= Overview Enables default REST functionality, more than what you get with Rails out-of-the-box, and keeps your code DRY. This means you can write code like this: class Posts < ApplicationController include BTech::Rest end Which would automatically yield the following REST actions: * index * show * new * edit * create * update * destroy How is that for being {DRY}[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DRY]? Read on to learn more. = License Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Brooke Kuhlmann of {Berserk Technologies}[http://www.berserktech.com]. See the included LICENSE for more info. = History See the CHANGELOG file for more info. = Requirements 1. {Ruby on Rails}[http://rubyonrails.org] (automatically installed for you if you don't have 2.3.x or higher). 2. mislav-will_paginate[http://github.com/mislav/will_paginate/tree/master] gem (automatically installed for you). 3. Knowledge of the {Representational State Transfer (REST)}[http://en.wikipedia.com/wiki/REST]. Download and read {RESTful Rails}[http://www.b-simple.de/documents] if you need further info. = Installation Type the following from the command line to install: * *UNIX*: sudo gem install aeonscope-btech_rest * *Windows*: gem install aeonscope-btech_rest Update your environment.rb file to include the new gem: * config.gem "btech_rest" Type the following from the command line to setup: * script/generate rest_setup = Usage As mentioned in the overview, simply add the following line of code to your controller(s) to make them RESTful: include BTech::Rest Example: class Posts < ApplicationController include BTech::Rest end To customize the RESTful behavior of your controller, use any combination of these three macros: * *belongs_to* - Enables resource nesting where a controller can belong to a parent controller. This behavior is similar to the ActiveRecord {belongs_to}[http://apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/Associations/ClassMethods/belongs_to] macro. * *resource_options* - Allows you to customize the default behavior of your controller(s). There is a lot you can do with this, read the code documentation for more info. * *disabled_actions* - Allows you to disable any of the default REST actions. Follow the link to learn more. Example: class Comments < ApplicationController include BTech::Rest belongs_to :posts resource_options :label => "My Wicked Comments" disabled_actions :show, :destroy end Here is the breakdown, line-by-line, of the example shown above: 1. Enables restful behavior. 2. Identifies the controller as a nested resource of posts. 3. Instead of using the default label "Comments", a customized label of "My Wicked Comments" is used instead. 4. The "show" and "destroy" actions are disabled which means only the following actions will work: index, new, edit, create, and update. Using the post and comment controller relationship as defined above, we can break this relationship down even further. The post (parent) resource would have the following values (in this case, all default values): * *parent_key* = N/A * *parent_value* = N/A * *parent_resource_method* = N/A * *name* = "posts" * *label* = "Posts" * *controller* = PostsController * *model* = Post * *record* = #<Post id: 1, label: "Test", content: "Test", created_at: "2008-10-31 23:59:28", updated_at: "2008-10-31 23:59:28"> * *namespaces* = [] * *show_partial* = "/posts/show" * *new_or_edit_partial* = "/posts/new_or_edit" The comment (child) resource would have the following values: * *parent_key* = post_id * *parent_value* = 1 * *parent_resource_method* = N/A * *name* = "comments" * *label* = "My Wicked Comments" * *controller* = CommentsController * *model* = Comment * *record* = #<Post id: 1, post_id: nil, label: "Test", content: "Test", created_at: "2008-10-31 23:59:28", updated_at: "2008-10-31 23:59:28"> * *namespaces* = [] * *show_partial* = "/comments/show" * *new_or_edit_partial* = "/comments/new_or_edit" = Contact/Feedback/Issues * {Berserk Technologies}[http://www.berserktech.com] - Company web site. * Aeonscope[http://www.aeonscope.net] - Personal web site. * Twitter[http://www.twitter.com/Aeonscope] - Short bursts of insight and/or noise.