# frozen_string_literal: true require 'active_support/core_ext/string/strip' require 'multi_json' module ChronoModel class Adapter < ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter module DDL private # Create the public view and its INSTEAD OF triggers # def chrono_public_view_ddl(table, options = nil) pk = primary_key(table) current = "#{TEMPORAL_SCHEMA}.#{table}" history = "#{HISTORY_SCHEMA}.#{table}" options ||= chrono_metadata_for(table) # SELECT - return only current data # execute "DROP VIEW #{table}" if data_source_exists? table execute "CREATE VIEW #{table} AS SELECT * FROM ONLY #{current}" chrono_metadata_set(table, options.merge(chronomodel: VERSION)) # Set default values on the view (closes #12) # columns(table).each do |column| default = if column.default.nil? column.default_function else quote(column.default) end next if column.name == pk || default.nil? execute "ALTER VIEW #{table} ALTER COLUMN #{quote_column_name(column.name)} SET DEFAULT #{default}" end columns = self.columns(table).map { |c| quote_column_name(c.name) } columns.delete(quote_column_name(pk)) fields = columns.join(', ') values = columns.map { |c| "NEW.#{c}" }.join(', ') chrono_create_INSERT_trigger(table, pk, current, history, fields, values) chrono_create_UPDATE_trigger(table, pk, current, history, fields, values, options, columns) chrono_create_DELETE_trigger(table, pk, current, history) end # Create the history table in the history schema def chrono_history_table_ddl(table) parent = "#{TEMPORAL_SCHEMA}.#{table}" p_pkey = primary_key(parent) execute <<-SQL.squish CREATE TABLE #{table} ( hid BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, validity tsrange NOT NULL, recorded_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT timezone('UTC', now()) ) INHERITS ( #{parent} ) SQL add_history_validity_constraint(table, p_pkey) chrono_create_history_indexes_for(table, p_pkey) end def add_history_validity_constraint(table, pkey) add_timeline_consistency_constraint(table, :validity, id: pkey, on_current_schema: true) end def remove_history_validity_constraint(table, options = {}) remove_timeline_consistency_constraint(table, options.merge(on_current_schema: true)) end # INSERT - insert data both in the temporal table and in the history one. # # The serial sequence is invoked manually only if the PK is NULL, to # allow setting the PK to a specific value (think migration scenario). # def chrono_create_INSERT_trigger(table, pk, current, history, fields, values) execute <<-SQL.strip_heredoc # rubocop:disable Rails/SquishedSQLHeredocs CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION chronomodel_#{table}_insert() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN #{insert_sequence_sql(pk, current)} INTO #{current} ( #{pk}, #{fields} ) VALUES ( NEW.#{pk}, #{values} ); INSERT INTO #{history} ( #{pk}, #{fields}, validity ) VALUES ( NEW.#{pk}, #{values}, tsrange(timezone('UTC', now()), NULL) ); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS chronomodel_insert ON #{table}; CREATE TRIGGER chronomodel_insert INSTEAD OF INSERT ON #{table} FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE chronomodel_#{table}_insert(); SQL end # UPDATE - set the last history entry validity to now, save the current data # in a new history entry and update the temporal table with the new data. # # If there are no changes, this trigger suppresses redundant updates. # # If a row in the history with the current ID and current timestamp already # exists, update it with new data. This logic makes possible to "squash" # together changes made in a transaction in a single history row. # # If you want to disable this behaviour, set the CHRONOMODEL_NO_SQUASH # environment variable. This is useful when running scenarios inside # cucumber, in which everything runs in the same transaction. # def chrono_create_UPDATE_trigger(table, pk, current, history, fields, values, options, columns) # Columns to be journaled. By default everything except updated_at (GH #7) # journal = if options[:journal] options[:journal].map { |col| quote_column_name(col) } elsif options[:no_journal] columns - options[:no_journal].map { |col| quote_column_name(col) } elsif options[:full_journal] columns else columns - [quote_column_name('updated_at')] end journal &= columns execute <<-SQL.strip_heredoc # rubocop:disable Rails/SquishedSQLHeredocs CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION chronomodel_#{table}_update() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE _now timestamp; DECLARE _hid integer; DECLARE _old record; DECLARE _new record; BEGIN IF OLD IS NOT DISTINCT FROM NEW THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; _old := row(#{journal.map { |c| "OLD.#{c}" }.join(', ')}); _new := row(#{journal.map { |c| "NEW.#{c}" }.join(', ')}); IF _old IS NOT DISTINCT FROM _new THEN UPDATE ONLY #{current} SET ( #{fields} ) = ( #{values} ) WHERE #{pk} = OLD.#{pk}; RETURN NEW; END IF; _now := timezone('UTC', now()); _hid := NULL; #{"SELECT hid INTO _hid FROM #{history} WHERE #{pk} = OLD.#{pk} AND lower(validity) = _now;" unless ENV['CHRONOMODEL_NO_SQUASH']} IF _hid IS NOT NULL THEN UPDATE #{history} SET ( #{fields} ) = ( #{values} ) WHERE hid = _hid; ELSE UPDATE #{history} SET validity = tsrange(lower(validity), _now) WHERE #{pk} = OLD.#{pk} AND upper_inf(validity); INSERT INTO #{history} ( #{pk}, #{fields}, validity ) VALUES ( OLD.#{pk}, #{values}, tsrange(_now, NULL) ); END IF; UPDATE ONLY #{current} SET ( #{fields} ) = ( #{values} ) WHERE #{pk} = OLD.#{pk}; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS chronomodel_update ON #{table}; CREATE TRIGGER chronomodel_update INSTEAD OF UPDATE ON #{table} FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE chronomodel_#{table}_update(); SQL end # DELETE - save the current data in the history and eventually delete the # data from the temporal table. # The first DELETE is required to remove history for records INSERTed and # DELETEd in the same transaction. # def chrono_create_DELETE_trigger(table, pk, current, history) execute <<-SQL.strip_heredoc # rubocop:disable Rails/SquishedSQLHeredocs CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION chronomodel_#{table}_delete() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE _now timestamp; BEGIN _now := timezone('UTC', now()); DELETE FROM #{history} WHERE #{pk} = old.#{pk} AND validity = tsrange(_now, NULL); UPDATE #{history} SET validity = tsrange(lower(validity), _now) WHERE #{pk} = old.#{pk} AND upper_inf(validity); DELETE FROM ONLY #{current} WHERE #{pk} = old.#{pk}; RETURN OLD; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS chronomodel_delete ON #{table}; CREATE TRIGGER chronomodel_delete INSTEAD OF DELETE ON #{table} FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE chronomodel_#{table}_delete(); SQL end def chrono_drop_trigger_functions_for(table_name) %w[insert update delete].each do |func| execute "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS chronomodel_#{table_name}_#{func}()" end end def insert_sequence_sql(pk, current) seq = pk_and_sequence_for(current) return 'INSERT' if seq.blank? <<-SQL.strip # rubocop:disable Rails/SquishedSQLHeredocs IF NEW.#{pk} IS NULL THEN NEW.#{pk} := nextval('#{seq.last}'); END IF; INSERT SQL end # private end end end