#+TITLE: Remote runs #+sshidentityfile: vagrant/keys/vagrant #+sshpassword: vagrant #+startup: showeverything *Note*: This one needs a vagrant VM available for testing... A block can be specified to be run remotely as well. In order to do this, it is needed to specify in the =:dir= block header argument the location of the remote node to connect to, as well as user name to use. *** Running locally #+name: 50-times #+begin_src ruby $stdout.sync = true 50.times { puts "hello"; sleep 0.2 } #+end_src #+name: hello-world-block #+begin_src sh for i in `seq 1 30`; do echo "$i: hello world" sleep 0.5 done #+end_src *** Running remotely #+name: remote-bash-code-block #+begin_src sh :results output :dir /vagrant@ random_number=$RANDOM for i in `seq 1 10`; do echo "[$random_number] Running script is $0 being run from `pwd`"; done #+end_src #+name: remote-ruby-code-block #+begin_src ruby :results output :dir /vagrant@ :shebang #!/usr/bin/ruby $stdout.sync= true random_number = rand(10) 10.times do puts "[#{random_number}] Running script is #{$0} being run from #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}" end #+end_src #+name: remote-hello-from-default-path #+begin_src sh :results output :dir /vagrant@ random_number=$RANDOM for i in `seq 1 10`; do echo "[$random_number] Running script is $0 being run from `pwd`"; done #+end_src *** DONE Improvement: Need to be able to set a default identity file for doing ssh. #+sshidentityfile: vagrant/keys/vagrant *** DONE Should the remote runs and local runs coexists? : yes By specifying a remote dir: - The defined script will be scp to that remote dir - then executed using the binary in the path *** Ideas It would be useful to be able to define the nodes like: #+hosts: vagrant /vagrant@ #+hosts: node-1 /vagrant@ So that we could call it like: #+begin_src sh :host vagrant echo "test" > test #+end_src It would be even better if this list of hosts could be discovered by subscribing to a message bus.