#-- # =========================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2005-2017 Christopher Kleckner # All rights reserved # # This file is part of the Rio library for ruby. # # Rio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rio; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # =========================================================================== #++ # require 'rio/abstract_method' class ::Object #:nodoc: all def true?() true end def false?() false end end module RIO module Match #:nodoc: all module Entry class Base attr_reader :match_to def initialize(match_to) @match_to = match_to end def inspect() @match_to.to_s end def ===(el) self =~ el end abstract_method :=~ end class Depth < Base def =~(entry) @match_to === entry.rl.pathdepth end end class Any < Base def =~(entry) true end end class None < Base def =~(entry) false end end class Glob < Base def =~(entry) ::File.fnmatch?(@match_to,entry.filename.to_s) end end class Regexp < Base def =~(entry) @match_to =~ entry.filename.to_s end end class PathGlob < Base def =~(entry) ::File.fnmatch?(@match_to,entry.to_s) end end class PathRegexp < Base def =~(entry) @match_to =~ entry.to_s end end class Proc < Base def =~(entry) @match_to[entry.clone] end end class Symbol < Base def =~(entry) entry.__send__(@match_to) end end class And < Base def initialize(matches) super(matches.flatten.map { |arg| Match::Entry.create(arg) }) end def =~(el) (@match_to.empty? or @match_to.all? { |sel| sel =~ el }) end end def create(arg) case arg when ::Integer then Depth.new(arg) when ::Range then Depth.new(arg) when ::String then Glob.new(arg) when ::Regexp then Regexp.new(arg) when ::Proc then Proc.new(arg) when ::Symbol then Symbol.new(arg) when ::TrueClass then Any.new(arg) when ::FalseClass then None.new(arg) when ::Array then And.new(arg) else raise ArgumentError,"a String,Regexp,Proc or Symbol is required (#{arg})" end end module_function :create end end end module RIO module Match module Entry class List attr_reader :sym attr_accessor :list def initialize(sym,*args) @sym = sym @list = args.map { |arg| Match::Entry.create(arg) } end def inspect() @sym.to_s+"("+@list.inspect+")" end def <<(el) @list << el end def ===(me_list) @sym == me_list.sym end def =~(el) el.__send__(@sym) and (@list.empty? or @list.detect { |sel| sel =~ el }) end extend RIO::Fwd fwd_readers :@list,:each def callstr(func,*args) self.class.to_s+'['+self.to_s+']'+'.'+func.to_s+'('+args.join(',')+')' end end class Sels < Array def <<(entry_list) same_sym = self.grep(entry_list) if same_sym.empty? super else same_sym[0].list = entry_list.list end end def callstr(func,*args) self.class.to_s+'['+self.to_s+']'+'.'+func.to_s+'('+args.join(',')+')' end end class Selector attr_reader :sel,:nosel def initialize(entry_sel) @entry_sel = entry_sel @sel = @nosel = nil process_entry_sel() if @entry_sel end def entry_sel_args() @entry_sel['args'] end def something_selected? %w[entries files dirs].any? { |k| entry_sel_args.has_key?(k) } end def something_skipped? %w[skipentries skipfiles skipdirs].any? { |k| entry_sel_args.has_key?(k) } end def skip_type(skip_args) end def process_entry_sel() sel_args = self.entry_sel_args raise RuntimeError, "Internal error: entry_sel_args not set" unless sel_args if something_selected? @sel = Match::Entry::Sels.new @sel << Match::Entry::List.new(:true?,*sel_args['entries']) if sel_args.has_key?('entries') @sel << Match::Entry::List.new(:file?,*sel_args['files']) if sel_args.has_key?('files') @sel << Match::Entry::List.new(:dir?,*sel_args['dirs']) if sel_args.has_key?('dirs') end if something_skipped? @nosel = Match::Entry::Sels.new if sel_args.has_key?('skipentries') @nosel << Match::Entry::List.new(:true?,*sel_args['skipentries']) end if sel_args.has_key?('skipfiles') @nosel << Match::Entry::List.new(:file?,*sel_args['skipfiles']) unless sel_args['skipfiles'].empty? or sel_args.has_key?('files') @sel ||= Match::Entry::Sels.new @sel << Match::Entry::List.new(:file?) end end if sel_args.has_key?('skipdirs') @nosel << Match::Entry::List.new(:dir?,*sel_args['skipdirs']) unless sel_args['skipdirs'].empty? or sel_args.has_key?('dirs') @sel ||= Match::Entry::Sels.new @sel << Match::Entry::List.new(:dir?) end end end end def inspect() str = sprintf('#<Selector:0x%08x',self.object_id) str += " @sel=#{@sel.inspect}" str += " @nosel=#{@nosel.inspect}" str += ">" str end private def yes?(el) @sel.nil? or @sel.detect { |match_entry| match_entry =~ el } # @sel.nil? or @sel.grep(el) end def no?(el) @nosel.detect { |match_entry| match_entry =~ el } unless @nosel.nil? end public def match?(el) yes?(el) and not no?(el) end def callstr(func,*args) self.class.to_s+'['+self.to_s+']'+'.'+func.to_s+'('+args.join(',')+')' end end class SelectorClassic < Selector def initialize(sel,nosel) @sel = sel @nosel = nosel end end end end end