require 'test_helper' module Shipit module Api class StacksControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase setup do authenticate! @stack = shipit_stacks(:shipit) end test "#create fails with insufficient permissions" do @client.permissions.delete('write:stack')! assert_no_difference 'Stack.count' do post :create, params: {repo_name: 'rails', repo_owner: 'rails', environment: 'staging', branch: 'staging'} end assert_response :forbidden assert_json 'message', 'This operation requires the `write:stack` permission' end test "#create fails with invalid stack" do assert_no_difference "Stack.count" do post :create, params: {repo_owner: 'some', repo_name: 'owner/path'} end assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert_json 'errors', 'repo_name' => ['is invalid'] end test "#create creates a stack and renders it back" do assert_difference -> { Stack.count } do post :create, params: {repo_name: 'rails', repo_owner: 'rails', environment: 'staging', branch: 'staging'} end assert_response :ok assert_json 'id', end test "#create fails to create stack if it already exists" do Stack.create!( repo_name: 'rails', repo_owner: 'rails', environment: 'staging', branch: 'staging', ) assert_no_difference -> { Stack.count } do post :create, params: {repo_name: 'rails', repo_owner: 'rails', environment: 'staging', branch: 'staging'} end assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert_json 'errors', 'repo_name' => ['cannot be used more than once with this environment'] end test "#index returns a list of stacks" do stack = Stack.last get :index assert_response :ok assert_json '', assert_json do |stacks| assert_equal Stack.count, stacks.size end end test "#index is paginable" do get :index, params: {page_size: 1} assert_json do |list| assert_instance_of Array, list assert_equal 1, list.size stack_id = list.last['id'] assert_link 'next', api_stacks_url(since: stack_id, page_size: 1) assert_link 'first', api_stacks_url(page_size: 1) end end test "the `next` link is not provided when the last page is reached" do get :index, params: {page_size: Stack.count} assert_no_link 'next' end test "an api client scoped to a stack will only see that one stack" do authenticate!(:here_come_the_walrus) get :index assert_json do |stacks| assert_equal 1, stacks.size end end test "a request with insufficient permissions will render a 403" do @client.update!(permissions: []) get :index assert_response :forbidden assert_json 'message', 'This operation requires the `read:stack` permission' end test "#show renders the stack" do get :show, params: {id: @stack.to_param} assert_response :ok assert_json 'id', end test "#show returns last_deployed_at column for stack" do get :show, params: {id: @stack.to_param} assert_response :ok assert_json 'last_deployed_at', @stack.last_deployed_at end test "#destroy schedules stack deletion job" do assert_enqueued_with(job: DestroyStackJob) do delete :destroy, params: {id: @stack.to_param} end assert_response :accepted end test "#destroy fails with insufficient permissions" do @client.permissions.delete('write:stack')! assert_no_difference 'Stack.count' do delete :destroy, params: {id: @stack.to_param} end assert_response :forbidden assert_json 'message', 'This operation requires the `write:stack` permission' end end end end