#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'net/http' require 'open-uri' require 'rubygems/package' require 'zlib' require 'fileutils' # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | Licensed Materials - Property of IBM | # | | # | (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006 - 2016 | # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ TAR_LONGLINK = '././@LongLink' WIN = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/ || RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw/ # use ENV['IBM_DB_HOME'] or latest db2 you can find IBM_DB_HOME = ENV['IBM_DB_HOME'] machine_bits = ['ibm'].pack('p').size * 8 is64Bit = true if machine_bits == 64 is64Bit = true puts "Detected 64-bit Ruby\n " else is64Bit = false puts "Detected 32-bit Ruby\n " end module Kernel def suppress_warnings origVerbosity = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil result = yield $VERBOSE = origVerbosity return result end end DOWNLOADLINK = '' if(RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /aix/i) #AIX if(is64Bit) puts "Detected platform - aix 64" DOWNLOADLINK = "http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/data/db2/drivers/odbc_cli/aix64_odbc_cli.tar.gz" else puts "Detected platform - aix 32" DOWNLOADLINK = "http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/data/db2/drivers/odbc_cli/aix32_odbc_cli.tar.gz" end elsif (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /powerpc/ || RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /ppc/) #PPC if(is64Bit) puts "Detected platform - ppc linux 64" DOWNLOADLINK = "http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/data/db2/drivers/odbc_cli/ppc64_odbc_cli.tar.gz" else puts "Detected platform - ppc linux 64" DOWNLOADLINK = "http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/data/db2/drivers/odbc_cli/ppc32_odbc_cli.tar.gz" end elsif (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/) #x86 if(is64Bit) puts "Detected platform - linux x86 64" DOWNLOADLINK = "http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/data/db2/drivers/odbc_cli/linuxx64_odbc_cli.tar.gz" else puts "Detected platform - linux 32" DOWNLOADLINK = "http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/data/db2/drivers/odbc_cli/linuxia32_odbc_cli.tar.gz" end elsif (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /sparc/i) #Solaris if(is64Bit) puts "Detected platform - sun sparc64" DOWNLOADLINK = "http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/data/db2/drivers/odbc_cli/sun64_odbc_cli.tar.gz" else puts "Detected platform - sun sparc32" DOWNLOADLINK = "http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/data/db2/drivers/odbc_cli/sun32_odbc_cli.tar.gz" end elsif (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /solaris/i) if(is64Bit) puts "Detected platform - sun amd64" DOWNLOADLINK = "http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/data/db2/drivers/odbc_cli/sunamd64_odbc_cli.tar.gz" else puts "Detected platform - sun amd32" DOWNLOADLINK = "http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/data/db2/drivers/odbc_cli/sunamd32_odbc_cli.tar.gz" end elsif (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) if(is64Bit) puts "Detected platform - MacOS darwin64" DOWNLOADLINK = "http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/data/db2/drivers/odbc_cli/macos64_odbc_cli.tar.gz" else puts "Mac OS 32 bit not supported. Please use an x64 architecture." end end def downloadCLIPackage(destination, link = nil) if(link.nil?) downloadLink = DOWNLOADLINK else downloadLink = link end uri = URI.parse(downloadLink) filename = "#{destination}/clidriver.tar.gz" headers = { 'Accept-Encoding' => 'identity', } request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri, headers) http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) response = http.request(request) f = open(filename, 'wb') f.write(response.body) f.close() filename end def