require 'collins_shell/thor' require 'collins_shell/util' require 'thor' require 'thor/group' module CollinsShell class IpAddress < Thor include ThorHelper include CollinsShell::Util namespace :ip_address def self.banner task, namespace = true, subcommand = false "#{basename} #{task.formatted_usage(self, true, subcommand).gsub(':',' ')}" end desc 'allocate POOL', 'allocate addresses for an asset in the specified pool' use_collins_options use_tag_option(true) method_option :count, :type => :numeric, :default => 1, :desc => 'Number of addresses to allocate' def allocate pool call_collins get_collins_client, "ip_address allocate" do |client| addresses = client.ipaddress_allocate! options.tag, pool, options["count"] header = [["Gateway","Netmask","Address","Pool"]] tags = header + do |address| [address.gateway, address.netmask, address.address, address.pool] end print_table tags end end desc 'delete POOL', 'delete addresses for an asset in the specified pool' use_collins_options use_tag_option(true) def delete pool call_collins get_collins_client, "ip_address delete" do |client| delete_count = client.ipaddress_delete! options.tag, pool say_success "Deleted #{delete_count} addresses" end end desc 'delete_all', 'delete all addresses for an asset' use_collins_options use_tag_option(true) def delete_all call_collins get_collins_client, "ip_address delete_all" do |client| delete_count = client.ipaddress_delete! options.tag say_success "Deleted #{delete_count} addresses" end end desc 'find ADDRESS', 'find asset using specified IP address' use_collins_options def find address call_collins get_collins_client, "ip_address find" do |client| asset = client.asset_at_address address if asset then say_success "Asset #{asset.tag} is using address #{address}" else say_error "No asset using address #{address}" end end end desc 'assets POOL', 'find all assets in a pool' use_collins_options method_option :details, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Retrieve details for each asset. SLOW' def assets pool call_collins get_collins_client, "ip_address assets" do |client| header = true client.assets_in_pool(pool).each do |asset| if options.details then asset = client.get asset print_find_results asset, [:tag,:status,:type,:hostname,:addresses], :header => header header = false else puts(asset.tag) end end end end desc 'pools', 'find all pools that are in use' use_collins_options method_option :used, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Only pools that are in use' def pools call_collins get_collins_client, "ip_address pools" do |client| # NAME, NETWORK, START_ADDRESS, SPECIFIED_GATEWAY, GATEWAY, BROADCAST, POSSIBLE_ADDRESSES header = [["Pool","Network","Gateway","Broadcast","Possible Addresses","Start Address","Specified Gateway"]] rows = client.ipaddress_pools(!options.used).map do |pool| [pool["NAME"], pool["NETWORK"], pool["GATEWAY"], pool["BROADCAST"], pool["POSSIBLE_ADDRESSES"], pool["START_ADDRESS"], pool["SPECIFIED_GATEWAY"]] end print_table header + rows end end desc 'create', 'create a new IP address (Use allocate, not create)' use_collins_options use_tag_option(true) method_option :address, :required => true, :type => :string, :desc => 'IP address' method_option :gateway, :required => true, :type => :string, :desc => 'IP gateway' method_option :netmask, :required => true, :type => :string, :desc => 'IP netmask' method_option :pool, :type => :string, :desc => 'Name of pool' def create call_collins get_collins_client, "create address" do |client| address = client.ipaddress_update! options.tag, nil, :address => options.address, :gateway => options.gateway, :netmask => options.netmask, :pool => options.pool if address then say_success "Address for #{options.tag} created" else say_error "Address for #{options.tag} not created" end end end desc 'update OLD_ADDRESS', 'update the IP info for an asset' use_collins_options use_tag_option(true) method_option :address, :type => :string, :desc => 'New IP address' method_option :gateway, :type => :string, :desc => 'New IP gateway' method_option :netmask, :type => :string, :desc => 'New IP netmask' method_option :pool, :type => :string, :desc => 'New pool' def update old_address call_collins get_collins_client, "update address" do |client| address = client.ipaddress_update! options.tag, old_address, :address => options.address, :gateway => options.gateway, :netmask => options.netmask, :pool => options.pool if address then say_success "Address for #{options.tag} updated" else say_error "Address for #{options.tag} not updated" end end end end end