module Mongoid module FTS module Util # def fts_models [ Mongoid::FTS::Index ] end def reset! Mongoid::FTS.setup!(:warn => true) fts_models.each do |model| model.destroy_all begin model.collection.indexes.drop rescue Object => e end begin model.collection.drop rescue Object => e end begin model.create_indexes rescue Object => e end end end def create_indexes fts_models.each{|model| model.create_indexes} end def destroy_all{|model| model.destroy_all} end # def find_in_batches(queries = {}) models = do |model_class, model_ids| unless model_class.is_a?(Class) model_class = eval(model_class.to_s) end model_ids = Array(model_ids) begin model_class.find(model_ids) rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound do |model_id| begin model_class.find(model_id) rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound nil end end end end models.flatten! models.compact! models end def find_or_create(finder, creator) doc = return doc if doc n, max = 0, 2 begin rescue Object => e n += 1 raise if n > max sleep(rand(0.1)) or retry end end # def terms_for(*args, &block) options = Map.options_for!(args) words = words_for(*args) list = options[:list] || [] words.each do |word| word = word.downcase next if stopword?(word) stems = stems_for(word) stems.each do |stem| [stem, unidecode(stem)].uniq.each do |stem| next if stopword?(stem) block ? : list.push(stem) substems = stem.split(/_/) if options[:subterms] and substems.size > 1 substems.each do |substem| terms_for(substem.gsub(/_+/, '-'), :list => list) end end end end end list.uniq! block ? nil : list end def words_for(*args, &block) options = Map.options_for!(args) string = args.join(' ') list = [] UnicodeUtils.each_word(string) do |word| word = strip(utf8ify(word)) next if word.empty? block ? : list.push(word) end block ? nil : list end def stems_for(*args, &block) options = Map.options_for!(args) words = Coerce.list_of_strings(*args).map{|word| utf8ify(word)} Stemming.stem(*words) end def literals_for(*args) words = FTS.normalized_array(args) return{|word| "__#{ Digest::MD5.hexdigest(word) }__"} end def stopword?(word) word = utf8ify(word) word.empty? or Stemming::Stopwords.stopword?(word) end def strip(word) word = utf8ify(word) word.gsub!(/\A(?:[^\w]|_|\s)+/, '') # leading punctuation/spaces word.gsub!(/(?:[^\w]|_|\s+)+\Z/, '') # trailing punctuation/spaces word end def fuzzy(*args) strings = Coerce.list_of_strings(args).map{|string| utf8ify(string)} list = [] strings.each do |string| list.push(*ngrams_for(string)) decoded = unidecode(string) unless decoded == string list.push(*ngrams_for(decoded)) end end list.uniq end alias_method(:fuzzy_for, :fuzzy) def ngrams_for(*args) options = Map.options_for!(args) strings = Coerce.list_of_strings(args).map{|string| utf8ify(string)} list = [] sizes = options[:sizes] || [2,3] strings.each do |string| chars = Util.chars('_' + string + '_') sizes.each do |size| (chars.size - (size - 1)).times do |i| ngram = chars[i, size].join list.push(ngram) end end end list end def chars(string) chars = [] UnicodeUtils.each_grapheme(string.to_s){|g| chars.push(g)} chars end def unidecode(string) Stringex::Unidecoder.decode(utf8ify(string.to_s)) end def utf8ify(string) UnicodeUtils.nfkd( begin string.force_encoding('UTF-8') rescue string.encode('UTF-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '') end ) end def normalized_array(*array){|_| _.to_s.strip}.select{|_| !_.empty?}.uniq end def list_of_strings(*args){|arg| arg.to_s}.select{|arg| !arg.empty?}.uniq end # def index(*args, &block) if args.empty? and block.nil? Index else args.each do |arg| case arg when Class arg.all.each{|model| Index.add(model)} else Index.add(arg, &block) end end end end def unindex(*args, &block) Index.remove(*args, &block) end def index!(*args, &block) Index.add!(*args, &block) end def unindex!(*args, &block) Index.remove!(*args, &block) end # def models @models ||= [] end # def session @session ||= Mongoid::Sessions.default end def session=(session) @session = session end def enable!(*args) options = Map.options_for!(args) unless options.has_key?(:warn) options[:warn] = true end begin session = Mongoid::Sessions.default session.with(database: :admin).command({ setParameter: 1, textSearchEnabled: true }) rescue Object => e unless e.is_a?(Mongoid::Errors::NoSessionsConfig) warn "failed to enable search with #{ e.class }(#{ e.message })" end end end def setup!(*args) enable!(*args) Index.setup! end def connect! Mongoid.configure do |config| config.connect_to('mongoid-fts') end end def boolean_and(*strings) strings = Coerce.list_of_strings(*strings){|s| '"%s"' % s.gsub('"', '')}.join(' ') end def boolean_or(*strings) strings = Coerce.list_of_strings(*strings) strings.join(' ') end extend Util end extend Util end end