# PageTitleHelper provides an +ActionView+ helper method to simplify adding # custom titles to pages. # # Author:: Lukas Westermann # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Lukas Westermann (Zurich, Switzerland) # Licence:: MIT-Licence (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) # # See documentation for +page_title+ for usage examples and more informations. # PageTitleHelper module PageTitleHelper module Interpolations # Represents the environment which is passed into each interpolation call. class TitleEnv < ::Struct.new(:options, :view, :controller, :title); end extend self def self.interpolate(pattern, *args) instance_methods(false).sort.reverse.inject(pattern.to_s.dup) do |result, tag| result.gsub(/:#{tag}/) do |match| send(tag, *args) end end end def app(env) env.options[:app] || I18n.translate(:'app.name', :default => File.basename(RAILS_ROOT).humanize) end def title(env) env.title end end # Add new, custom, interpolation. def self.interpolates(key, &block) Interpolations.send(:define_method, key, &block) end # Default options, which are globally referenced and can # be changed globally, which might be useful in some cases. def self.options @options ||= { :format => :default, :default => :'app.tagline', :suffix => :title } end # Defined alias formats, pretty useful. def self.formats @formats ||= { :app => ":app", :default => ':title - :app', :title => ":title" } end def page_title(options = nil, &block) if block_given? # define title @_page_title = yield return @_page_title.is_a?(Array) ? @_page_title.first : @_page_title end options = PageTitleHelper.options.merge(options || {}).symbolize_keys! options[:format] ||= :title # handles :format => false options.assert_valid_keys(:app, :suffix, :default, :format) # construct basic env to pass around env = Interpolations::TitleEnv.new(options, self, self.controller) # read page title and split into 'real' title and customized format env.title = @_page_title || I18n.translate(i18n_template_key(options[:suffix]), :default => options[:default]) env.title, options[:format] = *(env.title << options[:format]) if env.title.is_a?(Array) # handle format aliases format = options[:format] format = PageTitleHelper.formats[format] if PageTitleHelper.formats.include?(format) # interpolate format Interpolations.interpolate format, env end protected # Access +ActionView+s internal @_first_render variable, to access # template first rendered, this is to help create the DRY-I18n-titles magic, # and also kind of a hack, because this really seems to be some sort if # internal variable, that's why it's "abstracted" away as well. # # Also ensure that the extensions (like .html.erb or # .html.haml) have been stripped of and translated in the sense # of converting / to .. def first_render_path_translated @_first_render.template_path.gsub(/\.[^\/]*\Z/, '').tr('/', '.') end def i18n_template_key(suffix = nil) first_render_path_translated + (suffix.present? ? ".#{suffix}" : "") end end # tie stuff together if Object.const_defined?('ActionView') ActionView::Base.send(:include, PageTitleHelper) end