require 'spec_helper' require 'ostruct' describe Ably::Models::PaginatedResource do let(:paginated_resource_class) { Ably::Models::PaginatedResource } let(:headers) { } let(:client) do instance_double('Ably::Rest::Client', logger: true).tap do |client| allow(client).to receive(:get).and_return(http_response) end end let(:body) do [ { id: 0 }, { id: 1 } ] end let(:http_response) do instance_double('Faraday::Response', { body: body, headers: headers }) end let(:base_url) { '' } let(:full_url) { "#{base_url}/whatever?param=exists" } let(:paginated_resource_options) { } let(:first_paged_request) {, full_url, client, paginated_resource_options) } subject { first_paged_request } it 'returns correct length from body' do expect(subject.length).to eql(body.length) end it 'supports alias methods for length' do expect(subject.count).to eql(subject.length) expect(subject.size).to eql(subject.length) end it 'is Enumerable' do expect(subject).to be_kind_of(Enumerable) end it 'is iterable' do expect( { |d| d }).to eql(body) end context '#each' do it 'returns an enumerator' do expect(subject.each).to be_a(Enumerator) end it 'yields each item' do items = [] subject.each do |item| items << item end expect(items).to eq(body) end end it 'provides [] accessor method' do expect(subject[0][:id]).to eql(body[0][:id]) expect(subject[1][:id]).to eql(body[1][:id]) expect(subject[2]).to be_nil end specify '#first gets the first item in page' do expect(subject.first[:id]).to eql(body[0][:id]) end specify '#last gets the last item in page' do expect(subject.last[:id]).to eql(body[1][:id]) end context 'with coercion', :api_private do let(:paginated_resource_options) { { coerce_into: 'OpenStruct' } } it 'returns coerced objects' do expect(subject.first).to be_a(OpenStruct) expect( eql(body.first[:id]) end end context 'paged transformations', :api_private do let(:headers) do { 'link' => [ '<./history?index=1>; rel="next"' ].join(', ') } end let(:paged_client) do instance_double('Ably::Rest::Client', logger: true).tap do |client| allow(client).to receive(:get).and_return(http_response_page2) end end let(:body_page2) do [ { id: 2 }, { id: 3 } ] end let(:http_response_page2) do instance_double('Faraday::Response', { body: body_page2, headers: headers }) end context 'with each block' do subject do, full_url, paged_client, paginated_resource_options) do |resource| resource[:added_attribute_from_block] = "id:#{resource[:id]}" resource end end it 'calls the block for each resource after retrieving the resources' do expect(subject[0][:added_attribute_from_block]).to eql("id:#{body[0][:id]}") end it 'calls the block for each resource on second page after retrieving the resources' do page_1_first_id = subject[0][:id] next_page = subject.next_page expect(next_page[0][:added_attribute_from_block]).to eql("id:#{body_page2[0][:id]}") expect(next_page[0][:id]).to_not eql(page_1_first_id) end end if defined?(Ably::Realtime) context 'with option async_blocking_operations: true' do include RSpec::EventMachine subject do, full_url, paged_client, async_blocking_operations: true) end context '#next_page' do it 'returns a SafeDeferrable that catches exceptions in callbacks and logs them' do run_reactor do expect(subject.next_page).to be_a(Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable) stop_reactor end end it 'allows a success callback block to be added' do run_reactor do subject.next_page do |paginated_resource| expect(paginated_resource).to be_a(Ably::Models::PaginatedResource) stop_reactor end end end end context '#first_page' do it 'calls the errback callback when first page headers are missing' do run_reactor do subject.next_page do |paginated_resource| deferrable = subject.first_page deferrable.errback do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Ably::Exceptions::InvalidPageError) stop_reactor end end end end end end end end context 'with non paged http response' do it 'is the first page' do expect(subject).to be_first_page end it 'is the last page' do expect(subject).to be_last_page end it 'does not support pagination' do expect(subject.supports_pagination?).to_not eql(true) end it 'raises an exception when accessing next page' do expect { subject.next_page }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::InvalidPageError, /Paging header link next/ end it 'raises an exception when accessing first page' do expect { subject.first_page }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::InvalidPageError, /Paging header link first/ end end context 'with paged http response' do let(:base_url) { '' } let(:full_url) { "#{base_url}/messages" } let(:headers) do { 'link' => [ '<./history?index=0>; rel="first"', '<./history?index=0>; rel="current"', '<./history?index=1>; rel="next"' ].join(', ') } end it 'is the first page' do expect(subject).to be_first_page end it 'is not the last page' do expect(subject).to_not be_last_page end it 'supports pagination' do expect(subject.supports_pagination?).to eql(true) end context 'accessing next page' do let(:next_body) do [ { id: 2 } ] end let(:next_headers) do { 'link' => [ '<./history?index=0>; rel="first"', '<./history?index=1>; rel="current"' ].join(', ') } end let(:next_http_response) do double('http_response', { body: next_body, headers: next_headers }) end let(:subject) { first_paged_request.next_page } before do expect(client).to receive(:get).with("#{base_url}/history?index=1").and_return(next_http_response).once end it 'returns another PaginatedResource' do expect(subject).to be_a(paginated_resource_class) end it 'retrieves the next page of results' do expect(subject.length).to eql(next_body.length) expect(subject[0][:id]).to eql(next_body[0][:id]) end it 'is not the first page' do expect(subject).to_not be_first_page end it 'is the last page' do expect(subject).to be_last_page end it 'raises an exception if trying to access the last page when it is the last page' do expect(subject).to be_last_page expect { subject.next_page }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::InvalidPageError, /There are no more pages/ end context 'and then first page' do before do expect(client).to receive(:get).with("#{base_url}/history?index=0").and_return(http_response).once end subject { first_paged_request.next_page.first_page } it 'returns a PaginatedResource' do expect(subject).to be_a(paginated_resource_class) end it 'retrieves the first page of results' do expect(subject.length).to eql(body.length) end it 'is the first page' do expect(subject).to be_first_page end end end end end