module Effective module WizardController module BeforeActions # before_action :redirect_if_blank_step, only: [:show] # When I visit /resources/1, redirect to /resources/1/build/step def redirect_if_blank_step if params[:id].present? && params[resource_name_id].blank? params[resource_name_id] = params[:id] assign_resource() step = (resource.first_uncompleted_step || resource_wizard_steps.last) redirect_to resource_wizard_path(resource, step) end end # before_action :assign_resource, only: [:show, :update] # Assigns the resource def assign_resource self.resource ||= find_wizard_resource end # before_action :authorize_resource, only: [:show, :update] # Authorize the resource def authorize_resource EffectiveResources.authorize!(self, action_name.to_sym, resource) end # before_action :assign_required_steps, only: [:show, :update] # Assign the required steps to Wickeds (dynamic steps) def assign_required_steps self.steps = resource.required_steps end # setup_wizard from Wicked called now # Allow only 1 in-progress wizard at a time def redirect_if_existing return if step == 'wicked_finish' return if resource.blank? return if resource.try(:done?) return unless resource_scope.respond_to?(:in_progress) existing = resource_scope.in_progress.where.not(id: resource).first return unless existing.present? flash[:success] = "You have been redirected to your in-progress wizard" redirect_to resource_wizard_path(existing, existing.next_step) end # before_action :enforce_can_visit_step, only: [:show, :update] # Make sure I have permission for this step def enforce_can_visit_step return if step == 'wicked_finish' return if resource.can_visit_step?(step) next_step = wizard_steps.reverse.find { |step| resource.can_visit_step?(step) } raise('There is no wizard step to visit. Make sure can_visit_step?(step) returns true for at least one step') unless next_step if Rails.env.development? " \e[31m\e[1mFAILED\e[0m\e[22m" # bold red " Unable to visit step :#{step}. Last can_visit_step? is :#{next_step}. Change the acts_as_wizard model's can_visit_step?(step) function to change this." end flash[:success] = "You have been redirected to the #{resource_wizard_step_title(resource, next_step)} step." redirect_to wizard_path(next_step) end # before_action :assign_current_step, only: [:show, :update] # Assign the current step to resource def assign_current_step if respond_to?(:current_user) && resource.respond_to?(:current_user=) resource.current_user = current_user end resource.current_step = step.to_sym end # before_action :assign_page_title, only: [:show, :update] # Assign page title def assign_page_title @page_title ||= resource_wizard_step_title(resource, step) end def ready_checkout return unless step == :checkout return unless resource.class.try(:acts_as_purchasable_wizard?) resource.ready! end def clear_flash_success @_delete_flash_success = true end end end end