# # Copyright:: Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "chef-cli/policyfile_compiler" describe ChefCLI::PolicyfileCompiler, "when expressing the Policyfile graph demands" do let(:run_list) { [] } let(:default_source) { nil } let(:external_cookbook_universe) { {} } let(:policyfile) do policyfile = ChefCLI::PolicyfileCompiler.new.build do |p| p.default_source(*default_source) if default_source p.run_list(*run_list) allow(p.default_source.first).to receive(:universe_graph).and_return(external_cookbook_universe) end policyfile end let(:demands) { policyfile.graph_demands } shared_context("community default source") do let(:default_source) { [:community] } let(:external_cookbook_universe) do { "nginx" => { "1.0.0" => [ [ "apt", "~> 2.0" ], [ "yum", "~> 1.0" ] ], "1.2.0" => [ [ "apt", "~> 2.1" ], [ "yum", "~> 1.0" ] ], "2.0.0" => [ [ "apt", "~> 3.0" ], [ "yum", "~> 1.0" ], [ "ohai", "~> 2.0" ] ], }, "mysql" => { "3.0.0" => [ [ "apt", "~> 2.0" ], [ "yum", "~> 1.0" ] ], "4.0.0" => [ [ "apt", "~> 2.4" ], [ "yum", "~> 1.1" ] ], "5.0.0" => [ ], }, "local-cookbook" => { "9.9.9" => [ ["local-cookbook-on-community-dep", "= 1.0.0"] ], }, "git-sourced-cookbook" => { "10.10.10" => [ ["git-sourced-cookbook-dep", "= 1.0.0"] ], }, "remote-cb" => { "0.1.0" => [ ], "1.1.1" => [ ], }, "remote-cb-two" => { "0.1.0" => [ ], "1.1.1" => [ ], }, "local-cookbook-dep-one" => { "1.5.0" => [ ], }, "git-sourced-cookbook-dep" => { "2.8.0" => [ ], }, } end end shared_context("chef server default source") do let(:default_source) { [:chef_server, "https://chef.example.com"] } let(:external_cookbook_universe) do { "nginx" => { "1.0.0" => [ [ "apt", "~> 2.0" ], [ "yum", "~> 1.0" ] ], }, "mysql" => { "5.0.0" => [ ], }, "local-cookbook" => { "9.9.9" => [ ["local-cookbook-on-community-dep", "= 1.0.0"] ], }, "remote-cb" => { "1.1.1" => [ ], }, "git-sourced-cookbook" => { "10.10.10" => [ ["git-sourced-cookbook-dep", "= 1.0.0"] ], }, "private-cookbook" => { "0.1.0" => [ ], }, "local-cookbook-dep-one" => { "1.6.0" => [ ], }, "git-sourced-cookbook-dep" => { "2.9.0" => [ ], }, } end end describe "when normalizing run_list items" do it "normalizes a bare cookbook name" do policyfile.run_list("local-cookbook") expect(policyfile.normalized_run_list).to eq(["recipe[local-cookbook::default]"]) end it "normalizes a bare cookbook::recipe item" do policyfile.run_list("local-cookbook::server") expect(policyfile.normalized_run_list).to eq(["recipe[local-cookbook::server]"]) end it "normalizes a recipe[] item with implicit default" do policyfile.run_list("recipe[local-cookbook]") expect(policyfile.normalized_run_list).to eq(["recipe[local-cookbook::default]"]) end it "does not modify a fully qualified recipe" do policyfile.run_list("recipe[local-cookbook::jazz_hands]") expect(policyfile.normalized_run_list).to eq(["recipe[local-cookbook::jazz_hands]"]) end describe "in an alternate run list" do it "normalizes a bare cookbook name" do policyfile.named_run_list(:foo, "local-cookbook") expect(policyfile.normalized_named_run_lists[:foo]).to eq(["recipe[local-cookbook::default]"]) end it "normalizes a bare cookbook::recipe item" do policyfile.named_run_list(:foo, "local-cookbook::server") expect(policyfile.normalized_named_run_lists[:foo]).to eq(["recipe[local-cookbook::server]"]) end it "normalizes a recipe[] item with implicit default" do policyfile.named_run_list(:foo, "recipe[local-cookbook]") expect(policyfile.normalized_named_run_lists[:foo]).to eq(["recipe[local-cookbook::default]"]) end it "does not modify a fully qualified recipe" do policyfile.named_run_list(:foo, "recipe[local-cookbook::jazz_hands]") expect(policyfile.normalized_named_run_lists[:foo]).to eq(["recipe[local-cookbook::jazz_hands]"]) end end end before do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) end context "Given resolvable cookbook demands" do let(:default_source) { [:supermarket] } let(:trimmed_cookbook_universe) do { "remote-cb" => { "1.1.1" => [ ], }, } end let(:remote_cb_source_opts) do { artifactserver: "https://supermarket.example/c/remote-cb/1.1.1/download", version: "1.1.1" } end let(:default_source_obj) do instance_double("ChefCLI::Policyfile::CommunityCookbookSource") end let(:cb_location_spec) do s = "Cookbook 'remote-cb'" s << " = 1.1.1" s << " #{remote_cb_source_opts}" instance_double("ChefCLI::Policyfile::CookbookLocationSpecification", name: "remote-cb", version_constraint: Semverse::Constraint.new("= 1.1.1"), ensure_cached: nil, to_s: s) end before do allow(policyfile).to receive(:default_source).and_return([default_source_obj]) allow(default_source_obj).to receive(:universe_graph) .and_return(trimmed_cookbook_universe) allow(default_source_obj).to receive(:preferred_source_for?) .with("remote-cb") .and_return(true) allow(default_source_obj).to receive(:source_options_for) .with("remote-cb", "1.1.1") .and_return(remote_cb_source_opts) allow(ChefCLI::Policyfile::CookbookLocationSpecification).to receive(:new) .with("remote-cb", "= 1.1.1", remote_cb_source_opts, policyfile.storage_config) .and_return(cb_location_spec) allow(cb_location_spec).to receive(:installed?).and_return(true) end context "when the resolved cookbooks have the recipes requested by the run list" do context "with an implied default recipe" do before do expect(cb_location_spec).to receive(:cookbook_has_recipe?) .with("default") .and_return(true) end let(:run_list) { ["remote-cb"] } it "installs without error" do expect { policyfile.install }.to_not raise_error end end context "with an explicit recipe name" do before do expect(cb_location_spec).to receive(:cookbook_has_recipe?) .with("this_exists") .and_return(true) end let(:run_list) { ["remote-cb::this_exists"] } it "installs without error" do expect { policyfile.install }.to_not raise_error end end context "with a fully qualified recipe name" do before do expect(cb_location_spec).to receive(:cookbook_has_recipe?) .with("this_exists") .and_return(true) end let(:run_list) { ["recipe[remote-cb::this_exists]"] } it "installs without error" do expect { policyfile.install }.to_not raise_error end end end context "when the resolved cookbooks do not have the recipes requested by the run list" do context "when the cookbook with a missing recipe appears once in the run list" do before do expect(cb_location_spec).to receive(:cookbook_has_recipe?) .with("this_recipe_doesnt_exist") .and_return(false) end let(:run_list) { ["remote-cb::this_recipe_doesnt_exist"] } it "emits an error" do message = <<~MESSAGE The installed cookbooks do not contain all the recipes required by your run list(s): Cookbook 'remote-cb' = 1.1.1 {:artifactserver=>"https://supermarket.example/c/remote-cb/1.1.1/download", :version=>"1.1.1"} is missing the following required recipes: * this_recipe_doesnt_exist You may have specified an incorrect recipe in your run list, or this recipe may not be available in that version of the cookbook MESSAGE expect { policyfile.install }.to raise_error do |e| expect(e).to be_a(ChefCLI::CookbookDoesNotContainRequiredRecipe) expect(e.message).to eq(message) end end end context "when there is one valid item and one invalid item in the run list" do before do expect(cb_location_spec).to receive(:cookbook_has_recipe?) .with("default") .and_return(true) expect(cb_location_spec).to receive(:cookbook_has_recipe?) .with("this_recipe_doesnt_exist") .and_return(false) end let(:run_list) { ["remote-cb::default", "remote-cb::this_recipe_doesnt_exist"] } it "emits an error" do message = <<~MESSAGE The installed cookbooks do not contain all the recipes required by your run list(s): Cookbook 'remote-cb' = 1.1.1 {:artifactserver=>"https://supermarket.example/c/remote-cb/1.1.1/download", :version=>"1.1.1"} is missing the following required recipes: * this_recipe_doesnt_exist You may have specified an incorrect recipe in your run list, or this recipe may not be available in that version of the cookbook MESSAGE expect { policyfile.install }.to raise_error do |e| expect(e).to be_a(ChefCLI::CookbookDoesNotContainRequiredRecipe) expect(e.message).to eq(message) end end end context "when there are multiple invalid items in the run list" do before do expect(cb_location_spec).to receive(:cookbook_has_recipe?) .with("this_recipe_doesnt_exist") .and_return(false) expect(cb_location_spec).to receive(:cookbook_has_recipe?) .with("this_also_doesnt_exist") .and_return(false) end let(:run_list) { ["remote-cb::this_recipe_doesnt_exist", "remote-cb::this_also_doesnt_exist"] } it "emits an error" do message = <<~MESSAGE The installed cookbooks do not contain all the recipes required by your run list(s): Cookbook 'remote-cb' = 1.1.1 {:artifactserver=>"https://supermarket.example/c/remote-cb/1.1.1/download", :version=>"1.1.1"} is missing the following