require 'spec_helper' require 'json' FakeResource = Axel::ServiceResource::Base module Axel module ServiceResource describe Base do context "class" do subject { Base } context "#load_values" do let(:old_attributes) { { key_1: 'value_1', key_2: 'value_2' }.with_indifferent_access } let(:response_body) { '{"result":{"key_1":"value_1_mod"}}' } let(:new_attributes) { ::JSON.parse(response_body)['result'] } let(:object) { } let(:response) { double(body: response_body, success?: true, code: 200) } it 'merges attributes' do subject.load_values(object, response) object.attributes.should eq(old_attributes.merge(new_attributes)) end end context "routes" do its(:routes) { should be_a HashWithIndifferentAccess } context "defining route" do after { subject.instance_variable_set("@_routes", nil) } it "sets up a route" do subject.should_not respond_to :user_with_id subject.route "user/:id", :user_with_id subject.should respond_to :user_with_id end end end context "site" do context "without setting site" do before { subject.stub(resource: double(base_url: "http://some-url")) } its(:site) { should == "http://some-url" } end context "manual set site" do before {"http://some-other-url") } after { subject.instance_variable_set("@site", nil) } it "set the site" do == "http://some-other-url" end end end context "path" do context "without setting path" do context "without resource" do its(:path) { should == "bases" } end context "with resource" do before { subject.stub(resource: double(path: "resources")) } its(:path) { should == "resources" } end end context "manual set path" do context "with resource" do before { subject.stub(resource: double(path: "resources")) } it "sets resource path" do subject.resource.should_receive(:path=).once subject.path "some_path" end end end context "without resource" do before { subject.stub resource: nil } after { subject.instance_variable_set("@path", nil) } it "sets instance variable" do subject.path "some_other_path" subject.instance_variable_get("@path").should == "some_other_path" end end end context "querier" do its(:querier) { should be_a Axel::Querier } it "has a querier where self is the klass" do subject.querier.klass.should == Base end end context "resource_name" do # testing order messes with the name before { subject.instance_variable_set("@_resource_name", nil) } after { subject.instance_variable_set("@_resource_name", nil) } it "sets the resource name and makes accessible" do subject.resource_name.should == "bases" subject.resource_name "users" subject.resource_name.should == "users" end end context "resource" do # testing order messes with the name before { subject.instance_variable_set("@_resource_name", nil) } after { subject.instance_variable_set("@_resource_name", nil) } # for the should_receive before { Axel.stub(resources: double) } it "tries based on the class name" do Axel.resources.should_receive(:[]).with "bases" subject.resource end it "with a resource name set it tries that name" do subject.resource_name "users" Axel.resources.should_receive(:[]).with "users" subject.resource subject.send(:instance_variable_set, "@_resource_name", nil) end end describe "uri_join" do it "builds a id path" do subject.uri_join("http://localhost", 1).should == "http://localhost/1" end it "builds a id path with extra" do subject.uri_join("http://localhost", "1/", "/personas/").should == "http://localhost/1/personas" end it "just one" do subject.uri_join("http://localhost").should == "http://localhost" end end context "#request" do let(:request_builder) { double } before do subject.should_receive(:build_request).with("http://localhost", { 'headers' => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'} }).and_return request_builder request_builder.should_receive(:run).once end it "builds and runs synchronous request with typhoid" do subject.request "http://localhost" end end context "#inherited" do subject { FakeResource } context "it setup accessors" do context "instance" do subject { } it { should respond_to :id } it { should respond_to :id= } it { should respond_to :uri } it { should respond_to :uri= } end end end end context "instance" do subject { params } let(:params) { {} } context "resource_exception" do context "remote errors" do let(:remote_errors) { status: 404, messages: ["Fail!"] } before do subject.stub remote_errors: remote_errors end it "sets error resource exception" do subject.resource_exception.to_s.should == "Failed. HTTP Status: 404, Messages: Fail!" end end end context "new instance" do context "without envelope response" do let(:params) { { id: 1 } } its(:envelope?) { should be_falsey } its(:metadata) { should be_a Payload::Metadata } it "sets no metadata" do subject.metadata.attributes.should == {} end its(:remote_errors) { should be_a Payload::Errors } it "sets error" do subject.remote_errors.status_code.should == 200 subject.remote_errors.messages.should == [] end its(:result) { should == { id: 1 }.with_indifferent_access } it "converts attributes to result" do subject.result.should == subject.attributes end end context "with envelope response" do let(:params) { { metadata: { current_user: { id: 1 } }, result: { id: 1 } } } its(:envelope?) { should be_truthy } its(:metadata) { should be_a Payload::Metadata } it "sets metadata" do subject.metadata[:current_user].should == { id: 1 }.with_indifferent_access end its(:remote_errors) { should be_a Payload::Errors } it "sets error" do subject.remote_errors.status_code.should == 200 subject.remote_errors.messages.should == [] end its(:result) { should == { id: 1 }.with_indifferent_access } it "converts attributes to result" do subject.result.should == subject.attributes end end end context "request_uri" do context "uri set by incoming object" do let(:params) { { metadata: { current_user: { id: 1 } }, result: { id: 1, uri: "http://localhost/users" } } } its(:request_uri) { should == "http://localhost/users" } end context "uri computed" do before do Base.stub site: "http://localhost", path: "users" end its(:request_uri) { should == "http://localhost/users" } end end end end end end