Feature: Functionality of the data_magic gem Background: Given I have read the yaml file from features/yaml When I ask for the data for "dm" Scenario: Getting basic data from the yaml Then the value for "value1" should be "this is value 1" And the value for "value2" should be "this is value 2" Scenario: Getting names from the yaml Then the value for "full_name" should have a minimum of 2 words And the value for "first_name" should be 1 word long And the value for "last_name" should be 1 word long And the value for "name_prefix" should be 1 word long And the value for "name_suffix" should be 1 word long Scenario: Getting addresses from the yaml Then the value for "street" should have a minimum of 2 words And the value for "city" should have a minimum of 1 word And the value for "state" should have a minimum of 1 word And the value for "state_ab" should be 1 word long And the value for "zip" should be 1 word long And the value for "country" should have a minimum of 1 word And the value for "second_address" should have a minimum of 1 words Scenario: Getting a company name from the yaml Then the value for "company" should have a minimum of 1 word Scenario: Getting an email address from the yaml Then the value for "email" should be 1 word long And the value for "domain_name" should be 1 word long And the value for "user_name" should be 1 word long Scenario: Getting a phone number Then the value for "phone" should have a minimum of 1 word Scenario: Random phrases Then the value for "catch_phrase" should exist And the value for "words" should exist And the value for "sentence" should exist And the value for "sentences" should exist And the value for "paragraphs" should exist And the value for "characters" should be 255 characters long Scenario: Boolean values Then the value for "bool_true" should be true And the value for "bool_false" should be false Scenario: Reading multiple data segments When I ask for the data for "other" Then the value for "name" should be "Cheezy" And the value for "address" should be "123 Main Street" And the value for "email" should be "cheezy@example.com" Scenario: Reading from multiple yml files When I load the file "another.yml" And I ask for the data for "other_file" Then the value for "name" should be "Sneezy" And the value for "address" should be "555 Easy Money Drive" And the value for "email" should be "sneezy@example.com" Scenario: Reading multiple entries from same file When I load the file "another.yml" And I ask for the data for "other_file" Then the value for "name" should be "Sneezy" When I ask for the data for "more_info" Then the value for "name" should be "Wheezy" And the value for "address" should be "999 Alergy Ave" And the value for "email" should be "wheezy@example.com" Scenario: Returning a randomly selected value from an array Then the value for "random" should be either "Tom", "Dick", or "Harry" And the value for "range" should be between 1 and 5 Scenario: Returning a value based on a mask Then the value for "mask" should begin with 3 numbers And the value for "mask" should have 3 upper case letters after a dash And the value for "mask" should end with 3 lower case letters