require 'rbbt/tsv' require 'rbbt/util/misc' require 'rbbt/annotations/annotated_array' require 'rbbt/annotations/util' #{{{ ANNOTATED module Annotated attr_accessor :container, :container_index def annotation_values @annotation_values ||= {} end def detach_annotations @annotation_values = @annotation_values.dup @annotation_values.instance_variable_set(:@annotation_md5, nil) @shared_annotations = false end def reset @info = nil @id = nil @self_md5 = nil @annotation_values.instance_variable_set(:@annotation_md5, nil) end def annotation_types @annotation_types ||= class << self; self; end. included_modules. select{|m| Annotation === m } end def annotations if @annotations.nil? @annotations = [] annotation_types.each do |annotation_type| @annotations.concat annotation_type.annotations end @annotations else @annotations end end def masked_annotations if @masked_annotations.nil? @masked_annotations = [] annotation_types.each do |annotation_type| @masked_annotations.concat annotation_type.masked_annotations end @masked_annotations else @masked_annotations end end def unmasked_annotations @unmasked_annotations ||= annotations - masked_annotations end def info(masked = false) if @info.nil? info = annotation_values.dup info[:annotation_types] = annotation_types info[:annotated_array] = true if AnnotatedArray === self @info = info end if masked if @masked_info.nil? @masked_info = @info.dup masked_annotations.each do |annotation| @masked_info.delete annotation end end @masked_info else @info end end def annotation_md5 if annotation_values.instance_variable_get(:@annotation_md5).nil? annotation_values.instance_variable_set(:@annotation_md5, Misc.hash2md5(annotation_values)) end annotation_values.instance_variable_get(:@annotation_md5) end def self_md5 @self_md5 ||= Misc.digest(annotation_md5 + self.to_s) end # ToDo This does not make much sense, why not change :id directly def id @id ||= self.respond_to?(:annotation_id) ? annotation_id : self_md5 end def annotate(object) return object unless Array === object or String === object annotation_types.each do |annotation| object.extend annotation unless annotation === object end object.instance_variable_set(:@annotation_types, nil) if object.instance_variables.include?(:@annotation_values) hash = {} object.instance_variable_get(:@annotation_values).each{|k,v| hash[k] = v} self.annotation_values.each{|k,v| hash[k] = v} object.instance_variable_set(:@annotation_values, hash) object.instance_variable_set(:@shared_annotations, false) else object.instance_variable_set(:@annotation_values, self.annotation_values) object.instance_variable_set(:@shared_annotations, true) @shared_annotations = true end object end def clean_annotations(recursive = false) case when self.nil? nil when Array === self if recursive [].concat self.collect{|e| e.respond_to?(:clean_annotations)? e.clean_annotations : e} else [].concat self end when String === self "" << self else self.dup end end def self.purge(object) case object when String object.respond_to?(:clean_annotations) ? object.clean_annotations : object when Array object.respond_to?(:clean_annotations) ? object.clean_annotations : object.inject([]){|acc,e| acc << Annotated.purge(e); acc} when Hash new = {} object.each do |key, value| Annotated.purge key new[key] = Annotated.purge value end new else object end end def make_list new = [self] self.annotate(new) new.extend AnnotatedArray new end end #{{{ ANNOTATION module Annotation attr_accessor :annotations, :masked_annotations def annotations @annotations ||= [] end def masked_annotations @masked_annotations ||= [] end def unmasked_annotations annotations - masked_annotations end def annotation(*list) list.each do |annot| next if annotations.include? annot.to_sym annotations << annot.to_sym # Getter self.send(:define_method, annot.to_s) do annotation_values[annot] end # Setter self.send(:define_method, "#{ annot}=") do |value| if @shared_annotations detach_annotations # avoid side effects end reset annotation_values[annot] = value end end end def setup_hash(object, values) object.instance_variable_set(:@annotation_values, values) object.instance_variable_set(:@shared_annotations, true) object.reset object end def clean_and_setup_hash(object, hash) annotation_values = object.instance_variable_get(:@annotation_values) annotation_values = annotation_values.nil? ? {} : annotation_values.dup annotation_values.instance_variable_set(:@annotation_md5, nil) hash.each do |key, value| begin next unless @annotations.include?(key = key.to_sym) rescue next end value = value.split("|") if String === value and value.index "|" annotation_values[key] = value end object.instance_variable_set(:@annotation_values, annotation_values) object.instance_variable_set(:@shared_annotations, false) object.reset object end def setup_positional(object, *values) annotation_values = object.instance_variable_get(:@annotation_values) annotation_values = annotation_values.nil? ? {} : annotation_values.dup annotation_values.instance_variable_set(:@annotation_md5, nil) annotations.each_with_index do |name,i| value = values[i] value = value.split("|") if String === value and value.index "|" annotation_values[name] = value end object.instance_variable_set(:@annotation_values, annotation_values) object.reset object end def setup(object, *values) return object if object.nil? object.extend self object.extend AnnotatedArray if Array === object object.instance_variable_set(:@annotation_types, nil) if Hash === (hash = values.last) clean_and_setup_hash(object, hash) else setup_positional(object, *values) end object end def fast_setup(object, hash, shared = false) object.extend self object.extend AnnotatedArray if Array === object object.instance_variable_set(:@annotation_values, hash) object.instance_variable_set(:@shared_annotations, true) if shared end def self.extended(object) object.module_eval do include Annotated end end def included(mod) mod.instance_variable_set(:@annotations, self.annotations.dup) mod.instance_variable_set(:@masked_annotations, self.masked_annotations.dup) end end