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# Ruby LSP

The Ruby LSP is an implementation of the [language server protocol](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/)
for Ruby, used to improve rich features in editors. It is a part of a wider goal to provide a state-of-the-art
experience to Ruby developers using modern standards for cross-editor features, documentation and debugging.

Want to discuss Ruby developer experience? Consider joining the public
[Ruby DX Slack workspace](https://join.slack.com/t/ruby-dx/shared_invite/zt-1zjp7lmgk-zL7bGvze8gj5hFaYS~r5vg).

## Usage

### With VS Code

If using VS Code, all you have to do is install the [Ruby LSP extension](https://github.com/Shopify/vscode-ruby-lsp) to
get the extra features in the editor. Do not install this gem manually.

### With other editors

See [editors](EDITORS.md) for community instructions on setting up the Ruby LSP.

The gem can be installed by doing
gem install ruby-lsp

**NOTE**: starting with v0.7.0, it is no longer recommended to add the `ruby-lsp` to the bundle. The gem will generate a
custom bundle in `.ruby-lsp/Gemfile` which is used to identify the versions of dependencies that should be used for the
application (e.g.: the correct RuboCop version).

For older versions, if you decide to add the gem to the bundle, it is not necessary to require it.
group :development do
  gem "ruby-lsp", require: false

### Documentation

See the [documentation](https://shopify.github.io/ruby-lsp) for more in-depth details about the
[supported features](https://shopify.github.io/ruby-lsp/RubyLsp/Requests.html).

For creating rich themes for Ruby using the semantic highlighting information, see the [semantic highlighting

### Addons

The Ruby LSP provides an addon system that allows other gems to enhance the base functionality with more editor
features. This is the mechanism that powers addons like

- [Ruby LSP Rails](https://github.com/Shopify/ruby-lsp-rails)

For instructions on how to create addons, see the [addons documentation](ADDONS.md).

## Learn More

* [RubyConf 2022: Improving the development experience with language servers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEfXPTm1aCI) ([Vinicius Stock](https://github.com/vinistock))
* [Remote Ruby: Ruby Language Server with Vinicius Stock](https://remoteruby.com/221)
* [RubyKaigi 2023: Code indexing - How language servers understand our code](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks3tQojSJLU) ([Vinicius Stock](https://github.com/vinistock))

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Shopify/ruby-lsp.
This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors
are expected to adhere to the
[Contributor Covenant](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
code of conduct.

If you wish to contribute, see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for development instructions and check out our pinned
[roadmap issue](https://github.com/Shopify/ruby-lsp/issues) for a list of tasks to get started.

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the
[MIT License](LICENSE.txt).