require "metanorma-standoc" require_relative "./validate_style.rb" require_relative "./validate_requirements.rb" require_relative "./validate_section.rb" require_relative "./validate_title.rb" require "nokogiri" require "jing" require "iev" module Asciidoctor module ISO class Converter < Standoc::Converter # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 22.3.2 def onlychild_clause_validate(root) root.xpath(Standoc::Utils::SUBCLAUSE_XPATH).each do |c| next unless c.xpath("../clause").size == 1 title ="./title") location = c["id"] || c.text[0..60] + "..." location += ":#{title.text}" if c["id"] && !title.nil? warn "ISO style: #{location}: subclause is only child" end end def isosubgroup_validate(root) root.xpath("//technical-committee/@type").each do |t| unless %w{TC PC JTC JPC}.include? t.text warn "ISO: invalid technical committee type #{t}" end end root.xpath("//subcommittee/@type").each do |t| unless %w{SC JSC}.include? t.text warn "ISO: invalid subcommittee type #{t}" end end end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 15.5.3 def see_xrefs_validate(root) root.xpath("//xref").each do |t| # does not deal with preceding text marked up preceding ="./preceding-sibling::text()[last()]") next unless !preceding.nil? && /\b(see| refer to)\s*$/mi.match(preceding) (target ="//*[@id = '#{t['target']}']")) || next if target&.at("./ancestor-or-self::*[@obligation = 'normative']") warn "ISO: 'see #{t['target']}' is pointing to a normative section" end end end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 15.5.3 def see_erefs_validate(root) root.xpath("//eref").each do |t| preceding ="./preceding-sibling::text()[last()]") next unless !preceding.nil? && /\b(see|refer to)\s*$/mi.match(preceding) unless target ="//*[@id = '#{t['bibitemid']}']") warn "ISO: '#{t} is not pointing to a real reference" next end if"./ancestor::references"\ "[title = 'Normative References']") warn "ISO: 'see #{t}' is pointing to a normative reference" end end end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 10.4 def locality_erefs_validate(root) root.xpath("//eref[locality]").each do |t| if /^(ISO|IEC)/.match t["citeas"] unless /:[ ]?(\d+{4}|–)$/.match t["citeas"] warn "ISO: undated reference #{t['citeas']} should not contain "\ "specific elements" end end end end def termdef_warn(text, re, term, msg) re.match(text) && warn("ISO style: #{term}: #{msg}") end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 16.5.6 def termdef_style(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//term").each do |t| para ="./definition") || return term ="./preferred").text termdef_warn(para.text, /^(the|a)\b/i, term, "term definition starts with article") termdef_warn(para.text, /\.$/i, term, "term definition ends with period") end cited_term_style(xmldoc) end # ISO/IEC DIR 2, 16.5.10 def cited_term_style(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//term//xref").each do |x| next unless"//term[@id = '#{x['target']}']") x&.previous&.text == " (" and x&.previous&.previous&.name == "em" or style_warning(x, "term citation not preceded with italicised term", x.parent.text) end end def doctype_validate(xmldoc) doctype = xmldoc&.at("//bibdata/ext/doctype")&.text %w(international-standard technical-specification technical-report publicly-available-specification international-workshop-agreement guide).include? doctype or warn "ISO Document Attributes: #{doctype} is not a recognised document type" end def script_validate(xmldoc) script = xmldoc&.at("//bibdata/script")&.text script == "Latn" or warn "ISO Document Attributes: #{script} is not a recognised script" end def stage_validate(xmldoc) stage = xmldoc&.at("//bibdata/status/stage")&.text %w(00 10 20 30 40 50 60 90 95).include? stage or warn "ISO Document Attributes: #{stage} is not a recognised stage" end def substage_validate(xmldoc) substage = xmldoc&.at("//bibdata/status/substage")&.text or return %w(00 20 60 90 92 93 98 99).include? substage or warn "ISO Document Attributes: #{substage} is not a recognised substage" end def iteration_validate(xmldoc) iteration = xmldoc&.at("//bibdata/status/iteration")&.text or return /^\d+/.match(iteration) or warn "ISO Document Attributes: #{iteration} is not a recognised iteration" end def bibdata_validate(doc) doctype_validate(doc) script_validate(doc) stage_validate(doc) substage_validate(doc) iteration_validate(doc) end def content_validate(doc) super title_validate(doc.root) isosubgroup_validate(doc.root) onlychild_clause_validate(doc.root) termdef_style(doc.root) iev_validate(doc.root) see_xrefs_validate(doc.root) see_erefs_validate(doc.root) locality_erefs_validate(doc.root) bibdata_validate(doc.root) bibitem_validate(doc.root) end def bibitem_validate(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//bibitem[date/on = '–']").each do |b| found = false b.xpath("./note").each do |n| found = true if /^ISO DATE:/.match n.text end found or warn "Reference #{b&.at("./@id")&.text} does not have an "\ "associated footnote indicating unpublished status" end end def validate(doc) content_validate(doc) schema_validate(formattedstr_strip(doc.dup), File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "isostandard.rng")) end end end end