describe Imap::Backup::Setup::FolderChooser do include HighLineTestHelpers describe "#run" do subject { } let(:connection) do instance_double( Imap::Backup::Account::Connection, folder_names: connection_folders ) end let(:account) do instance_double( Imap::Backup::Account, folders: account_folders, "folders=": nil ) end let(:account_folders) { [] } let(:connection_folders) { [] } let!(:highline_streams) { prepare_highline } let(:input) { highline_streams[0] } let(:output) { highline_streams[1] } before do allow(Imap::Backup::Account::Connection).to receive(:new) { connection } allow(Kernel).to receive(:system) allow(Imap::Backup::Logger.logger).to receive(:warn) end describe "display" do it "clears the screen" do expect(Kernel).to receive(:system).with("clear") end it "shows the menu" do expect(output.string).to match %r{Add/remove folders} end end describe "folder listing" do let(:account_folders) { [{name: "my_folder"}]} let(:connection_folders) do # N.B. my_folder is already backed up %w(my_folder another_folder) end describe "display" do before { } it "shows folders which are being backed up" do expect(output.string).to include("+ my_folder") end it "shows folders which are not being backed up" do expect(output.string).to include("- another_folder") end end context "when adding folders" do before do allow(input).to receive(:gets).and_return("2\n", "q\n") end specify "are added to the account" do expect(account).to have_received(:"folders="). with([{name: "my_folder"}, {name: "another_folder"}]) end end context "when removing folders" do before do allow(input).to receive(:gets).and_return("1\n", "q\n") end specify "are removed from the account" do expect(account).to have_received(:"folders=").with([]) end end end context "with missing remote folders" do let(:account_folders) do [{name: "on_server"}, {name: "not_on_server"}] end let(:connection_folders) { ["on_server"] } before do allow(Kernel).to receive(:puts) end specify "are removed from the account" do expect(account).to have_received(:"folders="). with([{name: "on_server"}]) end end context "when folders are not available" do let(:connection_folders) { nil } before do allow(Imap::Backup::Setup.highline). to receive(:ask) { "q" } end it "asks to press a key" do expect(Imap::Backup::Setup.highline). to receive(:ask).with("Press a key ") end end context "with connection errors" do before do allow(Imap::Backup::Account::Connection). to receive(:new).with(account).and_raise("error") allow(Imap::Backup::Setup.highline). to receive(:ask) { "q" } end it "prints an error message" do expect(Imap::Backup::Logger.logger). to receive(:warn).with("Connection failed") end it "asks to continue" do expect(Imap::Backup::Setup.highline). to receive(:ask).with("Press a key ") end end end end