% dfect_api = 'api/classes/Dfect.html' %|chapter "Usage" Begin by loading **<%= $project %>** into your program: require 'rubygems' require 'dfect' Now you have access to the [`Dfect` module](<%= dfect_api %>), which provides mixin-able instance methods which are also directly-callable as module functions (class methods): Dfect.D "hello" do puts "world" end # the above is same as: include Dfect D "hello" do puts "world" end The following sections explain these methods in detail. %|section "Assertions" The following methods take a block parameter and assert something about the result of executing that block. Follow the links into the API documentation for examples. * [`T()`](<%= dfect_api %>) --- assert true (not nil and not false) * [`F()`](<%= dfect_api %>) --- assert not true (nil or false) * [`E()`](<%= dfect_api %>) --- assert that an execption is raised * [`C()`](<%= dfect_api %>) --- assert that a symbol is caught %|section "Failures" When an assertion fails, the details about the failure will be shown like this:
      - a complex test:
        - with more nested tests:
          - fail: block must yield true (!nil && !false)
            code: |-
              [12..22] in test/simple.rb
                 13     D "with more nested tests" do
                 14       x = 5
                 16       T { x > 2 }   # passes
              => 17       F { x > 2 }   # fails
                 18       E { x.hello } # fails
                 19     end
                 20   end
                 22   # equivalent of before(:each) or setup()
              x: 5
              y: 83
            - test/simple.rb:17
            - test/simple.rb:3
If the `:debug` option is enabled in [`Dfect.options`](<%= dfect_api %>), you will then be placed into a debugger to investigate the failure. Details about all assertion failures and a trace of all tests executed are stored by **<%= $project %>** and provided by the [`Dfect.report`](<%= dfect_api %>) method. %|section "Tests" The [`D()` method](<%= dfect_api %>) defines a new **test**, which is analagous to the `describe()` environment provided by BDD frameworks like RSpec. A test may also contain nested tests. D "outer test" do # assertions and logic here D "inner test" do # more assertions and logic here end end %|section "Hooks" The [`D()` method](<%= dfect_api %>) provides several entry points (hooks) into the test execution process: D "outer test" do D .< { puts "before each nested test" } D .> { puts "after each nested test" } D .<< { puts "before all nested tests" } D .>> { puts "after all nested tests" } D "inner test" do # assertions and logic here end end A hook method may be called multiple times. Each call registers additional logic to execute during the hook: D .< { puts "do something" } D .< { puts "do something more!" } %|section "Execution" You can configure test execution using: Dfect.options = your_options You can execute all tests defined thus far using: Dfect.run You can stop this execution at any time using: Dfect.stop You can view the results of execution using: puts Dfect.report.to_yaml See the [API documentation](<%= dfect_api %>) for details and examples. %|section "Automatic test execution" require 'rubygems' require 'dfect/auto' # <== notice the "auto" The above code will mix-in the `Dfect` module into your program and will execute all tests defined by your program before it terminates. %|example "A sample unit test" require 'rubygems' require 'dfect/auto' D "a test" do D "a nested test" do end D "another nested test" do end D "a complex test" do y = 83 D "with more nested tests" do x = 5 T { x > 2 } # passes F { x > 2 } # fails E { x.hello } # fails end end # equivalent of before(:each) or setup() D.< do puts "this is executed before every test in this scope" end # equivalent of after(:each) or teardown() D.> do puts "this is executed after every test in this scope" end # equivalent of before(:all) D.<< do puts "this is executed once, before all tests in this scope" end # equivalent of after(:all) D.>> do puts "this is executed once, after all tests in this scope" end end