### ChangeLog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning][Semver]. ## [Unreleased] * Your contribution here! ## [0.16.4][] (05 Sep 2023) * Fixing for Git 1.18+, it no longer sets a `$GIT_DIR` in post-commit hooks [#417][] ## [0.16.3][] (28 Jan 2021) * Upgrade gem dependencies (for Ruby 3.0 compatibility) * Patched `mercurial-ruby` to work with Ruby 3.0 [#411][] * Fixed up the formatting of generated hooks in `.hg/hgrc` [#411][] * Fix failing RuboCops and update config * Update Travis CI rubies ## [0.16.2][] (24 Aug 2020) * Support delays w/ Linux animated GIFs (@theY4Kman [#405][]) * Upgrade git gem to version 1.6.0 (@depfu [#402][]) * Upgrade lolcommits-loltext to version 0.4.0 (@depfu [#401][]) ## [0.16.1][] (21 Jan 2020) * Upgrade mini_magick to version 4.10.1 (@depfu [#399][]) * Fix rubocop config (@Salzig [#400][]) ## [0.16.0][] (21 Oct 2019) * update macOS binaries for Catalina support (@matthutchinson, @samwize [#398][]) ## [0.15.1][] (6 Jun 2019) * fix device list command (@matthutchinson [#394][]) ## [0.15.0][] (20 May 2019) * require at least lolcommits-loltext `>= 0.3.0` (@matthutchinson) * remove `main_image` method, plugins should use `lolcommit_path` on `runner` object (@matthutchinson) ## [0.14.2][] (19 May 2019) * minor runner improvements, `capture_image?` now public (@matthutchinson) ## [0.14.1][] (14 May 2019) * minor runner improvements, for friendly plugin testing (@matthutchinson) ## [0.14.0][] (14 May 2019) * `main_image` now deprecated, use `lolcommit_path` instead (@matthutchinson) * make actual videos to make gifs from (@ruxton [#386][]) * improved tabs/spacing on git commit hook text (@matthutchinson) * add video captures `-v {seconds}` and runner overlays (@matthutchinson [#392][]) * `Capturer` classes refactored and renamed (@matthutchinson) * `AnimatedGif` class takes care of gif generating (@matthutchinson) ## [0.13.1][] (29 April 2019) * Update all links and badges (in gemspec, README etc.) to lolcommits organisation (@matthutchinson) * remove gem `post_install` message (@matthutchinson) * use `lolcommits-loltext ~> 0.1.0` (@matthutchinson) ## [0.13.0][] (23 April 2019) * Require at least Ruby 2.3 * Upgrade git gem dependency to 1.5.0 (@matthutchinson [#377][]) * Upgrade mini_magick gem dependency to 4.9.3 (@matthutchinson [#385][]) * Add History and Contributor section to README (@mroth [#385][]) * add frozen_string_literal: true comment to all Ruby files * change $PATH override precedence in hooks installers * Updated COC (Contributor Covenant v1.4) * Added PR template ## [0.12.1][] (27 March 2018) * Name passed to `Plugin::Base` initializer (@matthutchinson) * Removed dead method `configured?` in `Plugin::Base` * Using `YAML.safe_load` for configuration loading ## [0.12.0][] (15 March 2018) * Use CodeClimate and simplecov for coverage reports (@matthutchinson [#367][]) * Remove plugin runner order (@matthutchinson [#369][]) ## [0.11.0][] (4 February 2018) * Require at least Ruby 2.1 (@matthutchinson [#366][]) - drop support for Ruby 2.0 - update all remaining gem dependencies (incl. Aruba, Cucumber) - remove @unstable tag from features ## [0.10.0][] (10 January 2018) * Plugin configuration changes (@matthutchinson [#365][]) - `--plugins` now shows if plugin is enabled or not - `default_options` now available, nested hash with default values - if `valid_configuration?