required recipes: * this_recipe_doesnt_exist * this_also_doesnt_exist You may have specified an incorrect recipe in your run list, or this recipe may not be available in that version of the cookbook MESSAGE expect { policyfile.install }.to raise_error do |e| expect(e).to be_a(ChefCLI::CookbookDoesNotContainRequiredRecipe) expect(e.message).to eq(message) end end end end end context "Given no local or git cookbooks, no default source, and an empty run list" do let(:run_list) { [] } it "has an empty set of demands" do expect(demands).to eq([]) end it "uses an empty universe for dependencies" do expect(policyfile.artifacts_graph).to eq({}) end it "has an empty solution" do expect(policyfile).to receive(:ensure_cache_dir_exists) expect(policyfile.graph_solution).to eq({}) end it "has an empty set of solution_dependencies" do expected_solution_deps = { "Policyfile" => [], "dependencies" => {}, } expect(policyfile.solution_dependencies.to_lock).to eq(expected_solution_deps) end end context "Given a run list and no local or git cookbooks" do let(:run_list) { ["remote-cb"] } context "with no default source" do it "fails to locate the cookbook" do expect { policyfile.graph_solution }.to raise_error(Solve::Errors::NoSolutionError) end context "when the policyfile also has a `cookbook` entry for the run list item" do before do policyfile.dsl.cookbook "remote-cb" end it "fails to locate the cookbook" do expect { policyfile.graph_solution }.to raise_error(Solve::Errors::NoSolutionError) end end end context "And the default source is the community site" do include_context "community default source" it "has an unconstrained demand on the required cookbooks" do expect(demands).to eq([["remote-cb", ">= 0.0.0"]]) end it "uses the community site universe for dependencies" do expect(policyfile.artifacts_graph).to eq(external_cookbook_universe) end it "uses the community cookbook in the solution" do expect(policyfile).to receive(:ensure_cache_dir_exists) expect(policyfile.graph_solution).to eq({ "remote-cb" => "1.1.1" }) end it "includes the cookbook in the solution dependencies" do expected_solution_deps = { "Policyfile" => [], "dependencies" => { "remote-cb (1.1.1)" => [] }, } expect(policyfile.solution_dependencies.to_lock).to eq(expected_solution_deps) end end context "And the default source is the chef-server" do include_context "chef server default source" it "has an unconstrained demand on the required cookbooks" do expect(demands).to eq([["remote-cb", ">= 0.0.0"]]) end it "uses the chef-server universe for dependencies" do expect(policyfile.artifacts_graph).to eq(external_cookbook_universe) end it "uses the chef-server cookbook in the solution" do expect(policyfile).to receive(:ensure_cache_dir_exists) expect(policyfile.graph_solution).to eq({ "remote-cb" => "1.1.1" }) end end end context "Given a local cookbook and only that cookbook in the run list" do let(:run_list) { ["local-cookbook"] } before do policyfile.dsl.cookbook("local-cookbook", path: "/foo") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:version).and_return("2.3.4") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:dependencies).and_return([]) allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:ensure_cached).and_return(true) end it "demands a solution using the local cookbook" do expect(demands).to eq([["local-cookbook", "= 2.3.4"]]) end it "includes the local cookbook in the artifact universe" do expected_artifacts_graph = { "local-cookbook" => { "2.3.4" => [] }, } expect(policyfile.artifacts_graph).to eq(expected_artifacts_graph) end it "includes the cookbook in the solution dependencies" do expected_solution_deps = { "Policyfile" => [ [ "local-cookbook", ">= 0.0.0" ] ], "dependencies" => { "local-cookbook (2.3.4)" => [] }, } expect(policyfile.solution_dependencies.to_lock).to eq(expected_solution_deps) end end context "Given a local cookbook with a dependency and only the local cookbook in the run list" do let(:run_list) { ["local-cookbook"] } context "And the default source is the community site" do include_context "community default source" before do policyfile.dsl.cookbook("local-cookbook", path: "foo/") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:ensure_cached) allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:version).and_return("2.3.4") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:dependencies).and_return([ [ "local-cookbook-dep-one", "~> 1.0"] ]) end it "demands a solution using the local cookbook" do expect(demands).to eq([["local-cookbook", "= 2.3.4"]]) end it "overrides the community site universe with the local cookbook and its dependencies" do expected_artifacts_graph = external_cookbook_universe.dup expected_artifacts_graph["local-cookbook"] = { "2.3.4" => [ [ "local-cookbook-dep-one", "~> 1.0" ] ], } expect(policyfile.artifacts_graph).to eq(expected_artifacts_graph) end it "uses the local cookbook in the solution and gets dependencies remotely" do expect(policyfile).to receive(:ensure_cache_dir_exists) expect(policyfile.graph_solution).to eq({ "local-cookbook" => "2.3.4", "local-cookbook-dep-one" => "1.5.0" }) end it "includes the cookbook and dependencies in the solution dependencies" do expected_solution_deps = { "Policyfile" => [ [ "local-cookbook", ">= 0.0.0" ] ], "dependencies" => { "local-cookbook (2.3.4)" => [[ "local-cookbook-dep-one", "~> 1.0"]], "local-cookbook-dep-one (1.5.0)" => [], }, } expect(policyfile.solution_dependencies.to_lock).to eq(expected_solution_deps) end end context "And the default source is the chef server" do include_context "chef server default source" before do policyfile.dsl.cookbook("local-cookbook", path: "foo/") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:ensure_cached) allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:version).and_return("2.3.4") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:dependencies).and_return([ [ "local-cookbook-dep-one", "~> 1.0"] ]) end it "demands a solution using the local cookbook" do expect(demands).to eq([["local-cookbook", "= 2.3.4"]]) end it "overrides the chef server universe with the local cookbook and its dependencies" do # all versions of "local-cookbook" from the cookbook site universe # should be removed so we won't run into trouble if there's a community # cookbook with the same name and version but different deps. expected_artifacts_graph = external_cookbook_universe.dup expected_artifacts_graph["local-cookbook"] = { "2.3.4" => [ [ "local-cookbook-dep-one", "~> 1.0" ] ], } expect(policyfile.artifacts_graph).to eq(expected_artifacts_graph) end it "uses the local cookbook in the solution and gets dependencies remotely" do expect(policyfile).to receive(:ensure_cache_dir_exists) expect(policyfile.graph_solution).to eq({ "local-cookbook" => "2.3.4", "local-cookbook-dep-one" => "1.6.0" }) end it "includes the cookbook and dependencies in the solution dependencies" do expected_solution_deps = { "Policyfile" => [ [ "local-cookbook", ">= 0.0.0" ] ], "dependencies" => { "local-cookbook (2.3.4)" => [[ "local-cookbook-dep-one", "~> 1.0"]], "local-cookbook-dep-one (1.6.0)" => [], }, } expect(policyfile.solution_dependencies.to_lock).to eq(expected_solution_deps) end end end context "Given a git-sourced cookbook with no dependencies and only the git cookbook in the run list" do let(:run_list) { ["git-sourced-cookbook"] } before do policyfile.dsl.cookbook("git-sourced-cookbook", git: "git://git.example.org:user/a-cookbook.git") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("git-sourced-cookbook")).to receive(:ensure_cached) allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("git-sourced-cookbook")).to receive(:version).and_return("8.6.7") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("git-sourced-cookbook")).to receive(:dependencies).and_return([ ]) end it "demands a solution using the git sourced cookbook" do expect(demands).to eq([["git-sourced-cookbook", "= 8.6.7"]]) end it "includes the git-sourced cookbook in the universe graph" do expected_artifacts_graph = { "git-sourced-cookbook" => { "8.6.7" => [ ] }, } expect(policyfile.artifacts_graph).to eq(expected_artifacts_graph) end it "uses the git sourced cookbook in the solution" do expect(policyfile).to receive(:ensure_cache_dir_exists) expect(policyfile.graph_solution).to eq({ "git-sourced-cookbook" => "8.6.7" }) end it "includes the cookbook and dependencies in the solution dependencies" do expected_solution_deps = { "Policyfile" => [ [ "git-sourced-cookbook", ">= 0.0.0" ] ], "dependencies" => { "git-sourced-cookbook (8.6.7)" => [], }, } expect(policyfile.solution_dependencies.to_lock).to eq(expected_solution_deps) end end context "Given a git-sourced cookbook with a dependency and only the git cookbook