module Locomotive::Steam::Middlewares class ThreadSafe attr_accessor_initialize :app attr_accessor :env def call(env) threadsafed = dup threadsafed.env = env # time = Benchmark.realtime do threadsafed._call # thread-safe purpose # end # puts "[Benchmark][#{}] Time elapsed #{time*1000} milliseconds" end def next # avoid to be called twice @next_response || (@next_response = end #= Shortcuts = def services @services ||= env.fetch('') end def repositories @repositories ||= services.repositories end def request @request ||= env.fetch('steam.request') end def site @site ||= env.fetch('') end def page @page ||= env.fetch('') end def path @path ||= env.fetch('steam.path') end def locale @locale ||= env.fetch('steam.locale') end def locales site.locales end def default_locale site.default_locale end def params @params ||= if request.content_type == 'application/json' && ( || request.put?) request.body.rewind JSON.parse( else request.params.with_indifferent_access end end def merge_with_params(values) values.each { |name, value| self.request.params[name] = value } @params = nil end def session env['rack.session'] end def liquid_assigns @liquid_assigns ||= env.fetch('steam.liquid_assigns') end def live_editing? !!env['steam.live_editing'] end def decorate_entry(entry) return nil if entry.nil?, locale, default_locale) end def default_liquid_context{ 'site' => site.to_liquid }, {}, { request: request, locale: locale, site: site, services: services, repositories: services.repositories }, true) end end end