` fails, warning message shows - `prompt_autocomplete_hash` helper method added * Better plugin config flow (@matthutchinson [#363][]) ## [0.9.8][] (3 December 2017) * Extract protonet to gem (@matthutchinson [#361][]) * Extract flowdock to gem (@matthutchinson [#360][]) * Extract yammer to gem (@matthutchinson [#359][]) * Extract hipchat to gem (@matthutchinson [#358][]) * Extract tumblr to gem (@matthutchinson [#357][]) * Extract term_output to gem (@matthutchinson [#356][]) * Add Ruby 2.4.2 to Travis config (@matthutchinson) ## [0.9.7][] (17 September 2017) * Extract dotcom to gem (@matthutchinson [#355][]) * Extract uploldz to gem (@matthutchinson [#354][]) * Extract lolsrv to gem (@matthutchinson [#353][]) ## [0.9.6][] (28 August 2017) * Clean legacy plugin methods (@matthutchinson [#348][]) * Extract Slack Plugin to gem (@matthutchinson [#349][]) * Fix Windows install hook (@matthutchinson) * Animated capturing for Windows via ffmpeg (@freehugs [#351][]) * Pin `public_suffix` gem version (@matthutchinson [#352][]) ## [0.9.5][] (21 July 2017) * Extract Twitter Plugin / refactor Plugin::Base (@matthutchinson [#347][]) ## [0.9.4][] (17 April 2017) * Add captureready plugin hook (@matthutchinson [#342][]) * README changes (@mroth [#341][]) * Extract tranzlate plugin to gem (@matthutchinson [#340][]) * Extract loltext plugin to gem (@matthutchinson [#339][]) ## [0.9.3][] (5 April 2017) * LOLCOMMITS_CAPTURE_DISABLED env var (@williamboman [#338][]) * Plugin Manager and Gem plugin support (@matthutchinson [#332][]) * Add North gravity for ImageMagick (@domudall [#331][]) * remove Ruby 1.9 magic comments (@matthutchinson [#330][]) * add links to PRs in CHANGELOG (@bfontaine [#329][]) ## [0.9.2][] (3 January 2017) * Remove twitter gem, fixes Ruby 2.4 issues (@matthutchinson [#328][]) ## [0.9.1][] (20 December 2016) * Remove Choice gem, use Methadone (@matthutchinson [#326][]) ## [0.9.0][] (14 December 2016) * ditch ruby 1.9 support and upgrade some gems (@matthutchinson [#325][]) * term_output plugin added (iTerm2 only) (@ruxton [#323][]) ## [0.8.1][] (11 October 2016) * **last release supporting Ruby < 2.0** * shebang fix in installer (@matthutchinson [#317][]) * FlowDock plugin (@mikecrittenden [#318][]) * HipChat plugin (@Salzig [#320][]) * peg gems for legacy ruby 1.9.3 (@matthutchinson [#321][]) ## [0.8.0][] (13 July 2016) * New release requires Ruby 1.9.3+ minimum (@matthutchinson [#313][]) * All gems upgraded to latest versions (6 held back, see lolcommits.gemspec) * See [this issue](https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/issues/310) for details ## [0.7.0][] (13 July 2016) * **last release supporting Ruby < 1.9.3** (@matthutchinson [#313][]) ## [0.6.7][] (8 June 2016) * Remove `console` binary from packaged gem (@samgranieri [#309][]) ## [0.6.6][] (1 June 2016) * Show error/exit when --config outside a git repo (@matthutchinson [#308][]) * Add more options to loltext plugin (@ruxton [#304][]) * Added CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md to repo (@matthutchinson) * Added a useful `console` binary for development and debugging (@matthutchinson) ## [0.6.5][] (12 April 2016) * Add mercurial support (@tak [#301][] [#302][] [#303][]) ## [0.6.4][] (15 March 2016) * Add quotes to correctly handle paths with spaces (@matthutchinson [#298][]) ## [0.6.3][] (14 March 2016) * Add quotes to correctly handle paths with spaces (@pedrocunha [#296][]) * Added plugin config path to output (@KrauseFx [#294][]) ## [0.6.2][] (21 February 2016) * Avoid invoking ruby if in a rebase (@jhawthorn [#286][]) * Slow gif problem on mac (@a06kin [#289][]) * Peg RuboCop gem to 0.37.2 and fix cop issues (@matthutchinson [#292][]) ## [0.6.1][] (16 September 2015) * Optional http auth header user/password in uploldz plugin (@felixroos [#283][]) * Slack plugin added (@yasakbulut [#284][]) * Updated rubies in Travis settings (@matthutchinson) * Fixed README badge URLS (@matthutchinson) ## [0.6.0][] (27 July 2015) * Configurable text options for loltext plugin (@matthutchinson [#282][]) * Working AppVeyor configuration added (@nysthee [#280][]) * Tumblr plugin (@mveytsman [#279][]) * CHANGELOG (this file) now in markdown format (@matthutchinson) ## [0.5.9][] (24 April 2015) * Fix windows post commit hook path (@matthutchinson [#278][]) ## [0.5.8][] (22 April 2015) * Fix Windows MiniMagick issue (@matthutchinson [#276][]) * Rubocop code clean ups (@nysthee [#272][]) * Fix gem issues on earlier Ruby