in the run list" do let(:run_list) { ["git-sourced-cookbook"] } before do policyfile.dsl.cookbook("git-sourced-cookbook", git: "git://git.example.org:user/a-cookbook.git") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("git-sourced-cookbook")).to receive(:ensure_cached) allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("git-sourced-cookbook")).to receive(:version).and_return("8.6.7") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("git-sourced-cookbook")).to receive(:dependencies).and_return([ ["git-sourced-cookbook-dep", "~> 2.2" ] ]) end context "And the default source is the community site" do include_context "community default source" it "demands a solution using the git sourced cookbook" do expect(demands).to eq([["git-sourced-cookbook", "= 8.6.7"]]) end it "overrides the community site universe with the git-sourced cookbook and deps" do expected_artifacts_graph = external_cookbook_universe.dup expected_artifacts_graph["git-sourced-cookbook"] = { "8.6.7" => [ ["git-sourced-cookbook-dep", "~> 2.2" ] ], } expect(policyfile.artifacts_graph).to eq(expected_artifacts_graph) end it "uses the git sourced cookbook with remote dependencies in the solution" do expect(policyfile).to receive(:ensure_cache_dir_exists) expect(policyfile.graph_solution).to eq({ "git-sourced-cookbook" => "8.6.7", "git-sourced-cookbook-dep" => "2.8.0" }) end it "includes the cookbook and dependencies in the solution dependencies" do expected_solution_deps = { "Policyfile" => [ [ "git-sourced-cookbook", ">= 0.0.0" ] ], "dependencies" => { "git-sourced-cookbook (8.6.7)" => [ [ "git-sourced-cookbook-dep", "~> 2.2" ] ], "git-sourced-cookbook-dep (2.8.0)" => [], }, } expect(policyfile.solution_dependencies.to_lock).to eq(expected_solution_deps) end end context "And the default source is the chef server" do include_context "chef server default source" it "demands a solution using the git sourced cookbook" do expect(demands).to eq([["git-sourced-cookbook", "= 8.6.7"]]) end it "overrides the chef server universe with the git-sourced cookbook and deps" do expected_artifacts_graph = external_cookbook_universe.dup expected_artifacts_graph["git-sourced-cookbook"] = { "8.6.7" => [ ["git-sourced-cookbook-dep", "~> 2.2" ] ], } expect(policyfile.artifacts_graph).to eq(expected_artifacts_graph) end it "uses the git sourced cookbook with remote dependencies in the solution" do expect(policyfile).to receive(:ensure_cache_dir_exists) expect(policyfile.graph_solution).to eq({ "git-sourced-cookbook" => "8.6.7", "git-sourced-cookbook-dep" => "2.9.0" }) end it "includes the cookbook and dependencies in the solution dependencies" do expected_solution_deps = { "Policyfile" => [ [ "git-sourced-cookbook", ">= 0.0.0" ] ], "dependencies" => { "git-sourced-cookbook (8.6.7)" => [ [ "git-sourced-cookbook-dep", "~> 2.2" ] ], "git-sourced-cookbook-dep (2.9.0)" => [], }, } expect(policyfile.solution_dependencies.to_lock).to eq(expected_solution_deps) end end end context "Given a local cookbook with a run list containing the local cookbook and another cookbook" do let(:run_list) { %w{local-cookbook remote-cb} } before do policyfile.dsl.cookbook("local-cookbook", path: "foo/") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:ensure_cached) allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:version).and_return("2.3.4") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:dependencies).and_return([]) end context "And the default source is the community site" do include_context "community default source" it "demands a solution with the local cookbook and any version of the other cookbook" do expect(demands).to eq([["local-cookbook", "= 2.3.4"], ["remote-cb", ">= 0.0.0"]]) end it "overrides the community universe with the local cookbook and deps" do expected_artifacts_graph = external_cookbook_universe.dup expected_artifacts_graph["local-cookbook"] = { "2.3.4" => [ ] } expect(policyfile.artifacts_graph).to eq(expected_artifacts_graph) end it "uses the locally specified cookbook and remote cookbooks in the solution" do expect(policyfile).to receive(:ensure_cache_dir_exists) expect(policyfile.graph_solution).to eq({ "local-cookbook" => "2.3.4", "remote-cb" => "1.1.1" }) end it "includes the cookbook and dependencies in the solution dependencies" do expected_solution_deps = { "Policyfile" => [ [ "local-cookbook", ">= 