module KnapsackPro module Runners module Queue class RSpecRunner < BaseRunner def require 'rspec/core' require_relative '../../formatters/rspec_queue_summary_formatter' require_relative '../../formatters/rspec_queue_profile_formatter_extension' ENV['KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN'] = KnapsackPro::Config::Env.test_suite_token_rspec ENV['KNAPSACK_PRO_QUEUE_RECORDING_ENABLED'] = 'true' ENV['KNAPSACK_PRO_QUEUE_ID'] = KnapsackPro::Config::EnvGenerator.set_queue_id runner = new(KnapsackPro::Adapters::RSpecAdapter) cli_args = (args || '').split # if user didn't provide the format then use explicitly default progress formatter # in order to avoid KnapsackPro::Formatters::RSpecQueueSummaryFormatter being the only default formatter if !cli_args.any? { |arg| arg.start_with?('-f') || arg.start_with?('--format')} cli_args += ['--format', 'progress'] end cli_args += [ '--format', KnapsackPro::Formatters::RSpecQueueSummaryFormatter.to_s, '--default-path', runner.test_dir, ] accumulator = { status: :next, runner: runner, can_initialize_queue: true, args: cli_args, exitstatus: 0, all_test_file_paths: [], } while accumulator[:status] == :next accumulator = run_tests(accumulator) end Kernel.exit(accumulator[:exitstatus]) end def self.run_tests(accumulator) runner = accumulator.fetch(:runner) can_initialize_queue = accumulator.fetch(:can_initialize_queue) args = accumulator.fetch(:args) exitstatus = accumulator.fetch(:exitstatus) all_test_file_paths = accumulator.fetch(:all_test_file_paths) test_file_paths = runner.test_file_paths( can_initialize_queue: can_initialize_queue, executed_test_files: all_test_file_paths ) if test_file_paths.empty? unless all_test_file_paths.empty? KnapsackPro::Formatters::RSpecQueueSummaryFormatter.print_summary KnapsackPro::Formatters::RSpecQueueProfileFormatterExtension.print_summary log_rspec_command(args, all_test_file_paths, :end_of_queue) end KnapsackPro::Hooks::Queue.call_after_queue KnapsackPro::Report.save_node_queue_to_api return { status: :completed, exitstatus: exitstatus, } else subset_queue_id = KnapsackPro::Config::EnvGenerator.set_subset_queue_id ENV['KNAPSACK_PRO_SUBSET_QUEUE_ID'] = subset_queue_id KnapsackPro.tracker.reset! KnapsackPro.tracker.set_prerun_tests(test_file_paths) all_test_file_paths += test_file_paths cli_args = args + test_file_paths log_rspec_command(args, test_file_paths, :subset_queue) options = exit_code =$stderr, $stdout) exitstatus = exit_code if exit_code != 0 rspec_clear_examples KnapsackPro::Hooks::Queue.call_after_subset_queue KnapsackPro::Report.save_subset_queue_to_file return { status: :next, runner: runner, can_initialize_queue: false, args: args, exitstatus: exitstatus, all_test_file_paths: all_test_file_paths, } end end private def self.log_rspec_command(cli_args, test_file_paths, type) case type when :subset_queue"To retry in development the subset of tests fetched from API queue please run below command on your machine. If you use --order random then remember to add proper --seed 123 that you will find at the end of rspec command.") when :end_of_queue"To retry in development the tests for this CI node please run below command on your machine. It will run all tests in a single run. If you need to reproduce a particular subset of tests fetched from API queue then above after each request to Knapsack Pro API you will find example rspec command.") end stringify_cli_args = cli_args.join(' ') stringify_cli_args.slice!("--format #{KnapsackPro::Formatters::RSpecQueueSummaryFormatter}") "bundle exec rspec #{stringify_cli_args} " + KnapsackPro::TestFilePresenter.stringify_paths(test_file_paths) ) end # Clear rspec examples without the shared examples: # # # Keep formatters and report to accumulate info about failed/pending tests def self.rspec_clear_examples if ::RSpec::ExampleGroups.respond_to?(:remove_all_constants) ::RSpec::ExampleGroups.remove_all_constants else ::RSpec::ExampleGroups.constants.each do |constant| ::RSpec::ExampleGroups.__send__(:remove_const, constant) end end ::RSpec.configuration.start_time = if KnapsackPro::Config::Env.rspec_split_by_test_examples? # Reset example group counts to ensure scoped example ids in metadata # have correct index (not increased by each subsequent run). # Solves this problem:, end # skip reset filters for old RSpec versions if ::RSpec.configuration.respond_to?(:reset_filters) ::RSpec.configuration.reset_filters end end end end end end