untarCLIPackage(archive,destination) Gem::Package::TarReader.new( Zlib::GzipReader.open(archive) ) do |tar| tar.each do |entry| file = nil if entry.full_name == $TAR_LONGLINK file = File.join destination, entry.read.strip next end file ||= File.join destination, entry.full_name if entry.directory? File.delete file if File.file? file FileUtils.mkdir_p file, :mode => entry.header.mode, :verbose => false elsif entry.file? FileUtils.rm_rf file if File.directory? file File.open file, "wb" do |f| f.print entry.read end FileUtils.chmod entry.header.mode, file, :verbose => false elsif entry.header.typeflag == '2' #Symlink! File.symlink entry.header.linkname, file end end end end if(IBM_DB_HOME == nil || IBM_DB_HOME == '') IBM_DB_INCLUDE = ENV['IBM_DB_INCLUDE'] IBM_DB_LIB = ENV['IBM_DB_LIB'] if( ( (IBM_DB_INCLUDE.nil?) || (IBM_DB_LIB.nil?) ) || ( IBM_DB_INCLUDE == '' || IBM_DB_LIB == '' ) ) if(!DOWNLOADLINK.nil? && !DOWNLOADLINK.empty?) puts "Environment variable IBM_DB_HOME is not set. Downloading and setting up the DB2 client driver\n" destination = "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)))}/../lib" archive = downloadCLIPackage(destination) untarCLIPackage(archive,destination) IBM_DB_HOME="#{destination}/clidriver" IBM_DB_INCLUDE = "#{IBM_DB_HOME}/include" IBM_DB_LIB="#{IBM_DB_HOME}/lib" else puts "Environment variable IBM_DB_HOME is not set. Set it to your DB2/IBM_Data_Server_Driver installation directory and retry gem install.\n " exit 1 end end else IBM_DB_INCLUDE = "#{IBM_DB_HOME}/include" if(is64Bit) IBM_DB_LIB="#{IBM_DB_HOME}/lib64" else IBM_DB_LIB="#{IBM_DB_HOME}/lib32" end end if( !(File.directory?(IBM_DB_LIB)) ) suppress_warnings{IBM_DB_LIB = "#{IBM_DB_HOME}/lib"} if( !(File.directory?(IBM_DB_LIB)) ) puts "Cannot find #{IBM_DB_LIB} directory. Check if you have set the IBM_DB_HOME environment variable's value correctly\n " exit 1 end notifyString = "Detected usage of IBM Data Server Driver package. Ensure you have downloaded " if(is64Bit) notifyString = notifyString + "64-bit package " else notifyString = notifyString + "32-bit package " end notifyString = notifyString + "of IBM_Data_Server_Driver and retry the 'gem install ibm_db' command\n " puts notifyString end if( !(File.directory?(IBM_DB_INCLUDE)) ) puts " #{IBM_DB_HOME}/include folder not found. Check if you have set the IBM_DB_HOME environment variable's value correctly\n " exit 1 end require 'mkmf' dir_config('IBM_DB',IBM_DB_INCLUDE,IBM_DB_LIB) def crash(str) printf(" extconf failure: %s\n", str) exit 1 end if( RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.9/ || RUBY_VERSION =~ /2./) create_header('gil_release_version') create_header('unicode_support_version') end unless (have_library(WIN ? 'db2cli' : 'db2','SQLConnect') or find_library(WIN ? 'db2cli' : 'db2','SQLConnect', IBM_DB_LIB)) crash(< #(Eg: export IBM_DB_HOME=/opt/ibm/db2/v10) step 3: - Retry gem install EOL end if(RUBY_VERSION =~ /2./) require 'rbconfig' end alias :libpathflag0 :libpathflag def libpathflag(libpath) if(RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) if(RUBY_VERSION =~ /2./) libpathflag0 + case RbConfig::CONFIG["arch"] when /solaris2/ libpath[0..-2].map {|path| " -R#{path}"}.join when /linux/ libpath[0..-2].map {|path| " -R#{path} "}.join else "" end else libpathflag0 + case Config::CONFIG["arch"] when /solaris2/ libpath[0..-2].map {|path| " -R#{path}"}.join when /linux/ libpath[0..-2].map {|path| " -R#{path} "}.join else "" end end else if(RUBY_VERSION =~ /2./) ldflags = case RbConfig::CONFIG["arch"] when /solaris2/ libpath[0..-2].map {|path| " -R#{path}"}.join when /linux/ libpath[0..-2].map {|path| " -R#{path} "}.join else "" end else ldflags = case Config::CONFIG["arch"] when /solaris2/ libpath[0..-2].map {|path| " -R#{path}"}.join when /linux/ libpath[0..-2].map {|path| " -R#{path} "}.join else "" end end libpathflag0 + " '-Wl,-R$$ORIGIN/clidriver/lib' " end end have_header('gil_release_version') have_header('unicode_support_version') create_makefile('ibm_db')