require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/bump.rb" describe Bump do let(:gemspec){ "fixture.gemspec" } around do |example| run "rm -rf fixture && mkdir fixture" Dir.chdir "fixture" do end run "rm -rf fixture" end it "should fail if it cannot find anything to bump" do bump("current", :fail => true).should include "Unable to find" end it "should fail without command" do write_gemspec bump("", :fail => true).should include "Invalid option" end it "should fail with multiple gemspecs" do write_gemspec write("xxxx.gemspec", "xxx") bump("", :fail => true).should include "More than one gemspec file" end it "should fail if version is weird" do write_gemspec("a.b.c") bump("", :fail => true).should include "Unable to find your gem version" end context ".version in gemspect" do before do write_gemspec end it "should find current version" do bump("current").should include("4.2.3") read(gemspec).should include('s.version = "4.2.3"') end it "should bump tiny" do bump("tiny").should include("4.2.4") read(gemspec).should include('s.version = "4.2.4"') end it "should bump minor" do bump("minor").should include("4.3.0") read(gemspec).should include('s.version = "4.3.0"') end it "should bump major" do bump("major").should include("5.0.0") read(gemspec).should include('s.version = "5.0.0"') end it "should bump more then 10" do bump("tiny").should include("4.2.4") bump("tiny").should include("4.2.5") bump("tiny").should include("4.2.6") bump("tiny").should include("4.2.7") bump("tiny").should include("4.2.8") bump("tiny").should include("4.2.9") bump("tiny").should include("4.2.10") bump("tiny").should include("4.2.11") read(gemspec).should include('s.version = "4.2.11"') end end private def write(file, content) folder = File.dirname(file) run "mkdir -p #{folder}" unless File.exist?(folder), 'w'){|f| f.write content } end def read(file) end def run(cmd, options={}) result = `#{cmd} 2>&1` raise "FAILED #{cmd} --> #{result}" if $?.success? != !options[:fail] result end def bump(command="", options={}) run "#{File.expand_path("../../bin/bump", __FILE__)} #{command}", options end def write_gemspec(version = "4.2.3") write gemspec, <<-RUBY.sub(" "*6, "") do |s| s.version = "#{version}" end RUBY end end