# Unreleased # 0.12.2 - Cache calls to `Process.pid` on Ruby 3.1+. #91. # 0.12.1 - Improve compatibility with `uri 0.12.0` (default in Ruby 3.2.0). # 0.12.0 - hiredis: fix a compilation issue on macOS and Ruby 3.2.0. See: #79 - Close connection on MASTERDOWN errors. Similar to READONLY. - Add a `circuit_breaker` configuration option for cache servers and other disposable Redis servers. See #55 / #70 # 0.11.2 - Close connection on READONLY errors. Fix: #64 - Handle Redis 6+ servers with a missing HELLO command. See: #67 - Validate `url` parameters a bit more strictly. Fix #61 # 0.11.1 - hiredis: Workaround a compilation bug with Xcode 14.0. Fix: #58 - Accept `URI` instances as `uri` parameter. # 0.11.0 - hiredis: do not eagerly close the connection on read timeout, let the caller decide if a timeout is final. - Add `Config#custom` to store configuration metadata. It can be used for per server middleware configuration. # 0.10.0 - Added instance scoped middlewares. See: #53 - Allow subclasses of accepted types as command arguments. Fix: #51 - Improve hiredis driver error messages. # 0.9.0 - Automatically reconnect if the process was forked. # 0.8.1 - Make the client resilient to `Timeout.timeout` or `Thread#kill` use (it still is very much discouraged to use either). Use of async interrupts could cause responses to be interleaved. - hiredis: handle commands returning a top-level `false` (no command does this today, but some extensions might). - Workaround a bug in Ruby 2.6 causing a crash if the `debug` gem is enabled when `redis-client` is being required. Fix: #48 # 0.8.0 - Add a `connect` interface to the instrumentation API. # 0.7.4 - Properly parse script errors on pre 7.0 redis server. # 0.7.3 - Fix a bug in `url` parsing conflicting with the `path` option. # 0.7.2 - Raise a distinct `RedisClient::OutOfMemoryError`, for Redis `OOM` errors. - Fix the instrumentation API to be called even for authentication commands. - Fix `url:` configuration to accept a trailing slash. # 0.7.1 - Fix `#pubsub` being called when reconnection is disabled (redis-rb compatibility fix). # 0.7.0 - Sentinel config now accept a list of URLs: `RedisClient.sentinel(sentinels: %w(redis://example.com:7000 redis://example.com:7001 ..))` # 0.6.2 - Fix sentinel to not connected to s_down or o_down replicas. # 0.6.1 - Fix `REDIS_REPLY_SET` parsing in `hiredis`. # 0.6.0 - Added `protocol: 2` options to talk with Redis 5 and older servers. - Added `_v` versions of `call` methods to make it easier to pass commands as arrays without splating. - Fix calling `blocking_call` with a block in a pipeline. - `blocking_call` now raise `ReadTimeoutError` if the command didn't complete in time. - Fix `blocking_call` to not respect `retry_attempts` on timeout. - Stop parsing RESP3 sets as Ruby Set instances. - Fix `SystemStackError` when parsing very large hashes. Fix: #30 - `hiredis` now more properly release the GVL when doing IOs. # 0.5.1 - Fix a regression in the `scan` familly of methods, they would raise with `ArgumentError: can't issue an empty redis command`. Fix: #24 # 0.5.0 - Fix handling of connection URLs with empty passwords (`redis://:pass@example.com`). - Handle URLs with IPv6 hosts. - Add `RedisClient::Config#server_url` as a quick way to identify which server the client is pointing to. - Add `CommandError#command` to expose the command that caused the error. - Raise a more explicit error when connecting to older redises without RESP3 support (5.0 and older). - Properly reject empty commands early. # 0.4.0 - The `hiredis` driver have been moved to the `hiredis-client` gem. # 0.3.0 - `hiredis` is now the default driver when available. - Add `RedisClient.default_driver=`. - `#call` now takes an optional block to cast the return value. - Treat `#call` keyword arguments as Redis flags. - Fix `RedisClient#multi` returning some errors as values instead of raising them. # 0.2.1 - Use a more robust way to detect the current compiler. # 0.2.0 - Added `RedisClient.register` as a public instrumentation API. - Fix `read_timeout=` and `write_timeout=` to apply even when the client or pool is already connected. - Properly convert DNS resolution errors into `RedisClient::ConnectionError`. Previously it would raise `SocketError` # 0.1.0 - Initial Release