versions ([#270][]) * CLI refactoring/cleanups (@mroth [#254][] [#258][] [#266][] [#267][] [#266][]) * Exit with -1 for bad CLI args (@williamboman [#263][]) * Move unit tests to MiniTest (@mroth [#256][]) * Add branch name to git info (@salzig [#252][]) * lol_protonet plugin added (@salzig [#251][]) * Allow local plugins in $LOLCOMMITS_DIR/.plugins (@salzig [#250][]) ## [0.5.7][] (28 December 2014) * Uploldz plugin sends more post params (@clops [#224][] @matthutchinson [#241][]) * More configurable twitter plugin (@woodrowbarlow [#207][] @matthutchinson) * Upgrade all gems that can be, 4 held back ([#244][] @matthutchinson) * Ruby 2.2.0 compatible ([#244][] @matthutchinson) * Glob /dev/video for default video device (linux only) ([#246][] @Ferada) ## [0.5.6][] (24 November 2014) * Updates and clean ups on the gemspec (@mroth [#228][]) * Travis CI now includes ruby-head (@mroth [#229][]) * Improved error message for ImageMagick issues [#159][] (@matthutchinson [#233][]) * Fix twitter plugin config issue [#231][] (@matthutchinson [#232][]) * Update mini_magick gem to 3.8.1 (@matthutchinson [#234][]) * Improve README for LOLCOMMITS_DIR (@dagar [#235][]) * Update README to include ffmpeg installation (@VictorBjelkholm [#236][]) * Better failover when no snapshot created (@matthutchinson [#237][]) * Export LANG to post-commit hook, fixes GitHub client (@matthutchinson [#240][]) ## [0.5.5][] (29 September 2014) * Animated gif capture support (@theY4Kman [#226][]) * Fix plugin config issues with user input (@matthutchinson [#225][] [#223][]) * Fix Linux FPS timing issues (@matthutchinson [#215][]) * Fix hook enable/disable issue (@matthutchinson [#206][]) * Fix Git GUI issues (@matthutchinson [#196][] [#168][] [#193][] [#188][] [#159][] [#133][] [#123][] [#119][] [#104][] [#83][]) * Mention Boxen script in README (@matthutchinson [#208][]) * Explain global Git hooks how-to in README (@matthutchinson [#212][] [#112][]) * Minor improvments to Linux Capturer (@matthutchinson) ## [0.5.4][] (13 April 2014) * Excluded vendor/bundle from rubocop cops (@matthutchinson) * Peg fivemat gem to ~> 1.2.1 (@mroth) * Fix lolsrv log file issue (@matthutchinson [#202][]) * Yammer Plugin added (@mrclmvn [#160][]) * Refactor on capture options (@mroth) ## [0.5.3][] (30 March 2014) * Fixed permissions on CommandCam (755) for cygwin (@matthutchinson) * Added `--devices` option, mac only for now (@matthutchinson [#183][], [#174][]) * Replace http with https in twitter plugin (@kleinschmidt [#195][]) * RuboCop gem added for development (@mroth [#194][]) * Added optional key to uploldz plugin (@Numan1617 [#192][]) * Fixed lolcommmits typo: too much mmm (@penyaskito [#189][]) * Work when in subdirectory of a git repo (@ilkka [#186][]) * Added --version (-v) flag (@bfontaine [#184][]) * Send more VCS details to lolsrv (@drewwells [#181][]) ## [0.5.2][] (5 December 2013) * Allow lolsrv plugin to sync/upload gifs (@matthutchinson [#180][]) * Plugins refactor, can now configure themselves (@matthutchinson [#179][]) - also closes issue [#136][] and issue [#73][] * Fix for Twitter gem dependency issue (@matthutchinson [#178][]) * Added coveralls support (@Aaron1011 [#177][]) - gitignore updated, coveralls badge added to README * Refactor tranzlate plugin, lolspeak now in plugin (@matthutchinson [#176][]) * Fix for 'Cannot satisfy json dependancy' (@matthutchinson [#175][]) * Better post commit hook enabling/disabling (@matthutchinson [#173][]) * Improved --enable option, accepts passing arguments (@matthutchinson [#154][]) - README updated to explain enabling with options ## [0.5.1][] (13 November 2013) * Fix JSON gem issue [#163][] (@matthutchinson, [#171][]) * Enable image capture under Cygwin (@cwc, [#105][]) * Add Ruby PATH to post-commit hook (@matthutchinson, [#155][]) * "Stealth mode" where no notification is given (@sionide21, [#156][]) * BUGFIX: comparison error for animate (@Yabes, [#151][]) ## [0.5.0][] (10 