This project is currently independent from main OpenMoji project.

### Enjoy a free open source emoji package
Use more than 3,000 emojis from OpenMoji package for free in your jekyll website.
but remember to credit the OpenMoji project somewhere in your site to comply with
their license.

### Connect to any other emoji source
Use any available emoji package from a CDN or locally served emoji images by adding
roughly 5 lines to your website's config file.

## Preview

see a preview of how OpenMoji emojis looks like with this plugin at this [**page**][preview].

## Quick start

### 1. Add the following to your site's `Gemfile`

gem 'jekyll-openmoji'

### 2. Add the following to your site's `_config.yml`

  - jekyll-openmoji

### 3. Open terminal and use bundler to install this new gem.

bundle install

### 4. Next steps

In any page or post, use emoji as you would normally, e.g.

I give this plugin two :+1:!

with this plugin, Jekyll will turn this markdown code `:+1:` into this image:
<img class="emoji" title="+1" alt="👍" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/azadeh-afzar/OpenMoji-Jekyll-Plugin@latest/images/color/svg/1f44d.svg" width="30em" height="30em" margin="0.5em"> .

to see all codes and their emoji images, see preview [**page**][preview].

### Customizing

If you'd like to serve emoji images locally, or use a custom emoji source,
you can specify so in your `_config.yml` file:

  # for other emoji packs providing a src key is required.
  # images will be served from this base address
  # it must be a valid URL, if you don't provide a string to src key
  # plugin will ignore this settings and uses default settings which
  # is OpenMoji emoji pack.
  src: "https://www.emojisource.com"

  # asset key is optional.
  # it will be appended to the end of src keyword to make a complete URL,
  # if you don't provide the asset value, it will be defaulted to "emoji".
  # you can also provide an empty string "" if your source doesn't have any asset path.
  asset: "/color/png"

  # final path will be  "https://www.emojisource.com/color/png" and
  # emoji images will serve from this address.
  # in case of no asset value, final path would be  "https://www.emojisource.com/color/svg/emoji"

  # all configs below are optional.

  # default emoji image extension is svg (vector file), but if your emoji source
  # images are in other formats, you can manually override default extension by using below key
  # and specify your desired extension (png, jpg, jpeg, bmp, etc).
  extension: "png"

  # you can also provide default inline css properties for emoji images with img_attrs
  # key, keep in mind that the keys must be valid css properties like padding, margin
  # height, width, etc.
  # below is a the default settings.
    class: "emoji"
    height: "20"
    width: "20"

## How it works

For all sites emoji images are served from a GitHub.com CDN, with a
base URL of `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/azadeh-afzar/OpenMoji-Jekyll-Plugin@latest` and
asset path of `/images/color/svg`, which results in emoji image URLs like

However you can alter the default path in `_config.yml` to serve from external sources.

### Notes

Emoji files names should be lowercase unicode strings, for example name of this
emoji 😄 image file must be: 1f604

## Contribution

If you want to contribute to this project, please read [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md).

## Code of Conduct

Visit the [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).

## Roadmap

Visit the [Roadmap](ROADMAP.md) to keep track of which features we are currently
working on.

## License

Licensed under the [GPLv3](LICENSE).

## Attribution
1. All default emojis designed by [OpenMoji](https://openmoji.org) - the open source
emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0
2. This project is a fork of [Jemoji](https://github.com/jekyll/jemoji). License: MIT

[preview]: https://azadeh-afzar.gitlab.io/Web-Development/OpenMoji-Jekyll-Plugin