require 'rubygems' require 'launchy/specification' require 'launchy/version' require 'rake' # The Gem Specification plus some extras for launchy. module Launchy SPEC = do |spec| = "launchy" spec.version = Launchy::VERSION spec.rubyforge_project = "copiousfreetime" = "Jeremy Hinegardner" = "" spec.homepage = "" spec.summary = "A helper to launch apps from within ruby programs." spec.description = <<-DESC Launchy is helper class for launching +cross-platform+ applications. There are application concepts (browser, email client, etc) that are common across all platforms, and they may be launched in different manners. Launchy is here to assist in launching the appropriate application on the appropriate platform from within your ruby projects. DESC spec.extra_rdoc_files = FileList["[A-Z]*"] spec.has_rdoc = true spec.rdoc_main = "README" spec.rdoc_options = [ "--line-numbers" , "--inline-source" ] spec.test_files = FileList["spec/**/*.rb", "test/**/*.rb"] spec.files = spec.test_files + spec.extra_rdoc_files + FileList["lib/**/*.rb", "resources/**/*"] spec.executable = spec.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY spec.required_ruby_version = ">= 1.8.5" spec.local_rdoc_dir = "doc/rdoc" spec.remote_rdoc_dir = "" spec.local_coverage_dir = "doc/coverage" spec.remote_coverage_dir= "coverage" spec.remote_site_dir = "#{}/" end SPEC_WIN32 = SPEC.dup SPEC_WIN32.add_dependency("win32-process") SPEC_WIN32.platform = Gem::Platform::WIN32 end