September 2013) * better handling of LOLCOMMITS_DELAY (thx @leewillis77, [#125][]) * LOLCOMMITS_DEVICE support on Linux (thx @EbenezerEdelman, [#139][]) * better handling of repository names (thx @drocamor and @andromedado, [#145][] and [#146][]) * added new LOLCOMMITS_ANIMATE (or `--animate`) option (Mac/OSX only) ([#114][], [#108][]) - defaults to a 320x240 sized animated gif - new vendored binary videosnap - https://github.com/matthutchinson/videosnap - feature requires ffmpeg - README updated with details and an example ## 0.4.6 (12 August 2013) * Fix for incorrect permissioning in gem issue (see [#112][]) ## 0.4.5 (8 July 2013) * disable&remove statsd plugin (as per [#94][]) * fix issues with animated gif generation ([#107][]) * added new LOLCOMMITS_FORK (or --fork) option to fork the runner capturing ([#109][]) ## 0.4.4 (28 June 2013) * add -g option to produce animated gifs! (thx @hSATAC, [#95][]) ## 0.4.3 (29 March 2013) * bump mini_magick dependency to deal with security alert ## 0.4.2 (11 March 2013) * fix ruby 2.0 compatibility ([#91][]) * gracefully detect upstream issue with git color.ui being set to always ([#50][]) * handle external capture devices with special characters in name ([#93][]) * fixes to the uploldz plugin ([#92][]) ## 0.4.1 (17 February 2013) * add lolsrv plugin (thx @sebastianmarr!, [#82][]) * enable feature to change font (thx @fukayatsu!, [#89][]) * correct activesupport gem name in bundle (thx @djbender!, [#90][]) * graceful detection of imagemagick not being installed ([#87][]) * restructure logging slightly to use Methadone::CLILogging in most places * add a bunch of debugging output, viewable via --debug flag ## 0.4.0 (13 January 2013) * Switch the main ImageMagick wrapper from RMagick to mini_magick - fix for RMagick not working with ImageMagick 6.8+ and generally being a buggy unmaintained piece of crap - this should also result in less problems with IM version changes - some preliminary test work on using image_sorcery instead too - perhaps finally kill issue [#9][] from continually resurfacing * make sure quotes are properly handled in commit messages * silence warnings generated by twitter gem in MRI 1.8.7 ## 0.3.4 (27 December 2012) * Add uploldz plugin for posting to a remote server (thx @cnvandev) ## 0.3.3 (26 November 2012) * BUG: prevent repeated firing of lolcommits capture during a git rebase. ## 0.3.2 (3 October 2012) * Twitter posting support via the `twitter` plugin! (thx @coyboyrushforth!) ## 0.3.1 (5 August 2012) * fix regression with linux capture introduced in previous version ## 0.3.0 (3 August 2012) * fix bug involving git repositories with spaces in the name * internal refactoring for modularity (thanks @kenmazaika!), should be easier to add new plugin features to lolcommits now. * add some extremely basic anonymous usage tracking (if this bugs you, you can disable via disabling the `statsd` plugin). ## 0.2.0 (6 July 2012) * improved build system and testing with cucumber/methadone - goal is to get into a better framework to start doing major feature work - this should lead to increased reliability across systems as we refactor * writing tests (please help!) * fix issues with packaged files not being readable after a sudo gem install ## 0.1.5 (25 June 2012) * fix tranzlate on ruby1.8 ## 0.1.4 (28 May 2012) * set device on mac via --device (or LOLCOMMITS_DEVICE env variable) -- thanks @pioz (pull [#51][]) ## 0.1.3 (18 May 2012) * add LGPLv3 license * add option to translate your commit message to lolspeak! (thx to @DanielleSucher!). To enable, set `LOLCOMMITS_TRANZLATE=1`. * fix issue with older versions of IM crashing on interline spacing (pull [#31][] via @german) * fix issue with git repos with no hooks directory (pull [#43][] via @mkmaster) * fix missing dash in capture -c ## 0.1.2 (22 April 2012) * provide licensing info for CommandCam (Windows) * bundle imagesnap as well to remove