0.0.0" ] ], "dependencies" => { "local-cookbook (2.3.4)" => [], "remote-cb (1.1.1)" => [], }, } expect(policyfile.solution_dependencies.to_lock).to eq(expected_solution_deps) end end context "And the default source is the chef server" do include_context "chef server default source" it "demands a solution with the local cookbook and any version of the other cookbook" do expect(demands).to eq([["local-cookbook", "= 2.3.4"], ["remote-cb", ">= 0.0.0"]]) end it "overrides the chef-server universe with the local cookbook and deps" do expected_artifacts_graph = external_cookbook_universe.dup expected_artifacts_graph["local-cookbook"] = { "2.3.4" => [ ] } expect(policyfile.artifacts_graph).to eq(expected_artifacts_graph) end it "uses the locally specified cookbook and remote cookbooks in the solution" do expect(policyfile).to receive(:ensure_cache_dir_exists) expect(policyfile.graph_solution).to eq({ "local-cookbook" => "2.3.4", "remote-cb" => "1.1.1" }) end it "includes the cookbook and dependencies in the solution dependencies" do expected_solution_deps = { "Policyfile" => [ [ "local-cookbook", ">= 0.0.0" ] ], "dependencies" => { "local-cookbook (2.3.4)" => [], "remote-cb (1.1.1)" => [], }, } expect(policyfile.solution_dependencies.to_lock).to eq(expected_solution_deps) end end end context "given a cookbook with a version constraint in the policyfile" do include_context "community default source" let(:run_list) { ["remote-cb"] } before do policyfile.dsl.cookbook("remote-cb", "~> 0.1") end it "demands a solution that matches the version constraint in the policyfile" do expect(demands).to eq([["remote-cb", "~> 0.1"]]) end it "emits a solution that satisfies the policyfile constraint" do expect(policyfile).to receive(:ensure_cache_dir_exists) expect(policyfile.graph_solution).to eq({ "remote-cb" => "0.1.0" }) end it "includes the policyfile constraint in the solution dependencies" do expected_solution_deps = { "Policyfile" => [ [ "remote-cb", "~> 0.1" ] ], "dependencies" => { "remote-cb (0.1.0)" => [], }, } expect(policyfile.solution_dependencies.to_lock).to eq(expected_solution_deps) end end context "given a cookbook that isn't in the run list is specified with a version constraint in the policyfile" do include_context "community default source" let(:run_list) { ["local-cookbook"] } before do policyfile.dsl.cookbook("remote-cb", "~> 0.1") policyfile.dsl.cookbook("local-cookbook", path: "foo/") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:ensure_cached) allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:version).and_return("2.3.4") allow(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("local-cookbook")).to receive(:dependencies).and_return([]) end it "demands a solution that matches the version constraint in the policyfile" do expect(demands).to eq([["local-cookbook", "= 2.3.4"], ["remote-cb", "~> 0.1"]]) end it "emits a solution that satisfies the policyfile constraint" do expect(policyfile).to receive(:ensure_cache_dir_exists) expect(policyfile.graph_solution).to eq({ "local-cookbook" => "2.3.4", "remote-cb" => "0.1.0" }) end it "includes the policyfile constraint in the solution dependencies" do expected_solution_deps = { "Policyfile" => [ [ "local-cookbook", ">= 0.0.0" ], [ "remote-cb", "~> 0.1" ] ], "dependencies" => { "local-cookbook (2.3.4)" => [], "remote-cb (0.1.0)" => [], }, } expect(policyfile.solution_dependencies.to_lock).to eq(expected_solution_deps) end end context "Given a run_list and named run_lists" do before do policyfile.dsl.named_run_list(:foo, "local-cookbook", "nginx") policyfile.dsl.named_run_list(:bar, "remote-cb", "nginx") policyfile.dsl.run_list("private-cookbook", "nginx") end it "demands a solution that satisfies all of the run lists, with no duplicates" do expect(policyfile.graph_demands).to include(["private-cookbook", ">= 0.0.0"]) expect(policyfile.graph_demands).to include(["nginx", ">= 0.0.0"]) expect(policyfile.graph_demands).to include(["remote-cb", ">= 0.0.0"]) expect(policyfile.graph_demands).to include(["local-cookbook", ">= 0.0.0"]) # ensure there are no duplicates: expected_demands = [["private-cookbook", ">= 0.0.0"], ["nginx", ">= 0.0.0"], ["local-cookbook", ">= 0.0.0"], ["remote-cb", ">= 0.0.0"]] expect(policyfile.graph_demands).to eq(expected_demands) end end context "when using multiple default sources" do include_context "community default