A List of California Arachnida This list is compiled from already published but scattered papers. Many of these are local records of specimens and new species collected by many students through a number of years and determined for us for the most part by Banks and Chamberlin. As numerous earlier papers in this Journal have taken up the distribution of local forms only a hint of this will be given. There are included in this list records other than local. If the distribution is general some indication is given. A few hints as to characteristic features are given when possible. The family characteristics are com- piled by the aid of the works of Banks, Ewing, Comstock and several others. In order to save space the literature references are given in abbreviated form at the end of each section, especially as there are a number of papers and lists already published which give this material in great detail. I. PSEUDOSCORPIONIDA M. Moles and W. Moore Cheliferid..\e. Evidences of segmentation of thorax in some species. Serrula attached all its length to finger of chelicera. Spinneret long and slender. Flagellum absent. Tarsi of legs one-jointed. Tarsal claws short and thick, split on some of the feet. Chelifer cancroides Linn, about buildings, oak, sycamore trees, Claeremont, mts. C. fuscipes Bks. Calif. C. scabrisciilus Simon. N. Calif, to Claremont. Chelanops ohlongus Say. Palm springs. Brown's flats. C. validus Bks. From Lake Tahoe. f^i;^ C. pallipes Bks., luuler stones Claremont, l,(is Angeles. C. dorsalis Bks., Lake Tahoe and San Francisco. C. acuminatus Sim. Maraposa, Claremont, Laguna Beach. C. lagunae Moles, Two eye spots. Claremont.