a dependency on Mac OS X ## 0.1.1 (21 April 2012) * Windows compatibility! Thanks to @Prydonious. ## 0.1.0 (19 April 2012) * Linux compatibility! Thanks to @madjar, @cscorely, and @Prydonius. ## 0.0.3 (16 April 2012) * use only first line for multi-line commit msgs (pull req [#21][]) * clean up some command line options ## 0.0.2 (2 April 2012) * add --delay option to delay image capture (thx JohanB), can be persistently set via LOLCOMMITS_DELAY environment variable. * add --last command to view most recent lolcommit for a repo * add --browse command to open the lolcommit images directory for a particular repo ## 0.0.1 (29 March 2012) * initial release as a gem package, major refactoring for this * refactored to remove git-hooks package dependency, now installs stub hook directly into each git repo * wordwrap commit_msg manually, to switch to use imagemagick annotate instead of compositing multiply image Caption objects (this seems to be more reliable to not glitch.) [Semver]: http://semver.org [Unreleased]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.16.4...HEAD [0.16.4]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.16.3...v0.16.4 [0.16.3]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.16.2...v0.16.3 [0.16.2]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.16.1...v0.16.2 [0.16.1]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.16.0...v0.16.1 [0.16.0]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.15.1...v0.16.0 [0.15.1]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.15.0...v0.15.1 [0.15.0]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.14.1...v0.15.0 [0.14.2]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.14.1...v0.14.2 [0.14.1]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.14.0...v0.14.1 [0.14.0]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.13.1...v0.14.0 [0.13.1]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.13.0...v0.13.1 [0.13.0]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.12.1...v0.13.0 [0.12.1]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.12.0...v0.12.1 [0.12.0]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.11.0...v0.12.0 [0.11.0]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.10.0...v0.11.0 [0.10.0]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.9.8...v0.10.0 [0.9.8]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.9.7...v0.9.8 [0.9.7]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.9.6...v0.9.7 [0.9.6]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.9.5...v0.9.6 [0.9.5]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.9.4...v0.9.5 [0.9.4]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.9.3...v0.9.4 [0.9.3]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.9.2...v0.9.3 [0.9.2]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.9.1...v0.9.2 [0.9.1]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.9.0...v0.9.1 [0.9.0]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.8.1...v0.9.0 [0.8.1]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.8.0...v0.8.1 [0.8.0]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.7.0...v0.8.0 [0.7.0]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.6.7...v0.7.0 [0.6.7]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.6.6...v0.6.7 [0.6.6]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.6.5...v0.6.6 [0.6.5]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.6.4...v0.6.5 [0.6.4]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.6.3...v0.6.4 [0.6.3]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.6.2...v0.6.3 [0.6.2]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.6.1...v0.6.2 [0.6.1]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.6.0...v0.6.1 [0.6.0]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.5.9...v0.6.0 [0.5.9]: https://github.com/lolcommits/lolcommits/compare/v0.5.8...v0.5.9 [0.5.8]: 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