source" let(:run_list) { %w{repo-cookbook-one remote-cb remote-cb-two} } before do policyfile.default_source(:chef_repo, "path/to/repo") allow(policyfile.default_source.last).to receive(:universe_graph).and_return(repo_cookbook_universe) end context "when the graphs don't conflict" do before do # This is on the community site policyfile.dsl.cookbook("remote-cb") end let(:repo_cookbook_universe) do { "repo-cookbook-one" => { "1.0.0" => [ ], }, "repo-cookbook-two" => { "9.9.9" => [ ["repo-cookbook-on-community-dep", "= 1.0.0"] ], }, "private-cookbook" => { "0.1.0" => [ ], }, } end it "merges the graphs" do merged = policyfile.remote_artifacts_graph expected = external_cookbook_universe.merge(repo_cookbook_universe) expect(merged).to eq(expected) end it "solves the graph demands using cookbooks from both sources" do expected = { "repo-cookbook-one" => "1.0.0", "remote-cb" => "1.1.1", "remote-cb-two" => "1.1.1" } expect(policyfile.graph_solution).to eq(expected) end it "finds the location of a cookbook declared via explicit `cookbook` with no source options" do community_source = policyfile.default_source.first expected_source_options = { artifactserver: "https://chef.example/url", version: "1.1.1" } expect(community_source).to be_a(ChefCLI::Policyfile::CommunityCookbookSource) expect(community_source).to receive(:source_options_for) .with("remote-cb", "1.1.1") .and_return(expected_source_options) location_spec = policyfile.create_spec_for_cookbook("remote-cb", "1.1.1") expect(location_spec.source_options).to eq(expected_source_options) end it "sources cookbooks from the correct source when the cookbook doesn't have a `cookbook` entry" do # these don't have `cookbook` entries in the Policyfile.rb, so they are nil expect(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("repo-cookbook-one")).to be_nil expect(policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("remote-cb-two")).to be_nil # We have to stub #source_options_for or else we'd need to stub the # source options data inside the source object. That's getting a bit # too deep into the source object's internals. expected_repo_options = { path: "path/to/cookbook", version: "1.0.0" } repo_source = policyfile.default_source.last expect(repo_source).to be_a(ChefCLI::Policyfile::ChefRepoCookbookSource) expect(repo_source).to receive(:source_options_for) .with("repo-cookbook-one", "1.0.0") .and_return(expected_repo_options) repo_cb_location = policyfile.create_spec_for_cookbook("repo-cookbook-one", "1.0.0") expect(repo_cb_location.source_options).to eq(expected_repo_options) expected_server_options = { artifactserver: "https://chef.example/url", version: "1.1.1" } community_source = policyfile.default_source.first expect(community_source).to be_a(ChefCLI::Policyfile::CommunityCookbookSource) expect(community_source).to receive(:source_options_for) .with("remote-cb-two", "1.1.1") .and_return(expected_server_options) remote_cb_location = policyfile.create_spec_for_cookbook("remote-cb-two", "1.1.1") expect(remote_cb_location.source_options).to eq(expected_server_options) end end context "when the graphs conflict" do let(:repo_cookbook_universe) do { "repo-cookbook-one" => { "1.0.0" => [ ], }, "repo-cookbook-two" => { "9.9.9" => [ ["repo-cookbook-on-community-dep", "= 1.0.0"] ], }, "private-cookbook" => { "0.1.0" => [ ], }, # NOTE: cookbooks are considered to conflict when both sources have # cookbooks with the same name, regardless of whether any version # numbers overlap. # # The before block does the equivalent to putting this in the # Policyfile.rb: # # cookbook "remote-cb" # # This makes the compiler take a slightly different code path than if # the cookbook was just in the dep graphs. "remote-cb" => { "99.99.99" => [ ], }, # This also conflicts, but only via the graphs "remote-cb-two" => { "1.2.3" => [ ], }, # This has a dependency on a conflicting cookbook "dep_on_conflicting_cookbook" => { # Only the older cookbook has the conflicting dep, however we don't # know how the dependency solver will solve this without doing more # inspection of the graph, so the expected behavior is to error if # any possible solution could have a conflict. "1.0.0" => [ ["remote-cb-two", ">= 0.0.0" ] ], "2.0.0" => [ ], }, } end context "and the conflicting cookbook is in the run list" do let(:run_list) { %w{repo-cookbook-one remote-cb remote-cb-two} } context "and no explicit source is given for the conflicting cookbook" do before do # This is on the community site policyfile.dsl.cookbook("remote-cb") end it "raises an error describing the conflict" do repo_path = File.expand_path("path/to/repo") expected_err = <<~ERROR Source supermarket(https://supermarket.chef.io) and chef_repo(#{repo_path}) contain conflicting cookbooks: - remote-cb - remote-cb-two You can set a preferred source to resolve this issue with code like: default_source :supermarket, "https://supermarket.chef.io" do |s| s.preferred_for "remote-cb", "remote-cb-two" end ERROR expect { policyfile.remote_artifacts_graph }.to raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(ChefCLI::CookbookSourceConflict) expect(error.message).to eq(expected_err) end end end context "and the conflicting cookbook has an explicit source in the Policyfile" do before do # This is on the community site policyfile.dsl.cookbook("remote-cb", path: "path/to/remote-cb") policyfile.dsl.cookbook("remote-cb-two", git: "git://git.example:user/remote-cb-two.git") policyfile.error! end it "solves the graph" do expect { policyfile.remote_artifacts_graph }.to_not raise_error end it "assigns the correct source options to the cookbook" do remote_cb_source_opts = policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("remote-cb").source_options expect(remote_cb_source_opts).to eq(path: "path/to/remote-cb") remote_cb_two_source_opts = policyfile.cookbook_location_spec_for("remote-cb-two").source_options expect(remote_cb_two_source_opts).to eq(git: "git://git.example:user/remote-cb-two.git") end end context "and the conflicting cookbook has a preferred source" do let(:community_source) { policyfile.dsl.default_source.first } let(:repo_source) { policyfile.dsl.default_source.last } let(:full_universe_graph) do { "remote-cb" => { "1.1.1" => { "download_url" => "https://supermarket.chef.io/api/v1/cookbooks/remote-cb/versions/1.1.1/download", }, }, } end let(:cookbook_version_paths) do { "remote-cb-two" => { "1.1.1" => "path/to/repo/remote-cb-two", }, } end before do community_source.preferred_for "remote-cb" allow(community_source).to receive(:full_community_graph).and_return(full_universe_graph) allow(repo_source).to receive(:cookbook_version_paths).and_return(cookbook_version_paths) repo_source.preferred_for "remote-cb-two" end it "solves the graph" do expect { policyfile.remote_artifacts_graph }.to_not raise_error end it "assigns the correct source options to the cookbook" do expected_remote_cb_source_opts = { artifactserver: "https://supermarket.chef.io/api/v1/cookbooks/remote-cb/versions/1.1.1/download", version: "1.1.1", } actual_remote_cb_source_opts = policyfile.create_spec_for_cookbook("remote-cb", "1.1.1").source_options expect(actual_remote_cb_source_opts).to eq(expected_remote_cb_source_opts) expected_remote_cb_two_source_opts = { path: "path/to/repo/remote-cb-two", version: "1.1.1", } actual_remote_cb_two_source_opts = policyfile.create_spec_for_cookbook("remote-cb-two", "1.1.1").source_options expect(actual_remote_cb_two_source_opts).to eq(expected_remote_cb_two_source_opts) end end end context "when top-level cookbooks don't conflict, but dependencies could" do let(:run_list) { [ "dep_on_conflicting_cookbook" ] } it "raises an error describing the conflict" do repo_path = File.expand_path("path/to/repo") expected_err = <<~ERROR Source supermarket(https://supermarket.chef.io) and chef_repo(#{repo_path}) contain conflicting cookbooks: - remote-cb-two You can set a preferred source to resolve this issue with code like: default_source :supermarket, "https://supermarket.chef.io" do |s| s.preferred_for "remote-cb-two" end ERROR expect { policyfile.remote_artifacts_graph }.to raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(ChefCLI::CookbookSourceConflict) expect(error.message).to eq(expected_err) end end end context "when the conflicting cookbook could not be in the solution set" do let(:run_list) { [ "local_cookbook" ] } it "creates the merged graph without error" do expect { policyfile.remote_artifacts_graph }.to_not raise_error expect { policyfile.graph }.to_not raise_error end it "has an empty set of artifacts for the conflicting cookbook" do expect(policyfile.remote_artifacts_graph["remote-cb"]).to eq({}) expect(policyfile.remote_artifacts_graph["remote-cb-two"]).to eq({}) end end end end end